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No New News, just questions on SAS


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So I was out at the SW side junkyards and went by SAS while out there and noticed the signs for "Speedway Industrial Park" had all been taken down from the track property. I also noticed there was a newer sign up across Watson for a commercial development but save for that nothing has come of that area at all. Anybody heard anything on development in the area or if any of the potential buyers have paned out? Before anyone gets upset, we support THR and I-37, I'm questioning if it's cost effective or possible or whatever to re-open the track or anything else, I'm just seeing if anyone knows more then I do about the land in the area.



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Everything out that way is kinda dead right now. Same for SAS. It would take a LOT of money to get her back on her feet again. The owners want to see her running again as well. No one wants to invest in the track because its not an operating track. Unless someone has a few million bucks they want to throw at her I wouldnt count on her running again. Its sad but thats the way it is. It would be cheaper in my opinon to build a track somewhere else in the area than try to bring her back.

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The Buggy was the property of the speedway and the Ray's took position of it. When we left the facility is was sitting on the tech pad. Ervin got position of all the two seaters, show cars and NASCAR trucks that we had in a storage building down the road.

Edited by Rick Day
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My bad :blink:

The Buggy was the property of the speedway and the Ray's took position of it. When we left the facility is was sitting on the tech pad. Ervin got position of all the two seaters, show cars and NASCAR trucks that we had in a storage building down the road.
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Yea, now with the problems in Japan and the shortage of parts Toyota plant will be cutting back. I read they closed a Ford plant for a shortage of parts from Japan. These lack of parts from Japan will have a ripple effect worldwide! :(

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Based on what I have seen and heard, this goes down as one the the biggest examples of San Antonio overestimating the impact of a company or venue.

We'll start with the 1200 homes across Watson Road and SAS. Everyone I have talked to that has anything to do with Toyota will go to that area to work, but they have no intention of living there.

How many subdivisions were there before Toyota? How many now? Would you, the reader, live there in that area?


Lets go on to the massive Hotel/Convention Center that was planned directly across Hwy 16 from SAS. If you were the local Toyota boss, would you pick up your Japanese boss at the airport and drive him down past the project apartments by Loop 410, then the wrecking yards, fruit and taco stands, flea market, sewage treatment plant, corner bars, and so on; or would you have them put up at one of the swanky hotels on the river....?


In my humble opinion, none of those projects, nor the "Speedway Industrial Park", had much chance of ever getting off the ground.

San Antonio saw huge dollar signs, went berserk around there with annexation and code inspections, and their estimations of what the plant would bring in.


Now I am not anti-Toyota, I thought Toyota could be a buffer for the racetrack. If the proper person with the proper credentials and resources could come in and get SAS open, it is possible that they could get some political based support from Toyota. Remember, I said possible, not absolute, and that statement is not a bash of anyone who has tried in the past.


SAS will be there years from now, open or not.

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In my humble opinion the last thing S.A. needs is another half mile oval, ask anyone cutting the checks to pay for a race team.


What say you ?

Good point...but....from the fan side of the fence you cant beat High Bank 1/2 mile racing.

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In my humble opinion the last thing S.A. needs is another half mile oval, ask anyone cutting the checks to pay for a race team.


What say you ?


As much as I would like to have a larger track close, I have to agree we dont need a larger track in central Texas. Atleast not now. It seems (just my opinion) that racing has changed dramatically in the last 10 years and with the amount of tore up equipment, and more taking than giving, the probablilty of a disaster is greatly increased more than normal with a much faster facility. Ive seen some pretty nasty wrecks in the last few years that totalled cars and left racers with minor injuries. I can only speak for myself, but I couldnt race on a larger track with the majority of the racers in the top few classes.

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Bummer....It seems like saying there are no owners in San Antonio that could afford an NBA salary anymore so the fans have to watch the Spurs as a D-League team instead of an NBA team.I understand what Cory and all the other racers that are left are saying.I accept it.I go to the tracks and watch what is left anyway,and always will.But...it is still a bummer....R.I.P. S.A.S.

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I would actually volunteer to be the SAS Race Director (or even GM if the deal was right) if someone with enough money and good sense were to step up to the plate.


First person two folks I'd hire would be Rick Day and Debbie Williams... Then I'd hire Larry Bendele as Chief Tech. Then recruit Mike McCain's wife to head up the scoring dept. Then... ah well, enough fantasizing for one day.


P.S. I can say I'd try to steal Debbie with upsetting Mary Ann because she knows, as we all do, that the chances of SAS ever reopening at it's present location are flat-lined at zero percent...



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Again, not to knock THR or anywhere else, but the half mile track offered a lot of opportunities that the smaller tracks just don't. The pits being in front of the fans, a pit road for longer races, high banked turns, 3 wide racing and in general just a general feeling of being at a "next level" facility. Yes, it was no doubt more expensive in every way, but that’s pretty much life. THR is many ways is a nicer facility then SAS ever was but 25 to 30 cars at THR is a BIG crowd. I enjoy BEING at THR, getting there and back can be a problem but that’s another thing a track in town offered.


I agree with everything txtom said and with the idea that the right money at the right time could make the track a success. The track will indeed be there, possibly for decades, and the area around it will continue to languish. The fact that metro San Antonio doesn’t have any bumper to bumper racing facility is probably the tracks biggest asset.


As a side note, For those that see this as an us against them (THR vs. SAS), think back a few years and remember what car counts were like when both tracks where open…seems to me there were more cars and more touring series not less? Think about the Midwest where more tracks mean more cars in local garages and more cars for bigger races. The economy won’t be bad forever and here in a few years (2012ish I’m thinking…) maybe everyone benefits from a stronger local racing base?


This was just fishing for information on the area, it’s interesting to be in the area with brand new concrete roads and high dollar medians with the only growth to speak of being “Plaza Mexico” down the street…Mexican Wrestling anyone? Anyone…?

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…Mexican Wrestling anyone? Anyone…?

cmon Nick, show em your skills. ;)

I knew someone sharp guy would figure it out one day, but I never thought in a thousand years that it would be you, Cory.


Yes, "El Hombre de Grande del Norte" was my Mexican Wrestling stage name. And as everyone knows, El Hombre (shortened version of my Mexican Wrestling stage name) retired undefeated after several thousand matches in which I won a total of 17 pesos. Obviously, it wasn't the money. It was the glory. I mean, who doesn't know the name "El Hombre de Grande del Norte" these days???


What gave it away, Cory? My great physique? My amazing agility getting around the pits? The "El Hombre de Grande del Norte" mask you found in my underwear drawer the night you burglarized my house?



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Mexican Wrestling anyone? Anyone…?

I did not mention that, but there is/was a wrestling ring at the corner of 16 and Applewhite.

And it was outdoors.............


As for Nick and his wrestling career, he actually had another wrestling name......

When I was in the 8th grade, I lived near Lackland, and one of their gyms had wrestling once a month. Me and another guy in the neighborhood had a pick up job to help set up the ring and clean and tear it down.

Nick was wrestling then under the name "edad pedo pelo gris".........

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... What gave it away, Cory? My great physique? My amazing agility getting around the pits? The "El Hombre de Grande del Norte" mask you found in my underwear drawer the night you burglarized my house?



Lets see, must of been you tube video of you in your last match. Titled "Crazy white guy takes on three midgets...and loses" :lol:

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I would actually volunteer to be the SAS Race Director (or even GM if the deal was right) if someone with enough money and good sense were to step up to the plate.


First person two folks I'd hire would be Rick Day and Debbie Williams... Then I'd hire Larry Bendele as Chief Tech. Then recruit Mike McCain's wife to head up the scoring dept. Then... ah well, enough fantasizing for one day.


P.S. I can say I'd try to steal Debbie with upsetting Mary Ann because she knows, as we all do, that the chances of SAS ever reopening at it's present location are flat-lined at zero percent...




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I knew her name, Mike. I was just not putting her name out here for the world to see since I didn't ask her if it was OK.


Lorraine did a great job for me at San Antonio Speedway back in the day.



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Lets see, must of been you tube video of you in your last match. Titled "Crazy white guy takes on three midgets...and loses" :lol:


Cory, Cory, Cory. Get it right, sir. The title of that video was "Edad Pedo Pelo Gris (loose translation = gray-haired old fart) takes on tres enanos and kicks their collective butts."


At least txtom remembered my other, lesser-known Mexican Wrestling stage name.


And really, Tom hit on the true reason why I still dye my hair gray even to this day. I knew there were big bucks to be made if I pretended I was an old fart and kicked midgets' butts in outdoor Mexican Wrestling arenas. A no-brainer, really.


My hair is actually 100% dark brown even at my advanced age of 39, but I spend a fortune every week have the beauty shop streak both my jet black beard and my hair with that beautiful gray treatment that Tom admires so much.



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