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Here we go again----Danica


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Thats my entire point CC57. It's all about the money. ARCA wouldnt be on TV if they didnt have commercial spots sold for the race. And they make money by being on TV. So they buy a ton of spots so it can be televised and NASCAR can make money. So once again I will say, It's all about the money.


Heres how it works. :)

1. Have a race

2. Get people all excited about it

3. Now advertisers will buy spots since a ton of people are excited about it and will actually watch the race so they wont waiste thier money on buying bad spots.

4. NASCAR gets on TV due to commercials being bought which makes them money.


I have only watched 1 ARCA race ever on TV. This was it. I didnt really like it a lot due to the hype and time given to her. I really only watched to see how she would do and how long it would be for her to make a mistake and screw up. But she drove safe like instructed and nothng happened. I wont watch another ARCA race if it's an all Danica channel.

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Did I miss something here? Isn't that why they call it commercial television? Isn't that why they invented television in the first place? Bill France didn't invent nascar because he was bored. He did it to make money, right?


By the way, I've only ever watched one ARCA race on TV too, last saturday's race. Different reasons, but we both watched it, just the same. You seem bitter because she didn't fail. How sad.

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That was an ARCA race, not a Nascar race. I dont know about ARCA's TV deal, but in Nascar, the television revenues are split 65% to track owners, 25% to drivers and 10% to Nascar. So it does not matter who the hype is all about, it matters that there is something to bring people to the table to buy the commercial spots. I dont know why anyone would be against a cash cow. Who really cares who brings the revenue in to the sport as long as it gets done and there is still a great TV package available so that the fans can watch it? Most people who own a business want the best salesman on their team, they dont want them working for the competition.

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Sponsors want exposure for their product which the drivers try to provide with good results. Drivers want exposure to sponsors so they can obtain sponsorship and be able to race. More people equals more exposure for everyone. Good for all involved.


And Papa, 9 out of 10 kids knowing a drivers name in Racing even if its only Jr or Danica means the scheme is working. It would have been a negative if only 1 out of 10 could name one



Edit to add: The media is shoving Danica down our throats, not Nascar. The dont like it anymore than others but she "is" the story

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First, I truly want to believe that France started NASCAR because he wanted to see good ole boys have a place to bring their hot rods and race each other every week. The end result giving the people a good race. Maybe he did just start the series to get rich, but I don't like to think of it that way.


I must say, Danica impressed me. I'm not a big ARCA fan because I think if you have money you will be at the front, especially at a 2.5 mile race track. But, in the end, I was impressed with her patience. If she makes a good showing Saturday in a more competitive series, then I will change my mind about them giving her a chance to race. I still believe that there are thousands of drivers out there who can drive better and can attract sponsors. In the end, my opinion is that in 2 or 3 years she will be back in IRL with Franchitti.

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I think France had a vision but had no idea how big the sport would become.

And I will agree that it wont be long until Danica is back in IRL solely. But I do believe that Danica earned her opportunity with her success in open wheel cars and has been racing for longer than many realize. What she ends up doing with it will be known in the near future. Go Daddy sponsorship was already in place at JR motorsports and I am sure there were talks with them about who would end up driving cars with their name on it. Of course Jr. will run some races with their sponsorship and Kelly Bires may be a deserving driver. But it makes sense from their standpoint to want Danica in the car based on her draw and fan base. The truth is, she could probably bring sponsorship with her if it came to that. There arent alot of unproven drivers that bring that to the table. And in reality all she has to do is not completely embarrass herself in the process. I could see it going both ways. She could do well enough to satisfy her sponsors and the publics curiosity to call the whole deal a success. She could also get banged up a few times and quickly realize that this type of racing isnt her deal. Lets see where she stands a few months from now, should be fun to watch

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So let her beat the top guys at the top level. Then I will give her credit which she will deserve. Just dont push her on me because it makes them money.


All I hear when they keep pumping her up to us is, BLAH BLAH BLAH, Nails on a chalkboard.

your my new friend ..............



PAPA ONE said it was working ...if those kids only know two drivers .then it isnt working . sponsors of other teams dont want that either ..not good for the sport ..when i was that young i could name off alot more than the kids today ....so what happend ....change is good .you have to change . but shoot not where the sport has gone now . how popular one or two drivers are .need ten or more popular drivers those kids can name .... that wont happen with the current set up ..

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Hummm, those are some pretty high standards she is being held to. She must first win a cup race ........ "beat the top guys at the top level" ................ before you will give her any credit. Right?


Hell, you could probably eliminate half the starting field of the Daytona 500 with that standard. OR, is that standard FOR WOMEN DRIVERS ONLY?



My Oh My, how this thread just keeps gittin' innerstener and innerstener. B)

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... PAPA ONE said it was working ...if those kids only know two drivers .then it isnt working . sponsors of other teams dont want that either ..not good for the sport ..when i was that young i could name off alot more than the kids today ....so what happend ....change is good .you have to change . but shoot not where the sport has gone now . how popular one or two drivers are .need ten or more popular drivers those kids can name .... that wont happen with the current set up ..


OT, these kids probably didnt grow up at the track like many of us here did. The whole idea through proper marketing is to make them able to name more than a few. Makes them money Blah. blah. blah. That is what it is all about man. Danica in a Go Daddy stock car will make the sponsor money and that is what they are after,and why they put their name and money on a car. Simple business, why is that so hard for people to appreciate? How many sponsors lose money by spending it on racing? Probably a bunch more than we realize



And Budman, that standard is for those that dont like Nascar's changes over the years and spew every chance they get whether its for the right reason or not. Nascar isnt what it was nor will it ever be. Danica has nothing to do with that

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She has only won 1 IRL race.


....and correct me if I'm wrong(Buddy) :lol: ....but wasn't that Motegi race won on fuel stategy anyway?


Danicamania = Obama's Health Care debacle....both getting unwantingly shoved down our throats!!! <_<


There are many guys that never get the chance, that have more/equal talent/abilities simply because they don't have a nice.......well you know....Think about guys like Colt, Bradley, even Casey and what they might be able accomplish if they had the same opportunity, support, funding, etc.



NA$CAR's changes have ruined the sport....PERIOD....It's not a matter of accepting change, to me anyway. COT, top 35, Chase, frozen fields, dropping of REAL race tracks, split pit stops(NCWTS)......ALL SUCK!!!......It isn't racing anymore....It's WWE on wheels.


I still say if they want/NEED the revenue that bad.....create an all Danica channel....and leave the race alone!!!!....Hell they could even make it pay-per-view so all the Kool Aid drinkers could have their fix.

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Buddy....I'll take that as an "I was right on Motegi" reply......


Sucks when I'm right..... :P:lol:


Hell even Derrick Cope got lucky once.....


If you like watching something you once loved being ruined all for the almighty dollar....That's on you, not me.


How much more 21st century than pay-per-view can you get?

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I once commented to Eddie Gossage that NASCAR did a good job of promoting its drivers, but he pointed out that NASCAR doesn't promote anything but NASCAR. It's the sponsors who promote the drivers and make them well known. Would I prefer that drvers make it on talent? Of course. I'd also like for singers to make it on talent, and politicians to tell the truth and not just spount what will get them elected, and for voters to realize where the power and, therefore, the responsibility lies, and it aint with the president, regardless of party.

But that's not the world we live in, drivers are buying rides, singers have to work hard and get lucky, and the voters have never read the U. S. Constitution. Racing is so hard to get into that you use everything you can.

On another note, some of you might want to read up some on her racing background. For example, only two American drivers have finished as high as second in the Brands Hatch Formula F Festival. One is Indy 500 winner Danny Sullivan, the other is Danica Patrick.

I doubt many people on this forum have even heard of the Festival, but despite that, it is one of the most important racing events in the world.

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Amazing! Danica's nice "you know" is what got her this opportunity. Her background in racing that includes being the "only" woman to win an Indy car race whether it be fuel strategy or whatever. Several good race drivers have a small list of wins with fuel strategy wins being the cause of some. Some that might be better have no wins. 16 top 5's, 46 top 10's, in 81 Indy starts, surely qualifies her to be in the sport versus the stats of some you mentioned although I am not discrediting any of them because they deserve an opportunity. Nascar wants/Needs revenue badly as all businesses in the current economy does during these trying times. The "MEDIA" are the ones that have created the current circus yet Nascar is being blamed for doing what makes sense economically.

All they did was allow a recogized driver to come and give it a shot in fendered cars where many open wheeled drivers have failed. They have nothing to lose and she has plenty to lose in reputation while the sponsors smile on their way to the bank. There is no Danica channel, its called television and we all have the right to switch channels. I dont drink Kool-Aid and I have never been a WWE fan. Havent watched it in years so I have no idea what its like. I also dont pay a dime for any of the races I watch on television . Old school or Old ****?

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Dear lord some of you are sooo in love with her, you just arent getting my point or others points here. That NASCAR knows it's hurting sooo bad ( which they are ) that they have to resort to putting thier near future on one little girls shoulders. And they are making it very obvious. If this were some guy from THR or and level of racing, would they get this kind of hype to draw ratings? NO.. THats the point I am trying to get accross. And yes this pulled new or more viewers for the race. But not for the race which is what we should be interested in. They sucked us in for the circus they created and I couldnt wait to see the tent collapse. They should be trying to get fans for thier racing. NOT one girl and all her money she brings. For me, it's sad times for the series.


Oh, and some of us with this view arent just kids. ;) We just have our eyes open and the wool blanket fell off our heads.

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LM20, That was an ARCA race you are referring to. Not Nascar. And every driver around has the same opportunity that she does. The self-pity deal get old. Anyone can put a deal together, get the funding, and go race ARCA or Nascar. Some talented drivers are not very successful at funding, some less talented are good at it. It takes a little of both.


I can tell you one thing for sure, I would rather stay at home and watch racing on television than expose my kids to the people that are spreading hate and racing at the local tracks. I find it hard to believe that anyone would feel that way against someone bringing life back into the game. I am not sure where you race LM 20, but I can assure you that the promoters working their tales off do not need the kind of publicity that the hate game brings. They deserve better.

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I'm not hating on anyone. If they want to get people back in the seats then make the racing fun to watch again. Dont hang the series on 1 person like they are doing. Stop spoon feeding us 1 person. My wife called me this morning and there is already a Danica Barbie doll for sale. They just keep on shoving dont they. I know my stomach is full.

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