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See if you recognize folks in this LSSZ video from 2009 at Thunderhill


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Just as Rodney's interview with Robert Barker began, you will see a very obvious photo-bomb by a famous motrorsports writer - our very own Jay Hallas, better known as rebleracewriter on here. 

Hard to believe it's been almost ten years since this video was made.



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That was awesome to watch...I remember them all. Haven't read/heard about the Bumbera girl in quite awhile but she sure was determined

in the interview that she would be a force at some point. Nick I still remember your interviews as well as James Huff who helped you out at times.

I always learned a ton about the drivers from the interviews and appreciated them through the years. How would they get this experience if not for you and James?

This is their first opportunity to experience "marketing and PR" and you folks taught them effortlessly how its done....Hats off to both you and James.

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Yes indeed it WAS a March race and yeah, it was  C O L D  that day and night.  In the first part of the interview you will see midgets in the background.  That was one of those races Tavo  was putting on at the time,  with the USAC National Midget Series and the NASCAR West Series along with TSRS.  I've even got a couple of pics from that race.

Here's Kendall and some old man.


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6 hours ago, Budman said:

 a WHAT ????   ME H/T ???   Now why in the world would  I want to crop a purdy girl out of one of my pics ???  :P

lol.....how you doing old man ..I try every time I can not to be in a picture ..I dont know if its to make other feel good I am not in them or I just dont really see the need I already know what I look like ..

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lol …..  I'm doing OK H/T. Just wish there was a track somewhere around here.   How about yourself? 

Those pics are from 2009.  They were shot by Dan - - - rest his soul - - - .  He was directing the shots that day.  That was about the time he got that fancy new NIKON digital camera.  No tellin' how many pics he took that day.  He later e-mailed me a few, as shown above. 

You need to be nice to me on here H/T.  Remember who yanked you out of the path of that kid in that dwarf car that came screaming through the pits at THR, then crashed through his pit after he passed us?  Must'a had a stuck throttle, I guess.  Never seen that in the pits before.  You take care now and remember to look both ways before you go crossin' any streets, ya hear?   :lol:       



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13 hours ago, Budman said:

lol …..  I'm doing OK H/T. Just wish there was a track somewhere around here.   How about yourself? 

Those pics are from 2009.  They were shot by Dan - - - rest his soul - - - .  He was directing the shots that day.  That was about the time he got that fancy new NIKON digital camera.  No tellin' how many pics he took that day.  He later e-mailed me a few, as shown above. 

You need to be nice to me on here H/T.  Remember who yanked you out of the path of that kid in that dwarf car that came screaming through the pits at THR, then crashed through his pit after he passed us?  Must'a had a stuck throttle, I guess.  Never seen that in the pits before.  You take care now and remember to look both ways before you go crossin' any streets, ya hear?   :lol:       



well sorta like mad at you for saving me .lol you know lieutenant dan was mad at gump... .. WOW THAT  was way too close for comfort  A couple of broke legs were not on my list . FOLKS  budman is a hero ……… I was looking both ways just not down at that level ..you were there … had another close call at sts a couple of years ago .had  lisa   not screamed at me I would have been in a lot bigger problem ...either not alive or not walking ever again ..someone used the golf cart lisa was on to hold a very heavy four wheeler  up on the bank in turn four .when she moved it set the four wheeler on its way dont the bank towards another parked golf cart ..I was in between .. as I turned out of its way it hit my right arm and crashed into that other cart .others were lucky that cart was there ..pits were full of poeple just standing around ….so she is a hero as well ….. some times I wished  I took pictures .

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  • 9 months later...
1 hour ago, NickHolt said:

 your Bumping this one up... Check out the USAC cars in the background... This was March 2009.  Jay Hallas does a walk-on cameo during the Rodney Rodriguez -Robert Barker interview!


 YOU ARE TEN YEARS OLDER NICK . do you miss  your young self .. 

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