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August 10 Mid Summer Classic


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It would be great if CCS, CTS, and SAS could get on the same rule package and become sister tracks for next year. CTS and SAS seem to have that going on now. It would be in CC Speedway Managements best interest to try to jump in with them. But that's just my humble opinion.

and again I agree Cody hopefully we can get these rules ironed out it going to take some give and take and I hope ccs management and drivers understand that

Good Luck!

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It would be great if CCS, CTS, and SAS could get on the same rule package and become sister tracks for next year. CTS and SAS seem to have that going on now. It would be in CC Speedway Managements best interest to try to jump in with them. But that's just my humble opinion.


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. Bobby we should just go fishing!!!! Lmfao. Way less work!!
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It would be great if CCS, CTS, and SAS could get on the same rule package and become sister tracks for next year. CTS and SAS seem to have that going on now. It would be in CC Speedway Managements best interest to try to jump in with them. But that's just my humble opinion.

I agree so much ,, Then don't let a street stock / super street car get out of the parking lot when they show up ,,, DONT TURN CARS AWAY ... there are 6 more cars in corpus that will race then there may be 13 Make that adjustment to cars that need it let them race , they will bring pit crew etc $$$$$ will be there that they will spend at the track and that's my humble opinion too , Douglas LeStourgeon, thanks

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It would be great if CCS, CTS, and SAS could get on the same rule package and become sister tracks for next year. CTS and SAS seem to have that going on now. It would be in CC Speedway Managements best interest to try to jump in with them. But that's just my humble opinion.

I agree so much ,, Then don't let a street stock / super street car get out of the parking lot when they show up ,,, DONT TURN CARS AWAY ... there are 6 more cars in corpus that will race then there may be 13 Make that adjustment to cars that need it let them race , they will bring pit crew etc $$$$$ will be there that they will spend at the track and that's my humble opinion too , Douglas LeStourgeon, thanks

agreed we can't afford to turn anyone away!!!

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To the folks at CC Speedway, thank you for hosting the trucks and pro mods this weekend. I had a blast in both races, even though my engine laid down in my modified. I really enjoyed the trip, so did my wife, kids and in laws who all made the trip from Houston. My father took me to CCS when I was a child, and it was pretty cool for my kids to see me race there in a truck and in a modified. I really must tip my hat to the race track promoter for maintaining the posted purse payouts even with a lower than expected car count. Thank you very much.


Now, on to my soap box....


I seem to recall that there were several other people who were balls out about going to race down in Corpus, where the hell were you? There are four tabs on this forum thread with posts about pavement tracks dying, rules packages, blah blah blah and so on. Bottom line is that all those arm chair crew chiefs who gripe and moan about texas pavement racing etc, and have a race capable/ready car, who STAY HOME on race day, then have the gall to bitch and complain, can either go to hell (insert nick's edit here), or need to take up golf, tennis, or something else. I/we cant make it to every track every weekend. I understand that people get in wrecks and have financial problems and such. This rant does not apply to you. It applies to the folks who have race ready cars or trucks stay home, then complain. You all have no leg to stand on.


Off soap box


Thanks again CCS, hope to see yall in Houston, need to secure a new motor first.

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I just wanna see the track successful like it was when I was a kid. Not a single spot open in the pits and the stands full with people parking in the back 40 to get in. My car hasn't been to CC in a while because of rules problems but we are working on that. Still supporting in the stands and SAS and CTS when they race too. Just my 2 cents worth even though I don't have a super/street stock.

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I just wanna see the track successful like it was when I was a kid. Not a single spot open in the pits and the stands full with people parking in the back 40 to get in. My car hasn't been to CC in a while because of rules problems but we are working on that. Still supporting in the stands and SAS and CTS when they race too. Just my 2 cents worth even though I don't have a super/street stock.

same here if you didn't get to the track at 5:30 and waited till 6:30 you'd be lucky to find a decent seat and parking spot boy those were some good ol days of action packed racing

Edited by internetcaptive2
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To the folks at CC Speedway, thank you for hosting the trucks and pro mods this weekend. I had a blast in both races, even though my engine laid down in my modified. I really enjoyed the trip, so did my wife, kids and in laws who all made the trip from Houston. My father took me to CCS when I was a child, and it was pretty cool for my kids to see me race there in a truck and in a modified. I really must tip my hat to the race track promoter for maintaining the posted purse payouts even with a lower than expected car count. Thank you very much.


Now, on to my soap box....


I seem to recall that there were several other people who were balls out about going to race down in Corpus, where the hell were you? There are four tabs on this forum thread with posts about pavement tracks dying, rules packages, blah blah blah and so on. Bottom line is that all those arm chair crew chiefs who gripe and moan about texas pavement racing etc, and have a race capable/ready car, who STAY HOME on race day, then have the gall to bitch and complain, can either go to hell (insert nick's edit here), or need to take up golf, tennis, or something else. I/we cant make it to every track every weekend. I understand that people get in wrecks and have financial problems and such. This rant does not apply to you. It applies to the folks who have race ready cars or trucks stay home, then complain. You all have no leg to stand on.


Off soap box


Thanks again CCS, hope to see yall in Houston, need to secure a new motor first.



Mr. Wiseman>It was a pleasure to meet you and your family this weekend and we are very happy y'all had a good time and a positive experience! We look forward to seeing you and all your troop again in the future at this track or one of the others.

Thank You for pointing out the obvious about a situation regarding all the "arm chair crew chiefs" AND I will add "arm chair drivers", that has been going on and not correctly assessed openly until you put it so eloquently above.


For the "Not so Informed" crowd>The rules at CCS have been a "work in progress" all season for the Super Street class...encompassing rules from CCS, CTS and SAS into a rule package to suit a broader base of cars but still be safe and suited to CCS's track type>which is being a driver / handling track while controlling unsafe speeds. Because lets face it...it's great to get the win, but even better if you drive that car back on the trailer and are able to race it again the next weekend without killing your pocketbook!


A huge Thank You to ALL drivers, their crews, families and fans from everywhere for turning up to race and support CCS this weekend and all other race weekends for that matter! It's great to see car counts getting better and everyone having FUN!!

See y'all next weekend......Have a wonderful week!

Edited by Lilhotrod35
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im not bashing im try to figure this out ...taking a part of something and meshing it with another doesn't seem to be working y'all lost cars instead of gained and when a car shows up that doesn't quite fit the rules let them run and not turn them away you got their families and friends sitting in the stands expecting to see them race it never looks good when you see a car pulling out the gate instead of in and thats my jmo I want the best for ccs

Edited by internetcaptive2
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I'm a nobody, but i might as well put in my two cents also....

I'm new to this racing thing and I've been watching and learning and i have to thank everybody at ccs for allowing me to learn and grow as a racer. I have been reading all of this about the rules for this and for that, but where was everyone at for the rules meetings? I remember this spring several meetings and only a few people show up.... now halfway thru a season people want rule changes??? How is that fair to the drivers that were at the meetings and are complying to those rules? I have also watched the management try to accommodate other drivers by allowing some" gray area" around the rules..... Bottom line is.... GET MORE INVOLVED PEOPLE, COME OUT FOR THE MEETINGS, TALK TO THE MANAGEMENT IN PERSON, VOICE YOUR OPINIONS AND CONCERNS.... But that's just my opinion and i could be wrong

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well a few drivers team owners have spoken here and it was taken off .by whom dont know yet .why was it spoken here . they have spoken up during meetings .deaf ears,and your wrong you are somebody

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Attacks on track managers are frowned on here. Yes, I will take down attacks on track managers. My standard reply to those who complain about the edits is "take it to the track manager in person."


Then next argument is that, "well the track manager didn't listen so I'm going to bitch about it on Lone Star Speedzone." I'm sorry, but LSSZ is not the "put-public- pressure-on-the-track-manager" forum.


Finally, whenever I see a post that starts with, "This is not a bash, Nick," is 9 times out of 10.


Use Lone Star Speedzone to discuss issues (this thread is a great example of this), but please do not use the forums as the complaint department.






P.S. I am not going to debate this "no bash" policy in the forums. I have had this policy for years and years. If you disagree with this policy, feel free to contact me via PM, email or phone rather than in the forums.

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Just a question would having rules that are matching really make everyone travel to the other tracks? Case in point The truck series and the pro mods have the same rules for all four tracks (minus the standard trans rule) but you get 20 plus trucks in houston and 20 plus pro mods in houston and then when CTS and SAS have a race only 8 to 12 show up. I think a lot of it is that racers will travel to houston to race but when a race is held somewhere else some of these houston racers dont travel anywhere else. Thats whats nice about our Sprint Car we can run at 6 different tracks between friday and saturday nights and the only thing we have to change is gear and setup. Saturday night we were on our way to race in Willis and there was rain everywhere around us and looking as if we were going to get rained out and we were already making plans that if we did rain out to take off to Devils Bowl or Kennedale and race that same night but we ended up not getting rained out.

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ha i do not know you mr 42 but this houston racer will travel so ho are you to make that comment . by the way what class did you run saterday night at cc speedway . we all had fun see ya next time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAYMOND DELAHOUSSAYE

WD RACING # 5 #15 #23


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Raymond I know you travel, I've seen your cars at all the tracks. I wasnt saying that all the houston guys dont travel there is a couple of yall that do travel its the rest of the guys that dont travel thats why I stated "some of these houston racers dont travel anywhere else." No I wasnt at CC on Saturday but if I still had a truck I would have been there, I always liked running CC Speedway. We run a sprint car and travel all over the state racing it and we have to travel a minimum of 3 hours to go to any racetrack we want to run at.

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I'm a nobody, but i might as well put in my two cents also....

I'm new to this racing thing and I've been watching and learning and i have to thank everybody at ccs for allowing me to learn and grow as a racer. I have been reading all of this about the rules for this and for that, but where was everyone at for the rules meetings? I remember this spring several meetings and only a few people show up.... now halfway thru a season people want rule changes??? How is that fair to the drivers that were at the meetings and are complying to those rules? I have also watched the management try to accommodate other drivers by allowing some" gray area" around the rules..... Bottom line is.... GET MORE INVOLVED PEOPLE, COME OUT FOR THE MEETINGS, TALK TO THE MANAGEMENT IN PERSON, VOICE YOUR OPINIONS AND CONCERNS.... But that's just my opinion and i could be wrong


If there is no communication between owner/driver of a car and the management how can you find out what's really going on with that car and why it hasn't been there? A middle man in this conversation is never going to be related the same as the owner/driver will tell you.

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It would be great if CCS, CTS, and SAS could get on the same rule package and become sister tracks for next year. CTS and SAS seem to have that going on now. It would be in CC Speedway Managements best interest to try to jump in with them. But that's just my humble opinion.

again this would solve majority of the problems with some of the local drivers

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I'm a nobody, but i might as well put in my two cents also....

I'm new to this racing thing and I've been watching and learning and i have to thank everybody at ccs for allowing me to learn and grow as a racer. I have been reading all of this about the rules for this and for that, but where was everyone at for the rules meetings? I remember this spring several meetings and only a few people show up.... now halfway thru a season people want rule changes??? How is that fair to the drivers that were at the meetings and are complying to those rules? I have also watched the management try to accommodate other drivers by allowing some" gray area" around the rules..... Bottom line is.... GET MORE INVOLVED PEOPLE, COME OUT FOR THE MEETINGS, TALK TO THE MANAGEMENT IN PERSON, VOICE YOUR OPINIONS AND CONCERNS.... But that's just my opinion and i could be wrong


If there is no communication between owner/driver of a car and the management how can you find out what's really going on with that car and why it hasn't been there? A middle man in this conversation is never going to be related the same as the owner/driver will tell you.

Josh i agree, there is a lot of conflict at all tracks that happen with a middle man....

That's my point, ever one involved should get together and talk face to face.... all the he said she said stuff isn't helping anyone.....

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Josh i agree, there is a lot of conflict at all tracks that happen with a middle man....

That's my point, ever one involved should get together and talk face to face.... all the he said she said stuff isn't helping anyone.....

agreed and look at the success of TALMS communication is one if the keys to their success and awesome promoting not taking anything from Abel he's been busting his ass with little to show for it

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...agreed and look at the success of TALMS communication is one if the keys to their success and awesome promoting not taking anything from Abel he's been busting his ass with little to show for it

Abel has done a great job this year and i didn't necessarily mean him as the middle man, there were a lot of ( middle men) involved.... i just hope all tracks can stay afloat and continue to provide so much joy to so many people.... for me, any day at the track is better than any day not at the track.......

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OK , since I kinda started this I really didn't mean to turn this into a bash session.Sorry bout that.On the topic of turning cars away, that should NEVER happen. The easiest way to remedy a difference in the rules is add weight to the car or if this is his/her first time at the track let him run as is then tell him what needs to be done.Heck pay his pit pass that may be all that is needed to keep a racer happy if you have to DQ him/her. But NEVER turn one away.It is no secret I'm a STS guy. But CCS was in my life for 40 years before STS came along and the history of CCS cannot be denied.And I bet a lot of the STS racers feel the same.I think Corpus has a golden opportunity here. There are enough racers here have two tracks.Personally I'd love to see a combined points system between the two tracks.Both seem to be able to get sponsers for their events.I think it would be a win - win for both tracks and especially the fans.Having said that I know that is kinda a dream.I am just a fan, not a racer.It is no secret STS is the big dog in Corpus and I'm don't see any reason why they would want to help CCS.But a ton of racers in Corpus has so many great memories and stories to tell about CCS.It would be a shame to see CCS join the list of dead tracks.I know I am talking out of the heart and not real world. In other words CCS should try to work with STS and forget about the others.

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