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Airplane Crash in Austin


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watching it on the news ..looks like the pilot may have crashed it on purpose ..they said he set his own house on fire .before he took off .this building holds offices from the fbi .the irs and others ...... two poeple taking to hospital .and one missing so far ..out on high way 183 ...

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watching it on the news ..looks like the pilot may have crashed it on purpose ..they said he set his own house on fire .before he took off .this building holds offices from the fbi .the irs and others ...... two poeple taking to hospital .and one missing so far ..


HiTech, Thanx for the update. Lenny66

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Now they are saying the FBI is not housed in that office building, but in one nearby. Apparently the man had a beef with the IRS which is housed in that office building. According to FOX news the man set his own house afire, got in the plane and deliberately flew it into the building.



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There is a link to a letter this guy wrote on the Statesman front page. I'm not defending his actions but at least his side of the story makes out that he is the victim of the IRS "Guilty until proven innocent" policy..




The letter is a typical delusional rant.

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The guy was a NUTJOB! Flew that plane in to the building....could have killed HUNDREDS!!! I think that MOST Americans ahve a beef with the IRS. I don't know anyone that says YIPPEE it's April 15th and I get to pay my taxes! But there are CORRECT ways to make your issues known. Apparently this guy has had a history of anti government rants and threats. When will people start taking this stuff seriously? I mean....Ft. Hood COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED if people had quit being politically correct and gotten involved....SAME WITH THIS NUT BAG!!!!Law Enfocment can only prevent if we get involved! People threatening to blow up Government buildings or kill dozens of people ARE NOT RIGHT!

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Rant by someone that had lost it no doubt, but I dont know if I would agree with delusional. Plenty of what he wrote is true.

I agree, his actions were very wrong but his idea of the "real" world is dead on! no pun intended.

Most all of us are just poor folk trying to get by in this life without any hassle, and there are those willing to take advantage of those people to make a free buck. And nothing is ever done. I will never agree with useless blood-shed, but... you have to admit that the IRS is a bit worried now.

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i doubt the people in charge who can make a difference in the IRS are worried. the poor people who work for the IRS and do the bidding for the IRS, the little guy just going to his 9-5 job trying to put food on the table for his family, he is probably worried. wondering if next time he wont be so lucky when some pissed off whack job decides to fly his airplane into his place of business. yeah the guy got a bad deal. the government is always taking advantage of the working man. killing innocent people who are just trying to earn a living wont change anything. next week some other idiot will drive into a group of people, or some other worthless third world country will have a natural disaster and the world will forget all about the pissed off guy who flew his plane into a bldg last week. the only ones who will not forget are the families of the people this idiot killed.

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the part that infuriates me is that he got off scott-free! he's gone now and don't have to think about the families that will be suffering from all this...

humanity leaves sooooooooo much to be desired these days!



I'm not so sure about that lil. I think he'll have his judgement day....

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cory, last time i checked 'poor folk' didn't own airplanes. he got by with it for awhile then they decided he had to live by the same laws as you and i,,,,,,,,,and he got pissed. self indulged.

rebelracer said it exactly.


to steal another charlie hodge line........." i just want confirmation from hell that hitler is doing him in the butt right now."

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looking at some of the news reports on how poeple liked what he did .should tell you something ... its a mad mad world .................. for him to kill himself and trying to take others in his self righteous glory . which looks like he may have taken one person with him... just proves he was nuts .the mans writing showed he was smart ..... just didnt use it correctly ...

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