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Daytona Anthem


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I am pretty sure she knows the words, but she is human and made a mistake like 99% of the people would do when the world is watching. Are you a perfect person? Have you ever made a mistake?


For the money we pay to watch racing at local tracks, there better not be any wrecks to hold up the show, PERIOD.......

Edited by maverick
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let it go...it's happened before and it will happen again


onthe other hand, wouldn't it be funny (at the next event at Cowboys Stadium) if they put the words up, karaoke style, on that giant screen :lol:




Jay, that's the best comment yet.


Whether she knew the words or not, she didn't know them well enough to sing them and that's a shame. A shame because we don't teach the pride of living in the best country in the world to our kids anymore. There's a reason we used to start each morning in school by saying the pledge and sing the national anthem. Think about it.

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I recently saw a video of a young girl (8) stepping out onto the ice to sing the NA at a hockey game. The wireless mic failed and a look of panic shot across her little face. There was a moment of total silence.... the crowd snaps to what has happened.... and quickly fires up to loudly/strongly sing the rest of the song to help her out....a minor but truly American moment.




---->found a link



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Mr. Ray,

Have you ever made a mistake in your life? Most people have and they regret it. However, throwing her under the bus is uncalled for. I could see how it would be easy to twist words or whatever in front on the world as an audience. If you are saying she did not know the words, then you are 100% wrong. If you have never made a mistake, I want to shake your hand, you are a perfect person.


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Mr. Ray,

Have you ever made a mistake in your life? Most people have and they regret it. However, throwing her under the bus is uncalled for. I could see how it would be easy to twist words or whatever in front on the world as an audience. If you are saying she did not know the words, then you are 100% wrong. If you have never made a mistake, I want to shake your hand, you are a perfect person.



Gotta think she would be used to singing in front of thousands of people in a stadium by now! I could see the nervousness excuse if it was someone who hadn't done that before.....But that's her JOB!! Always find it amazing that someone would forget the words to the National Anthem OR find it necessary to butcher the song ala Rosanne Barr.

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Thats as bad as pulling off the track on the white flag lap thinking the race is over.Only an amature would do that. LOL

I remember seeing Mark Martin lose a race that way. Don't remember which one though. It was several years ago for sure.

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.the issue isnt if jay makes mistakes ...we all do ...my question to you maverick....is your anger with jay over the love of this singer ..or the right to make a mistake ..... i happen to agree with jay here for the most part ... there are two things left in the usa that alot hold .dear to thier hearts ....one the FLAG ..two the NATIONAL ANTHEM.. THERE SHOULD NEVER BE A MISTAKE WITH EITHER ONE OF EM ......I CANT STAND IT WHEN POEPLE WONT STAND AND COVER THIER HEARTS WHEN PLAYING THE ANTHEM ...AND I LOSE ALL RESPECT FOR THOSE WHO SING IT NOT IN ITS PROPPER MANNER ..THAT MAKES ME MAD ..





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:unsure: Dayuum, This topic is getting uglier than her singing!!! :lol::lol::lol: As an American and ex military I find it totally unacceptable for a "paid celebrity" to butcher our country's song. If you don't know the words, PRACTICE,PRACTICE,PRACTICE!!! Stop trying to make it all about your singing expertise, sing the song the way it was written, don't add your "take" on the song. Sing it correctly and sing it proudly. Just one vet's opinion. God Bless Us All. Lenny66 B)

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If I was to sing the national anthem... any dog within earshot would be dead or dying, most people would run screaming from the venue, the sound system would surly catch fire - but at least the words would be right!


But THATS why I do not get paid to sing - in fact every gig I have ever played (I used to think I was a guitar hero) I usually got paid to shut up and play....


If you're gonna take someone's money to perform a service whether its singing a song or painting a house - you should do the job correctly. Has nothing to with patriotism or the value we place on the song. It's a lack of proffessionalism to not prep your material enough to provide a vulue in your service in exchange for the value of the cash you received!

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I can't say exactly where the communications broke down, but I'm pretty sure the NFL hired her to SING the national anthem. Apparently, poor Christina, bless her heart, was left with the impression she was hired to HOLLER the national anthem.


Here 'tis ------>

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