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aaron and i both apologize.... we got tied up in garage work.... when we came back both comps were "forbidden"... now we're back online and trying to kick some hind tail!













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waddy, i think it has to do with the amount of users on the ASA voting site.. their server cant keep updated with the amount of traffic, so it starts to randomly reject people... soooo... we've (aaron and i) have basically just trucked through the forbidden's and kept goin... it will work eventually






voting ends 8am tomorrow

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What is the deal. We vote and it takes 30 seconds or more to count. Are they holding us up or something. This is WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just got thru...finally


I'm not really sure but...


I think it's so odd that were only getting about 10 votes a click right now and everybody is having a hard time getting thru and somehow or another they are getting thru just fine and moving at about 100 votes a click.


smells like fish?? anybody else smell it? :unsure:






these guys should have been elminated the very first week of voting they only had 500 votes to their name and were about to be eliminated and then asa extended the vote to two weeks for the first round(probally b/c they forgot about it the first week *re-setting*)

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Nick and Members,


41 Fan has turned up his wick again and is voting at the rate of near 5000 per minute.


Colts fans are voting at the rate of approx. 500 per minute.


The 41 lead is 386,000.


The MPD award is being stolen even as we watch.


Shawn Paul came on here earlier this afternoon and explained how this would happen.

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I got kicked off and could not get back in. Seems the faster I vote, the behinder we git. Colt you deserve this and I sure hope you win, but gosh something is a miss with all the powerful lead all of a sudden.

Keep on voting...........................................

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Guest 41 Fan
They are kicking our butt right now by a bunch right now and have extended their lead over Colt big time.


I guess 41Fan won't be eating crow after all.... sad to see this...



crow? what crow? ha ha ha

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All I can say is what a damn shame. Seems odd that now it is acting this way. Feel like I let Colt down, but I think there is something else going on.


Just remeber 41 cheaters never win. That bad karma will come back to you.




Im getting more of the can not find server than I am getting to vote. This is a bunch of bull hockey.

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Hmmmmm I wonder if the 41 bunch have figured out a way to block anyone with an IP that has voted for Colt. I vote, but get bounced most of the time. Then I can vote for a few minutes then I get booted again. This time its a "Can't find" error instead of the usual "Forbidden" error or the SQL error.


All the while, the 41 guys are posting hundreds of votes to our 1 vote..... Something ain't right here folks.


I guess ASA is playing favorites now that SAS is no longer paying them the big bucks.


We gave it a good try. I know I'll be dreaming about Backspace and Enter keys for a while like a bunch of you guys.



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