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A Fans Rant About The Spectacular


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First of all I do not want this to come across as me having something against Thunder Hill Raceway, track owner, racers or officials. I respect all of them. This was my second spectacular in as many years. Once again I saw some good racing, bad racing and bad decisions. My wife and I left somewhat disappointed.


1: $2.00 for parking. I didn't see anywhere that they would be charging for parking. I know it was going to a charity. I have no problem with that. I would just like to know in advanced.


2. The drivers drawing for starting positions. It was already announced that they were to draw for inverting the field. After some drivers drew a number than all the rest of the top six was told to come back and draw for their starting spots. This led to a late start.


3. The races were to start at 7:30. Due to the extra amount of time for starting draw and other reasons the racing started about 45 minutes late. Why not run some of these events on Friday night or start earlier in the day


4. It seems like last year some drivers were too impatient causing cautions. They could not run more then a lap or some and caution again. Please drivers settle in for a few laps. You can't win it on the first one but you can win on the last one.


5. The Jesse James special event. If you're going to advertise that a celebrity is going to be there why not bring him out before the events start? I was beginning to wonder if he was there at all.


My wife and I left with two events to go. It was already after midnight. The way the other races were going it looked like it would be after 1:00 before they would be finished. I hope the way the last two events went won't keep me away. I love racing and have been around most of my life. Thanks for letting me rant a little. Once again this is not trying to bad mouth Thunder Hill Raceway, owner, officials or racers. Everyone worked hard for what they put on.

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I think that is all great feedback and will speak to part of it that I feel I may have contributed to.

With the invert I announced the initial format of that based on past experience from what I have experienced in the past. It had been discussed that the format we ended up using would be the way to go but I did not confirm and went with what I thought was correct.

I do remember looking at the scoreboard one it was pointed out that the format was incorrect and thinking..... damn I've thrown us off!

Unfortunately it always seems one you start behind you can never catch up and that sure was the case on Saturday.


Not speaking for anyone on staff @ THR I thank you for your post and I am sorry that the show went too long, I felt it did too. ;)

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Major events like this often go longer than planned.


I am not speaking for THR or anyone other than me (I have run a few special events before at SAS and was the Competition Director for one THR Spectacular a few years back), but I know full well that special events mean that many of the routine things that employees normally handle smoothly on a typical race night are now very much changed up. The stuff that you used to do on a regular race night are all changed around to accommodate the expanded format. This is more or less like you going to work one day and finding everything out of place and in reverse order.... it takes some doing to get things running smoothly again - and there will be glitches whenever there is a special event.


While constructive criticism like yours is often helpful, it is almost always better to criticize in private and praise in public. I am letting this stay up out of respect to your status as a fan, but I am respectfully asking that this not be everyone's invitation to start a rant fest about this or any other local short track event.


Rodney, congrats on the third place finish! Don't spend all the money in one place, OK?



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Exactly the reason I didn't attend the Saturday night race. I came on Friday but I left at 9:30. It isn't the fault of the track or the officials. It is a product of the program. Everyone wants to be a part of something like this and it is too easy to allow them all inclusion rather than to hurt their feelings and tell them "there isn't enough time for you". It's understandable. But you have to look at who is paying the bills and wiegh the consequences of this decision. I would have loved to see the Saturday races, but not at the expense of losing out on my typical Sunday morning ritual.

I have never understood why these events have to take place after the sun goes down on Saturday night. With a large contingent of cars, why not begin the program in the early afternoon? I'm sure it would bring in more people, myself included, if we could be on our way home at a decent hour.

Just my two cents worth.

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Thanks Nick. I am in no way trying to down Thunder Hill Raceway or the owner, officials or drivers. I hope no one else does either. My intent is for constructive criticism. It's just that the two years I came to this race it started late and ended late. Along with the other experiences we had this weekend I hope they will look into it and see what they can do to improve. This has to take a tremendous amount of effort to put on and things don't always go right. Rodney, you did a good job out there. Don't take all the blame on yourself. I was watching you in your race and you seemed to be holding back. But at the end you were up there with a good finish. Great job! Please everyone do not make this into a bashing thread. None of my intent to start one.

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I didnt mind the amount of classes but I really wished we could of started ours a little earlier than 11:45. 13 hours at the track was a bit long. Jmo


On a side note, congrats to all the winners.

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Having attended every Spectacular that THR has put on,I have no problem with the way the show was run. Just remember a couple of things here. Just a few years ago there was a 75 lap lap modified race ,a 125 lap Super late model race,hey the shortest race was 25 laps.I did think the Jesse James thing was a total waste of time.Due to the past I always bring extra money and my sleeping bag if need be.I always look forward to the spectacular cause there is prestige and a lot of out of town drivers and fans that I haven't seen all year that makes it worthwhile. This is just one fan from Turn one's opinion.

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Most of the big races are either the 1st race of the season or after the points season (Sept or Oct). The daytime temps are usually bearable that time of yr. I think you run 3 classes at the most with qualifying and race start during daylite.

Here's something else to think about. When we ran ProLates in PA, the tracks pits didn't even open until 4:00 pm, you got 1 hot lap session, a heat race and the feature. Even after going thru tech and talking to fans, we were loaded and heading home by 10:00pm. It forced you to have the car ready before you came to the track and you didn't feel like you spent your whole day there. That would sure be nice in TX in Jul & Aug.

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Most of the big races are either the 1st race of the season or after the points season (Sept or Oct). The daytime temps are usually bearable that time of yr. I think you run 3 classes at the most with qualifying and race start during daylite.

Here's something else to think about. When we ran ProLates in PA, the tracks pits didn't even open until 4:00 pm, you got 1 hot lap session, a heat race and the feature. Even after going thru tech and talking to fans, we were loaded and heading home by 10:00pm. It forced you to have the car ready before you came to the track and you didn't feel like you spent your whole day there. That would sure be nice in TX in Jul & Aug.

I agree with this a whole lot. We only ran 6 races this year because I just don't feel like loading up at 10 to be there by 12 in order to get the car ready for one practice then sit there for 5-6 more hours unroll my 15 min race. I say if the race starts at 7 have the drivers meeting at six and if your there by then all is good. This is why we might not race next year

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I liked a good deal of what we saw at the spectacular but was concerned by the time line, very simply if you subtract the 45 minute late start and the 45 minute Jesse James deal the races would have been over by 11:30. We missed the mod and grand stock race because we didn't want to make it back to SA at 3am!



Man I tell you it was really hard staying awake on my couch reading the live feed from Nick and Umscheid Racing. Nearly had to order a second pizza. lol

Parked on couch and chilling

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Thats why they dont give away free beer at racetracks because you all would still find a reason to bitch


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Thats why they dont give away free beer at racetracks because you all would still find a reason to bitch


Pot, meet my friend Kettle, he's Black! I was by no means bitching and I resent the implication anyone here was. I'm not rich, the $50 I spent for my fiancé and I to get to Kyle and eat is $50 ill have to make to pay rent this month but I'd gladly do it again just to support local racing. That said my $12 ticket goes both ways, I liked the show and a lot of the changes THR has made but when I come back next year I'd like to be able to see all the races and leave the track by midnight. I'd like to make it to THR, my suggestion is centered around making that possibles does anyone wish they where at the races later?

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Sorry Nick just saying ,we should be praising all tracks not putiing them down. Just be glad we can all go racing racing within a three hour radius for some one or two,jmo.

Bottom line is I know of $300 that was NOT spent at the track because my friends and I did not want to be at the track until 1AM. We had a BBQ and watched college football instead.

You are right that we should be grateful but you need fans to keep it open. Letting a track know why you will not be bringing your money to them is good feedback if it is done in the right manner.

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I've seen all of the posts regarding the Spectacular and haven't responded so far. I had hoped to share the comments and feedback with Mary Ann (and the rest of the staff) before posting an answer. However, the O'Shea and Naumann families are very close, and Mary Ann and H have been helping the family with the arrangements for Patrick O'Shea, attending the funeral services, traveling to the out-of-town burial yesterday, taking care of the grandkids, etc., during this very busy and stressful time.


I'm not sure if any of you have ever worked with a production crew, such as the one that was part of the Jesse James event. Bottom line, they call the shots on how things are done. They did get input from us and respected our track rules, but otherwise they determine how and when the event is done. Jesse had hoped to drive one of the cars, and we agree it would have made the event more exciting. He had been trying all week to get a release from his doctor due to a shoulder injury, but it didn't happen. Like I said, so much happens behind the scenes in an event such as this one, and we continually have to make adjustments along the way to move ahead with the event.


I will try to get input from Mary Ann and the rest of the key staff members to address the issues in this thread. However, as we've requested many times, we prefer when feedback and specific issues are addressed directly to us. We really do try to answer all of our e-mails and phone calls in a timely manner.


I can't begin to tell any of you about the complexity of putting on a Spectacular. It takes many long hours to plan an event like this one, and I agree that we didn't get everything right. We normally have a post-race conference call on the Monday night following each event to come to an agreement on what went right, what went wrong and what needs to be changed on future events. Unfortunately, we haven't had an opportunity to meet this week yet, but we're still planning to have the call within the next couple of days. I'll make sure the comments in this thread are covered during the call.


We truly appreciate (and value) all of the support we got from the drivers, crews and fans for the Spectacular, and we hope that all of you will continue to be a part of racing at Thunderhill Raceway.

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