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Crude down again today,closed at $119.17 a barrel"


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guys guys... men women ..gas station owners have been takeing a beating lately ..profits are down ..so when they get a break they will keep the price up a few days . before they lower them ..gotta get in on the act too ....lol

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I see five of the lowest in cedar park/ leander. and the are on the major roads in cedar park not on a side street. Not trying to argue just stating what I have seen from my travels.

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If your not trying to argue.. then quit posting a rebutt.... I live in CP & drive to RR every day..Further east the cheaper gas gets in my travels..


Old.. understand the gas stations problem.. my bone to pick is with the Refinery/Head Money makers...

Greedy.. BLEEEEP

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with the refiners cutting supply for lack of demand .they are going to be part of the problem later ..the exscuse will be short supply for high prices again ..we the buyers are not going to win this battle nomatter what we do ..powers to be have us under the rug .what ever happend to the america i use to know ..boy do i miss those yesteryears when we looked out for each other . now is how much you can screw the other guy out of ..

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Whats amazing is go to the graphs and chart what crude prices was 6 years ago to this day. It starts at $22 a barrel with gas at its lowest of 1.04 a gallon then see the high of 146.38 a barrel with highest austin gas of 3.98 to yesterday with it at 119.00 and gas at 3.70 to 3.60. Then when I found my book from my graduation in 1998 and it has a line for price of gas and I have wrote down like .90 something cents a gallon.

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MSN, show's 115.20 @ close of buisness today. That's even less that a couple of hour's ago. KEEP GOING..LOL


I heard on KSAT Ch 12 that it closed below 115 today. Notice the big jump in the stock market.

They also reported a few stations in the SA area down as low as 3.53 but said the norm was still at

3.71. In UC this afternoon regular was down to 3.65.

I've yet to figure out why it sure increases a lot quicker on a few penny barrel increase, yet it crawls down when barrel prices drop by dollars. Maybe the minus buttons are not working right on their calculators. :)

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When the price goes up, we all get price-conscious and look for cheap gas, putting pressure on the stations to hold prices lower than they need to maintain their profit margins.

When the price drops, we get less price-conscious and aren't shopping for a penny more or less here and there, and the stations use that to retrieve some of the profit lost when prices were rising by lowering prices more slowly than they raised them.

It's not a big conspiracy folks. It's just new markets, primarily in China and India but other, smaller, markets elsewhere as well, driving up demand for what is a vanishing resource. Did we think oil, and, therefore, cheap oil, would last forever?

Apparently a lot of us did...

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slaughter and congress $3.55 reg unleaded,which is still to damn high.it crawls down slow because oil sold today is for next month and down the road,not right now.

It sure goes UP fast!!!!!!


I agree landlord. I believe that most people know that the barrel prices of today effect the gas prices later on but if you watch the market daily, the minute the barrel price increased the pump prices went up usually the very next day. Now the barrel prices drop and the pump prices don't react for sometimes as long as a week later. They do not react downwards at the same rate they go upwards. The more I watch this oil price drama the more I become convinced that it is tied to politics more than it is to our national needs. Isn't it simply mind boggling that while we struggle with high energy prices that our congress takes a summer break. Now that is what I call deriliction of duty. :angry:

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4.39 in Cedar Park Yesterday on the way to THR!!

$4.19 in La Vernia at Valero. What a joke when you applaud $4.19 Diesel.

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dano you need to calm down alittle ..you have that steam rolling off your head so high .i have to turn my wipers on way down here in corpus ...id bet budman has something to do with it ...


Old Timer, if you lived up this way you would appreciate the moisture off that steam. You all are lucky down in Corpus. At least it rains every once in awhile.

See you again next time you come up to THR. Bring carburator racing float. :D


4.39 in Cedar Park Yesterday on the way to THR!!

$4.19 in La Vernia at Valero. What a joke when you applaud $4.19 Diesel.



You are right. Its ridiculious even to applaud any of the prices they are dropping down to. Now I do like the fact they are dropping but I won't smile until they get down to a more respectable level which I put around the 2.00 to 2.25 level. Also would be nice if they started making the ethanol from straw grass instead of corn which is driving food prices out of sight. :(

Sorry to see you get punted last night Jody. You were running well. I think the crash class was back out last night cause they sure sent a bunch of bent metal home. Big shame because that will put the car counts back down again.


dano you need to calm down alittle ..you have that steam rolling off your head so high .i have to turn my wipers on way down here in corpus ...id bet budman has something to do with it ...


Old Timer. Remember Budman lives back in those hills and probably brews his own gasoline (wink - you know what I mean) so he does not get too upset about the high gas prices. Just cost him to buy the corn. :lol:

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