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TSTRS - Letter from Gina - 2020 Class Schedule


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Hello, Racers!

  Here is the 2020 Race Schedule with the Divisions/Classes included.  You guys will find it a bit different than the racing norm, and I am depending on you guys, even more, this year!  I cannot express my gratitude for how supportive you have been, and I thank you greatly for it because it is the only pay check in everything I am doing right now.  I rely upon a handful of you for advice and input when there are decisions to be made.  No change is made without consulting a few of you.  This schedule was a big one for me, and when it was first proposed to me I thought no way would this work.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized this is what we need right now.  We have 10 - TEN classes wanting to race.  Last year we ran 7 classes, and I feel we were successful in doing that.  We got the show done by 9:30 almost every single race, with the latest being 9:40p.  But the pace was crazy for our TSTRS team, and in my opinion, that takes away from our ability to see how we can do even better in connecting to the fans to grow.  Continuing at this pace will ultimately have a negative impact on our presentation to the fans, and that is our job - to present you guys to the fans and build those connections to get them coming back as often as possible.  We could do it with a bigger team, but that increases our cost.  We just cannot afford to do that just yet.

   Slowing the show up some with a focus on fan engagement through on-track driver intros, a celebrity grand marshall, race winners taking a victory lap & getting interviewed afterward on the track with family able to join in from the stands for the picture,  on track intermissions,  more crowd-drawing inverts,  etc  All of this helps us grow our fan base and gets their attention & keeps people coming through the gate to see YOU GUYS race.  Everything we are doing increases your value, which ultimately increases the value of everything I have to sell, to keep racing strong so it sticks around this time.  With this year's class schedule,  it is imperative for you guys to come to race.  I do understand that there is still hesitation to build or buy a car for some.  I get it - - I TOTALLY get it.  BUT -   2020 was to be year TWO of a TWO-year deal with Advance.  When Bo & I met with them 3 weeks ago,  a contract amendment was made that changed our deal to reflect us in year TWO of a MULTI-year deal with a 2021 commitment from us to have more races.  We also signed all FOUR of their brands to promote - Advance Auto Parts (AAP), Advance Professional, CarQuest, TechNet.  In order to get all four brands and a longer and ultimately bigger contract, I had to invest in NASCAR sanctioning and commit to working with their B2B team more away from the track.  As well as retail store promos & track interactions.  Car count growth is imperative, as well as butts in the stands.  If you help me with the car count growth, I am fully committed to growing & keeping a consistent fan count.  This only works if we do this together - and if we do it right, we truly have a great shot at making racing better than it ever has been in Houston.  If I did not believe that, I would not let my family risk everything we own to make it happen.   

NASCAR Sanctioning info will be posted in a separate post -  Pro Trucks will be our 'Feature' Division.  With Pro Mods being 2nd Division and Outlaws the 3rd division. 


NOTES on things people approach me with:

BANQUET INFO -  TOP 5 in each class PLEASE rsvp the number of tickets you need for the banquet.  BANQUET TICKETS ARE FREE but limited to Top 5 request FIRST - Advance Auto Parts is putting this banquet on so they can introduce their team TO YOU GUYS & kick-off 2021 the right way!  How huge is this?  I will also have inkDOTS at the banquet - and these guys are another key piece in how far we have come and our plans moving forward!  

Factory Stock/Pro Stock class  - I WANT this class back on asphalt too.  But I do NOT want to take anything away from the dirt tracks to make that happen.  I have a ton of other things I have to focus on BUT I am open to someone putting together a class for us to race.  I am open to working with someone on this, I just cannot do it alone.

Sprint Cars - AAP axed this race.  It is a direct conflict with their sponsorship of Tony Stewart Racing.  There are things in motion for it to still happen without TSTRS involvement so stay tuned.  These things are mighty fine on asphalt - whew!

Advertising - thank you for constantly telling me I have to advertise.  I appreciate that input and I totally understand the value of advertising, as I grew a previous business paying for it.  With us filling the southern void in the NASCAR Home Tracks map, you can bet your sweet tails that I am leaning on my NASCAR contacts heavily for them to share some of their local advertising with us.  Fortunately for us, we are in the 4th largest city in America AND we have TMS in the same state.  Additionally, we have a Fortune 500 company as our Alpha Sponsor and are the only thing, racing-related, that represents ALL FOUR of their brands.  All are some pretty persuasive points for consideration.  I also have other things we are doing and evaluating as well.

Again - thank you guys so much for everything so far.  I ask for your support at the race track when your class/division is not racing.  Come help a team or take the opportunity to bring your neighbors, co-workers, sponsors, family members - to the race track.  Explain things to them, share what you love about racing with them so they will love it too.  This is a big part of this formula working too!


If you have any input, or questions feel free to reach out.

(I will be posting a schedule on the FB page too - but share this with other racers that may not use computers! lol)



(713) 907-0906






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16 hours ago, TSTRS said:

Truthfully, when the cornerstone sponsor to our whole racing program tells me they cannot be a part of the Sprint Car event, I did not ask why.  I posted the reason I was given.  

I understand it is your cornerstone sponsor but a little more info would be nice.  We were putting together a deal to purchase a older beast asphalt chassis for this race and now I have to explain to the driver and owner that this race is "axed" because of a conflict between AAP and their sponsorship of TSR who has nothing to do with the series. Some people have already spent money on hubs, tires, wheels.

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Hi Josh

   I do not know what else to say.  I suggest you get with Nathan.  Like you, I paid for a promo video, track rental, put together a presentation to sell it AND went on multiple appointments, one about 120 miles away.  This is racing, nothing I can do.  My Alpha sponsor cannot be associated with it, which means I cannot run it with my series as we planned.  I am not sure what other info you are looking for.  I spoke with Nathan after my meeting with AAP when I found this out.  

I apologize but my hands are tied.  Please call Nathan for an update.  

Did you make it to the last practice at HMP - this past Saturday?





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Thank you for releasing the schedule and it surely will be exciting. I've heard the 2021 season will be even better!

I'm happy with the rules and there are some cars out there that could run in the Super Stocks, however choose not to. Hell I may even try to run my Super Stock with the Outlaws just to see how well I do!

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Very excited about 2020. In that market with not another anywhere in this big ass state than TMS the sanction can be a game changer, I hate to say but especially with the exposure the sport is getting after Daytona. My program director at The Horn in Austin is hardly a race specialist and after what has been produced in 2 weeks it has become a major radio talking point in Austin of all places and they want to expand coverage.

Here's the bottom line. This place needs to be packed every race. This stock car class is really up to us, if the track has to go get someone to produce a purse the buyer of the purse will expect some return which is cars on the track. I have advised Gina (being bit in the past) to not jump at doing something because people say the will show up, gotta have some skin in the game. Talk with her figure the path and go from there, this class to get off the ground is going to need some dirt crossover imo if there are less than 8-10 that could be ready real quick.

Remember like many tracks in Texas when the race week starts Gina is in the red because rent is due whether we race or not that week. In this day must all become promoters of sorts its so important as we tell people that we race to stress where we race how great the place is at times even if you don't think so!

Ill be very upfront I'm not the biggest fan of long intermission, downtime, breaks etc but when done correctly it has to be done now yet still keep the show tight, enjoyable and entertaining. We truly have 3.5-4 hours to do this y'all otherwise people stay home and watch Netflix the next race. Matter of fact, I would love to be done at 9pm ever race but that's not the best for our program.

Most importantly stay positive. Even on shitty nights I jump on here and the FB and find some positives, eventually people agree!

About all I have for now great work Gina and thank you all for buying in that's the most important step to get where we want to be. 



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