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Kyle Busch busted in Mexico for "carrying a firearm w/o a license"


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Kyle Busch busted in Mexico for "carrying a firearm w/o a license"

from theblaze.com

One of the most recognizable names in NASCAR today was just handed a hefty prison sentence by a court in Mexico.

On Friday, the attorney general of Quintana Roo, the Mexican state where popular tourist destinations like Cancún and Playa del Carmen are located, announced that 37-year-old NASCAR star Kyle Busch had been sentenced to three and a half years in prison after he was found to be "carrying a firearm without a license."

Busch, identified in the press release only as "Kyle 'N'" or "Kyle Thomas B," had accidentally run afoul of the Mexican law last month when he and his wife, Samantha, were on vacation, and Busch claimed he forgot that he had left a gun in his handbag. When the Busches arrived at Cancún International Airport on January 27 to hop on a private plane back to the States, authorities discovered in his belongings a .380 caliber "pistol-type firearm" with a stocked magazine containing "six useful hollow point cartridges," the press release stated.

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Because of an "expedited procedure," Busch's case was soon afterward placed before a "Control judge," and that judge issued Busch the prison sentence and a fine of just over $1,000. The press release claimed that Busch "was credited with his full responsibility in the commission of the crime," and a statement released on Busch's Twitter account seems to confirm his admitted guilt.

"Discovery of the handgun led to my detainment while the issue was resolved," Busch said in a statement issued on Monday. "I was not aware of Mexican law and had no intention of bringing a handgun into Mexico."

Busch elsewhere stated that he has "a valid concealed carry permit" and that he adheres "to all handgun laws" in general.

"I apologize for my mistake and appreciate the respect shown by all parties as we resolved the matter," Busch's statement said.

By all accounts, the matter does appear to be resolved, though it is unclear whether Busch will ever have to serve the considerable prison sentence he was given.

"My family and I consider this issue closed," Busch's statement concluded.

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19 hours ago, NickHolt said:

Kyle Busch busted in Mexico for "carrying a firearm w/o a license"

from theblaze.com

One of the most recognizable names in NASCAR today was just handed a hefty prison sentence by a court in Mexico.

On Friday, the attorney general of Quintana Roo, the Mexican state where popular tourist destinations like Cancún and Playa del Carmen are located, announced that 37-year-old NASCAR star Kyle Busch had been sentenced to three and a half years in prison after he was found to be "carrying a firearm without a license."

Busch, identified in the press release only as "Kyle 'N'" or "Kyle Thomas B," had accidentally run afoul of the Mexican law last month when he and his wife, Samantha, were on vacation, and Busch claimed he forgot that he had left a gun in his handbag. When the Busches arrived at Cancún International Airport on January 27 to hop on a private plane back to the States, authorities discovered in his belongings a .380 caliber "pistol-type firearm" with a stocked magazine containing "six useful hollow point cartridges," the press release stated.

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Because of an "expedited procedure," Busch's case was soon afterward placed before a "Control judge," and that judge issued Busch the prison sentence and a fine of just over $1,000. The press release claimed that Busch "was credited with his full responsibility in the commission of the crime," and a statement released on Busch's Twitter account seems to confirm his admitted guilt.

"Discovery of the handgun led to my detainment while the issue was resolved," Busch said in a statement issued on Monday. "I was not aware of Mexican law and had no intention of bringing a handgun into Mexico."

Busch elsewhere stated that he has "a valid concealed carry permit" and that he adheres "to all handgun laws" in general.

"I apologize for my mistake and appreciate the respect shown by all parties as we resolved the matter," Busch's statement said.

By all accounts, the matter does appear to be resolved, though it is unclear whether Busch will ever have to serve the considerable prison sentence he was given.

"My family and I consider this issue closed," Busch's statement concluded.

 HE WONT BE GOING BACK TO MEXICO ANYTIME SOON ..  looks like bush got some very serious help  getting out of that country before his trial ..and such a low fine .. heck i would still be there and $15000 to get out .. 

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Mike, I promise you that a lot more money changed hands then the $1000 fine. You have no idea the level of corruption that exists in Mex. A friend of mine's daughter was killed in a quad accident in Rocky Point (Port Penasco). They wanted him to pay them $10,000 to get her body to take back to AZ. He flew into Rocky Point on a small 4 seater Cessna. He and a friend basically kidnapped his daughter's body from a local doctor's office (where her body was), Put her into that plane and flew back to Tucson. They were on the ground less than 2 hours. He's from Mexico, and he was terrified of being caught, because he knew what a Mexican prison is like. He told me how relieved he was when they flew across the border. He then had to explain the dead body to the Border Patrol at the airport. Yeah, any direct flight from Mexico, via private aircraft, gets searched by either Customs, the Border Patrol or both, when flying into Tucson. Thankfully he had taken the notification that a government agency had sent him, informing him of his daughter's death. I'm betting that Busch's judge got quite a bit of pocket change from that encounter. 

When I lived in Del Rio, we would occasionally go to Acuna. I'd stand by the car and look for a cop. I'd offer him $10 to watch the car. They were always happy to do it, as $10 was more than he would make a day being a cop. I sure wouldn't do that now. Acuna is completely run by the cartels. Now the cops will tell someone with them and you're liable to be kidnapped, and held for ransom. Their mentality is, that if you're willing to pay $10 to watch a car, your family must have some money. Kidnapping along the border towns is not an uncommon thing. But you rarely hear about it in the news, if it's somebody that doesn't live on the border. Our house in Del Rio was less than 2 miles from the international bridge. Sure glad we don't live there anymore...

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Rodney, just about everything in Mexico is about payola. It used to be just the locals trying to make a buck. Now it's more about losing your car, life's savings, or your life. The Gypsies motorcycle "club" used to have an annual St Patrick's Day rally in Del Rio. We lived just off the road that goes the the bridge. Man, the volume of bikes going and coming from Acuna at all hours of the day & night seemed endless. The Gypsies still have the rally there annually, they just don't go to Mex. anymore. I guess it scared them too. I honestly didn't think they were scared of anything. The local Gypsies were well known to the Del Police & Sherrif's officers. They seemed tame to compared to some of the out of towner bikers. 

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11 hours ago, MikePeters95 said:

As eluded to, I'm sure this will go away with some jewelry and bribes.  #mexico

That's all it's about.....The pago de soborno......I'd say ask the guys that raced the Miller Modified Nationals in McAllen back in the day, but what happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico.

My bigger question is, did he go to the donkey show?😲

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Rebelracewriter, I've lived on the border in the 70s & 80s, then again in the 2000s. The difference between those periods is like going from the middle of Iowa to Bagdad. One of my wife's cousins, his wife's parents had 4 restaurants in Acuna. They closed them up because it was a daily event to either have someone shooting into the windows, or cartel members coming in. When they'd come in they'd take everybody's cellphones, eat/drink whatever they wanted (of course without paying), and then remind anybody inside that they'd kill them and their families if they said anything to the military. They don't worry about the cops, because they are all on cartel pay, or the cartel had already had an up close & personal conversation about what would happen to them if they snitched. 

Before I sold my Harley (after 5 spins surgeries), I used to ride with a few Del Rio or Eagle Pass cops. Well, some of them were still cops. The ones that had changed careers had the same reason for doing it. The corruption on the US side was getting so bad, that if you weren't on the take, your life could be in at risk. That was in the early 2000s. The ones that were still cops stayed only because they were too close to retirement. All have now retired. My wife graduated at the same time as the current Val Verde County Sherrif. I got to be friends with him. When we'd talk, I was always be shocked with some of the stuff he'd tell me about. Things that never made the local paper. He's a retired DPS captain/investigator, and has spent the last 15 years as the sheriff. He told me that he's going to retire at the end of this term. He said that between the absolute chaos of an open border, and the drug cartels, he's had enough. He's a dedicated, honest guy. In all his years in both departments, he's never had incidents that required an investigation against him. That ain't easy in a 35+ year career in law enforcement!

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