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Girl Double Fips Over The Wall at The QM Grands


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Why do they let these kids drive with their upper bodies hanging outside the cars?

Simple. the weight transfer allows them to go faster which equals winning!


this ain't kids soccer and winning is more important than anything else. ANYTHING.

As a racer I am really suprised the rules don't address the wack-a-mole issue. As A parent I am appalled.

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This really has me upset. Im seriously reconsidering letting my daughter race these cars. I have her car set up to where she is inside the cage and not outside. She might not win any races this way but she will be safe. Plus I dont want her to see someone get hurt or killed driving these little cars. If the parents want their kid to lay down to the left while racing then build the cages offset to the left. I just cant believe a sanctioning body would allow this kind of thing to take place. Do they allow their kids to hang out the window of the family car? How many drivers do you know of race with their heads hanging out side the car? While typing this I have decided to sell her car and get her into a "Front Runner" type of car. :angry:

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I've seen them to Nick. But I didnt have a child wanting to race one then. Racing is a very dangerous sport. We all know that. I just cant bring myself to say" Oh, they have been doing this for years so that makes it OK". Dukes video shows that it's NOT OK. The car is going to be sold.

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I've seen pics of kids racing quarter midgets back in the 50's hanging out the left side and with no cage whatsoever. Guess it's been going on for a while.



And would appear the learning curve is rather flat...

The pain, the surgeries and the current limitations to my life from spondylosis and the related spinal issues are a direct result from the traumas I experienced doing just such things. I estimate about 9 or 10 "whiplashes" and other soft tissue injuries that over the years did me in. What parent (or sanctioning body) truly WANTS that for the kids?

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So.. As everyone goes off here.. lets put something into perspective.. just a very few years ago.. that was not a safer barrier.. it was Gurdrail...

Notice the whole wall give and absorb the energy?.... Look for the good not always the bad.. Many of those kids now are wearing Head & Neck.. Also notice the fire suit with Head sock?....

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Aaron, do you drive at THR with YOUR head hanging out the window? :lol:


I've been to that track and watched those kids race. The first time I saw them doing that, I thought it was rather odd and looked a bit unsafe. BUT, like most, I supposed those people knew what they were doing. So I left without really giving it much of a second thought.

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So.. As everyone goes off here.. lets put something into perspective.. just a very few years ago.. that was not a safer barrier.. it was Gurdrail...

Notice the whole wall give and absorb the energy?.... Look for the good not always the bad.. Many of those kids now are wearing Head & Neck.. Also notice the fire suit with Head sock?....


Agreed... The wall is safer but the fact still remains that the kids upper body is OUTSIDE the cage. What if another car had flipped in front of her and was on its side with the bottom of the car facing her? Her head would have made full contact with the bottom of the other persons car. I dont care what ANYONE says....This practice is dangerious.....period. And QMA promotes this type of driving. In the 2010 QMA rule book this is one of the rules:


22. G No restraining device of any kind is to be used to keep the driver’s head or body outside the roll cage, with the exception of attaching both shoulder straps to the left upright bar of the cage.


They allow the kids to drive like this.....idiots!

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this is Josh on dads screen name as I am in Midland hanging with him tonight. But I want to share a picture of me from 1994 when I raced quarters and it shows me hanging out of the car. as someone stated earlier it does help to lean out of the car and you could also lean forward and backward to help transfer. But I raced these cars for 8 years and and helped with a driver for another 2 and only one time did I ever see a wreck a car ran over the left rear wheel of the car he was passing and shot tire over the helmet of the kid and it messed him up to where he was knocked out but he came back the next day and won infact i was behind the two of them when it happened.


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Wish they had that safty barrier there when i was racing Q.M back in the day.. I hit the same turn almost the same spot into a Metal Guard Rail...When i hit, you could hear "THONK" all around the track.. And if am not mistaking in the middle of 1&2 they had ply wood..I remember racing one night in very cold weather and one of my buddys just froze up and went straight into the plywood...So that track looks much better now then back then... Hey Josh i dont know if they are still there... But do you remember those big yellow speed bump looking thinks on the inside of the track in that turn..lol

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I just watched the video several more times......EVERY one of those kids were hanging outside the cage. A couple of them have containment seats and they are still hanging outside the cage. Even the young lady that flipped was once again leaning outside the cage once the race re-started. Those kids do it because the adults allow them to. I dont care how many years someone raced in QM and was never hurt or how many years their kids or friends race them without an injury........they were just very very lucky. This is a "No Brainer" in my book. Just watch the slow motion part of Dukes video. And you would still allow your child to do this? I pray you wouldnt. Im sending letters to the QM Headquarters and letting them know how I feel about this. Sad thing is that they will just hit the "Delete" key and continue doing things their way.

Reb....mind if I come over and dig a hole next to yours?

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Papa i did it for 8 years and if i could do it again i would the same way and my kid would do it the same. I dont see why the big stink over this but like someone said before go karts have no cage and are going alot faster. Ever since they added the cages there has never been a fatality or major injury except for some bumps and bruises. the cars today are alot more safer than cars i raced 14 years ago. i have flipped these cars and had my head hit the ground and was perfectly fine when i got out.

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The kids are not old enough to understand how dangerous it is. The parents are putting them in these situations. If you made them all stay within the cage area, it would be a level playing field in a safer environment. I wonder how a parent would feel if their child got their neck broke at such a young age racing for a trophy? What good is a tough guy kid with a broken neck?

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I know you and your dad did this for a long time and the cars are safer today than back then but did you look at the video? Her head hit the wall. Yes it was a foam wall but what if she hit another car or something on the other side of the wall? The go-kart thing is true...they have no protection but I am pretty sure that a 5 year old is not allowed to run at THR with their karts. Adults can make the call to drive one because they are adults. These are kids that rely on adults to make call to keep them safe. My daughters kart (Yerf Dog) has a cage. Im not trying to argue with anyone or make anyone mad. I just dont think the kids should be hanging outside the cage. What I saw on the video proves that without a dought in my eyes.

What is the "Net" or "Panel" on the right side of a QM for?........its to KEEP their head inside the cage!

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I agree Papa, and as Maverick said, if all were required to be restrained within the cage, it would be a level playing field for all. This of course would have to be mandated by the sanctioning body. Like you, I think it is a no-brainer. In racing at any level the appropriate steps must be taken to prevent helmet to wall, track, etc. contact.


Advances in racing safety technology have traditionally come at a tragically high price. This vid graphically and profoundly illustrates the need for change. In this case fortunately, without "paying the tragic price." I would say to those in charge "Don't squander this opportunity by turning a blind eye to it!"

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