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Weather forcing us to move Shootout to December 12th, 13th, and 14th.

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OK, we are going to start by apologizing for having to make this change but it has to be done. We are moving the South Texas Shootout to December 13th and 14th with a practice day on the 12th. This is not an easy decision but in all fairness we have to look at this from a business perspective and with a huge artic cold front pushing in this weekend even if it doesnt rain no crowd will come out to watch in 30/40 degree weather.


Our options were to move it back one week or cancel and we chose to move it a week, we can not pay out these types of purses without fans in the stands so we are going to move it.


Now if you registered early and have a conflict and can not make it we will refund your early entry.


If you plan on coming now and want to pre-enter we will allow the pre-entry price until Saturday December 7th.



Again I know alot of people had plans on coming to this show but we have to do what is right for South Texas Speedway, its drivers, and its fans.




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Calling off or moving a big race date is one of the hardest calls to make in all of short track racing management. No matter which way Owen called it, some are going to be all bent out of shape.


Whenever a difficult weather call is made, suddenly everybody in the racing world becomes a Monday Morning Meteorologist with 100 percent certainty that wasn't/was going to be too cold/too wet/too hot/too dry to race.


That being said, if anyone wants to get on here and complain about the weather, have at it. But if you want to complain about Owen's decision, then take it somewhere else.


Better yet, if you want to complain about Owen, send him a $35K or $45K cashier's check to make up for the money he is about to lose due to the weather, and have at it once the check has cleared! LOL


Owen, I am working on clearing that Saturday so I can be there to do the live updates. Save me a spot up in the booth!



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I saw that front comming and was worried especially after driving to Waco (400 miles for me) to watch our feature wash out.Moving a week is much better if the weather agrees.Now the challange is racing on Friday the 13th.Now if its also a full moon,Thumper becomes a werrewolf.

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Damn sure better not be a full moon on Friday the 13th! Went to the valley for their big one few years back.Friday night was a nice 60's.Saturday night was 30 with a 35 MPH wind . As cold as I've ever been except for a ROMCO or TIDA can't remember which late model race at CCS.During intermission many people were up against the outside wall of the mens bathroom which for some reason was the warmest place at the track.Remember that Hi-Tech?

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Went to the valley for their big one few years back.Friday night was a nice 60's.Saturday night was 30 with a 35 MPH wind


I was there.....but it wasn't that bad in the booth....LOL....Tho early in my writing days I have been stuck outside in freezing conditions at Abilene a time or two.....It was so cold I had to use a pencil since my ink pens kept freezing up.....We even had sleet on Sunday afternoon.....Very miserable for even the hardiest, most die-hard race fans.....


I was planning on sending Owen an e-mail about contingency plans for the weekend because of the crappy forecast.....I think he's made the correct call and I applaud him for making the call early enough for people to cancel/move reservations and make other plans....Which reminds me, time to call Tom Bodett and rearrange mine....

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You can put warm fannies in cool seats ... but not in miserably cold seats. You don't work hard all season to keep a speed plant profitable ... just to toss it all away at the end.


Management made the correct call and gave everyone adequate time to reload. The 12.12-14 forecast looks much more promising. I'm also impressed with you racers. You get it and support the call. No bellyaching at all.


Congrats y'all ... good luck @ the race!

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Damn sure better not be a full moon on Friday the 13th! Went to the valley for their big one few years back.Friday night was a nice 60's.Saturday night was 30 with a 35 MPH wind . As cold as I've ever been except for a ROMCO or TIDA can't remember which late model race at CCS.During intermission many people were up against the outside wall of the mens bathroom which for some reason was the warmest place at the track.Remember that Hi-Tech?

had a couple of those cold ones ..1992 or 93 it was down in the low 30.s at cc tida race .boy it was cold i could not get my cars temp over a 100 .and had the radiator taped off and even tried no fan no luck .. and we still had a good car count and fan count ..hardcore fans back then ..

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One nite at RGS I was in a modified race (usually 45 minutes long due to cautions) when a cold front blew in halfway during the race.Hi winds and temp dropped about 40 or 50 deg in a few minutes.Dust blowing heavy,engines cooled down a lot and it looked like the end of the world.We did finish but some of us froze,did not bring jackets.Nowdays I always carry one even in the summer.


I was at one on those TIDA races when it was so cold as a spectator.It was so cold we bought boxes of hot chocolate to warm our hands.We also bought T shirts to wrap up with.What I remember was a little Honda civic barreling and demolished.The cars were having trouble getting the tires warmed up enough to get grip on the cold asphalt.Coldest race I can remember.But no rain.


The 3K to win ministock race at Gator the second year was also very cold the entire weekend.By the end of the final Sat race it was near freezing at 2 AM. Still a huge croud for the weekend but again no rain.


At Waco H.O.T. this year the front just clipped the track on Sat and ruined the show.It was not cold but the rain never stopped for 5 days.218 cars in the pits,tractors pulling people out on Sunday.Cudos to the track for getting everyone out and back on the road by noon.


To get better weather Im glad to wait a week.The last Modified Nationals at RGS ended with a wet front hitting during the show and led to the demise of this great event.I cearntly do NOT want this to happen at STS.

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One nite at RGS I was in a modified race (usually 45 minutes long due to cautions) when a cold front blew in halfway during the race.Hi winds and temp dropped about 40 or 50 deg in a few minutes.Dust blowing heavy, engines cooled down a lot and it looked like the end of the world. We did finish but some of us froze, did not bring jackets. Nowdays I always carry one even in the summer.


.. gb that is the race i am talking about it was in the 30.s i started just to the left of that honda in a last chance race in my brand new first time i raced it car ..low an behold that rookie in the honda hit the turn two wall came across the front of the 75 and 57 brothers right in front of me .the brothers went on to hit the turn three wall .i hit the brakes and watched out my window as that boy was flipping beside me .i will never forget his eyes as he went over me going into turn three i hit the gas so he would not land on me ...that was a rent a car and his first and last race from what was said ..someone in tida or now tps had that video ..

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