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Everything posted by RodneyRodriguez

  1. We had a great radio partnership with KOKE in the CTS days, when MA had THR she did great ads on KVET.
  2. Radio still very powerful most stations have apps for listeners to check in on, the sports station in Austin I work for has massive numbers from our station app.
  3. Yep great point Prof, have seen it many times. I've been thrown out by the best of them, usually it was a valid reason.
  4. Great points Mike, I can tell you that is a big part of what has made COTA begin to reach it's potential. Ricky Brooks invited me out to the Trans Am event in November and being there in a not so crowded time I walked the place and had no idea of all the other non racing things there.
  5. Donnie Wilson said there are too many rules for SLM... I tend to agree but what do I know?
  6. One gun drilled bolt? Thoughts on this the rules do say you cannot have those?
  7. Brand new thread for us to keep us with racing around us thanks Nick for getting this rolling. I'll have in depth Snowball coverage from Pensacola you all check in and feel free to post dirt and pavement news from around the country!
  8. Well we are winding down another season. Let's reflect and highlight some positives, I'll start: ~I love seeing South Texas race tracks working hand in hand to build better car counts and deliver the best shows for their customers. ~ Lots of classes/divisions are thriving I hope rule makers are able to keep this trend. ~ There is still hope for pavement racing in Texas, I think this seems to be on track to keep it rolling. ~ LSSZ is still thriving, let's all continue to push people here.
  9. Yeah that's a good problem, new TV deal is going to break the bank. They are doing just fine.
  10. Chad Knaus never left, Johnson drove the car.
  11. JJ announced he will become partial owner of Petty/GMS and will compete a part-time schedule in '23 beginning with the Daytona 500. That is MASSIVE!
  12. What y'all think of Austin Hill coldcocking Myatt Snyder?
  13. The Gibbs thing? Nothing new that's racing now. Hell I give him credit as much as I don't want to he owned the move.
  14. somewhere the great Carl Edwards said see I knew that shit would work.
  15. Glad the Cowboys are off next Sunday to tempt me to switch back and forth. This one gonna get good.
  16. Makes lots of sense what you say Josh, look at Tiger Woods. Same situation that stuff stays with you. I know 90% of the people don't like him NOW but I remember when he was on short tracks he had lots of raving fans.
  17. Now that this has passed I wish Bubba would hire the services of someone like Tony Dungy or a great sports therapist to teach him how to handle adversity, loss, tragedy all the things he can't cope with. From what I gather the dude "don't need help" he says. I think many of us can relate to that thought.
  18. Like spec shocks and stuff. One tire a week rules lol
  19. I'm glad they hate it, if Logano, Hamlin, etc were winning all the races people would call it boring. The 3, 43 and 17 cars are winners. This cars should be called the Equalizer.
  20. Great night for sure, crowd was on fire. Now, the major stumbling block for latest efforts not just in Houston (yes you SAS fans and drivers) Race 2 October 15th. Need that same car and fan count.
  21. Playoff time, had the chance to talk to the champ Monday, I think I threw him off a little midway when I went to short track racing but you can hear the excitement in his voice.
  22. That property getting valuable or more valuable by the day. Love that location always had thoughts of a 1/4-3/8 oval and some motocross action happening there BUT it's all about the $. Great potential for a true motorsports complex in an ideal location, but TWS was in an ideal location too, so they thought.
  23. Tells me he plans to plant his ass at the night race?
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