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WELL it proves nascar is boring till crap like this happens . w,w,e and everyone wakes up takes a look and then goes back to sleep waiting for the next big deal to happen ..when was the last time we all talked about what a great race it was on a week to week bases ...give me a date if you know cuz its been years sense that last time that has happened ..we all remember the days when a great race was darn near every race . we don't have the dale sr .Wallace .dw .terry .jarrets .. enough single car teams anymore ......

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So, end result of the appeals is the probation was reduced from 6 months until December 31, 2015. So, Matt can start the 2016 season with a clean slate.


National Motorsports Final Appeals Officer Statement


(Nov. 5, 2015)


Today the National Motorsports Final Appeals Officer, Mr. Bryan Moss, heard and considered the appeal of a Behavioral Penalty issued on Nov. 3, 2015 to Matt Kenseth (driver) relative to NASCAR Sprint Cup Series vehicle #20 at Martinsville Speedway.


The penalty concerns the following sections in the 2015 NASCAR Rule Book: Sections 12.1 and 12.8.


The original penalty assessed included suspension from NASCAR until the completion of the next two NASCAR Sprint Cup Series events and placed on NASCAR probation for six months following the issuance of the Penalty Notice.


Earlier today, a three-person National Motorsports Appeals Panel heard the appeal and made the following decisions:


1.The Appellant violated the rules set forth in the Penalty notice;

2.The Panel affirms and upholds the original Penalty levied by NASCAR.


Upon hearing this afternoon’s testimony, the National Motorsports Final Appeals Officer made the following decisions:


1.The Appellant violated the Rules set forth in the Penalty Notice;

2.The Penalty is amended to: “Suspended from NASCAR until the completion of the next two NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Championship Events. Placed on NASCAR probation through December 31, 2015.”


The decision of the National Motorsports Final Appeals Officer is final and binding on all parties.

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LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....God I just love how people like to 'read into" my posts


SO REB your saying every wreck in the last few races was to help Gordon win a championship

Nope Mike, but I stated when Gordon announced his retirement that NA$CAR would do everything in it's power to make sure he had a chance to win the championship....I'm not the one trying to connect the most recent event dots here.


"Crash-ica"? Wow! Pretty hard to take anything you say seriously. A little sexist there, huh?

Nah, but someone who wrecks as much as she does deserves a nickname.....There's also Kevin Hav-a-wreck on the list of NA$CAR nicknames I have made up over the years...Some have retired(thankfully) and a few others can't be mentioned in mixed company.....LOL.....I fail to see how having a little fun has any equivalency to taking me serious, but 'que sera.'

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I'm just wondering how you get to be the National Motorsport Final Appeals Officer, and where does that individual sit? Who pays them for their work? Is it a full-time job? Are they like the Supreme Court? Who nominates them? How are they voted in?


Can we nominate Nick? Reb? Who would we even submit the nominations to?


If something happened at CTS, CC or STS could a case find it's way all the way up there? Things to ponder as the season winds down...

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I have no problem with Danica. But she does crash near 50% of the races, and given,half of those not her fault.Still a lot of bent stuff. As for the thing with Gilliand I don't blame her.Why didn't NASCAR punish him for what he did is a fair question.

If you would check the stats instead of making baseless claims, you would find that Danica actually crashes less than most of the other racers. Saying that she crashes 50% of the time is just not true. As far as Gilliland goes, he has been taking cheap shots at Danica for several seasons. He has publicly made both disrespectful and vulgar comments about her. David Gilliland is a piece of trash. I wonder about the mentality of people comparing her incident to what Kenseth did last Sunday. Or even the incident between him and Joey at Kansas. Totally different situations. I don't believe the people defending Kenseth are really that ignorant. I think they are just being argumentative. Kenseth is a low class coward. He proved it last year when he jumped Brad from behind in the dark and, again last Sunday. Then, he lied about it. He was not even man enough to admit it was intentional. People who are defending Matt Kenseth have issues. I believe in good hard racing but, not cowardly, vindictive bullshit like Matt Kenseth did Sunday. I think the suspension should go through the end of the season. That just proves that NASCAR is who is really to blame. They asked for it. They got it. The WWE, UFC, MMA, Hockey, mentality people NASCAR is now catering to are not "real" racing fans. We are. We deserve better. No hard feelings. Just a little discussion among friends.

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Kenseth reacted to the stupid Chase deal.At Kansas he was 5 laps from advancing.He feels Logano took him out of the Chase so he thought he would do the same to him.Logano still had two chances to get in so all is not dead for him yet.The Chase changes attitudes.Drivers will do things to get they wouldn't do otherwise.I don't blame the drivers.This is on NASCAR and Brian France.

I agree with you 100%. While I do not agree with what Kenseth did Sunday, there is a bigger picture. Kenseth is not "the problem" Kenseth is a product of "the problem" NASCAR is "the problem"

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I wonder about the mentality of some who think what Danica did was any different from what matt or others have done .....if you go after and take another car out or wreck em so bad they cant run very well .then it is the same period the reason does not matter the action is the same :rolleyes:......just a little discussion among friends ....

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Mike, remember the onslaught of endless godaddy commercials we used to see during races.....How many Dollar General ones have you ever seen?......I believe that may be the answer you're looking for.....$$$$$$$$$$$.....And just wait until 2016, it will be bread/biscuit commercials......lol.....Natures Bakery, the official bakery of NA$CAR....

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I wonder about the mentality of some who think what Danica did was any different from what matt or others have done .....if you go after and take another car out or wreck em so bad they cant run very well .then it is the same period the reason does not matter the action is the same :rolleyes:......just a little discussion among friends ....

Danica didn't wreck the "leader" while she was 10 laps down. I've been trying to remember if that has ever happened in Nascar. People say these guys do this all the time. "The code". I really can't remember someone going many laps down, coming back on the track, waiting around, and wrecking the leader. I've never seen it. Especially since he went 10 laps down due to an incident with a different driver. Maybe that's the difference. The closest was Gordon taking out Boyer. He got a hefty fine, but should have gotten suspended. But, I realize there is NO getting through to people that just hate a driver. It's like talking politics. Just walk away...

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Well I guess I have issues then. I respect Matt Kenseth and don't blame him for what he did. Do I agree with the penalty NO. Do I think he should of penalized YES. The problem that I have with this is NASCAR stated that Kenseth took out a chase eligible driver and could have affected the chase. Now Logano (who was locked into the chase already) takes out Kenseth (a chase eligible driver at that time) at Kansas and that is called "a smart move" and "quintessential NASCAR" by Brian France. That where I take up issue with the decision. What Kenseth should have done it not make it so obvious. There is ways to retaliate and ruin someone elses day without being so obvious because I have done it multiple times.

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Plus Danica didn't wreck Gilliand,she wrecked herself after he put a perfect brake check on her. I tried to Google how many races Danica crashed in and couldn't get a number yet.But the response list is LONG.Again a lot of those are not of her doing and there are times she does a great job of avoiding.At least she hasn't hit a jet dryer under yellow!

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I don't hate her .just not a fan ..the point should be and the rules should be ..if you wreck someone for reason stated as they have been ..then their should be an even playing field on penalties ..ten laps down one lap down on the same lap who cares ..heck even the poor attempt that one driver tried should still be considered as same ..but that's just me and I suppose I am alone on this .so be it .... :rolleyes:

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I wasn't referring to hatred of any particular driver. Just in general, everybody has that driver they just can't stand for one reason or another. And, when they get what's coming to them (in our mind), we think it's great! Heck, I have a top 10 list that need to get stuck in the wall. But, that doesn't mean someone doesn't have to pay up if they do it. As far as the fairness of the decisions made, whether it's Nascar, or your local track, calls are made. Suspensions are given out. But there are always people that think Nascar, or their local track officials are idiots. They say they will never watch another race! Or ever go back to that track! But, then you see them posting about the next race, or pulling their car in the pits. <_<

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