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Match Race.. Mary Ann vrs Jason


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I say we put Jason :ph34r: and Mary Ann :) in TSRS cars in Houston and have a grudge race. :lol:


And the winner gets Rebelracewriter! B)

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Guest Mary Ann Naumann
Only way she would win is if someone put sugar in my tank.
Oh Jason, I like a challenge, how about you? Just say when & where, I have been wanting to get into one of those new cars that THR has started. I am sure we can make a deal with Jim Lynch, are you game? B)
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Come on dude, don't back out on us now!


This will give you a chance to get a few laps in and visit Thunder Hill Raceway all at the same time. And I bet I can talk Brian and Jim into letting you in for FREE !~!


Nick Holt

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I'm sure we could get you and Mary Ann into a couple of the new THR Grand cars. And don't worry about Mary Ann's racing background because I've heard you're real good at racing on the computer simulation programs. LOL


Nick Holt

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Bauk! Bauk! Bauk! Bauk! Bauk!


I think I hear a Chicken.


Come on Jason. You have been wanting to race and you have been wanting to come to Thunder Hill Raceway. So here is your chance Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal.


And Nick even said you get in free. I'm sure they would let you have some practice first.

You know get used to the track and the car. And hey we could not let Mary Ann have any practice time in the car. But, you know what Jason. She will still kick your Butt. LOL


My money's on Mary Ann. No matter what track.



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