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only one stage would be ok with me not that I am a fan of stage racing anyway ....the last lap was fun that's racing hard and I am not a fan of kyle  bush  but I would have done the same  most likely  .he did  bump him a tad hard though ...ok hit him....kyle Larson  had no problem  with it and that says a lot he knew what he did and held himself accountable  for the outcome give him a thumbs up .. love to have some local drivers hold themselves accountable just the same ...that would be asking to much I am afraid

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I didn't think what Busch did was right. Larson got in there a little hot and went up the track. Probably working on the slide job. He got into Busch a little but Busch didn't back off hoping to maintain his momentum and keep the lead. Larson got around him but then Busch intentionally drove into Larson"s rear bumper with the intent on moving him out of the way. Larson not intentional for the hit. Busch intentional for the hit. I have the ending of a race last year at Las Vegas where Busch got some blood on his forehead. I like to go back from time to time to review it. Busch had gotten into Lagono and moved him out of the way. Lagono got hot in the next corner and drifted up into Busch spinning him out. Of course you may remember what happened when they got to pit road. The interviewer asked Busch what happened and he said he flat out got dumped. He said Lagono races like that all the time and he had one coming. Funny how Busch doesn't remember how he intentionally slammed into the side of Lagono and how he felt that he got dumped and was upset about it and turns right around and "dumps" Larson. Selective memory.

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