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Where have all the racers gone?


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Us fans used to look forward to the traditional "big" event on a holiday weekend.When did it become taboo to run on those weekends?They always had their biggest crowds on holiday weekends.



In all honesty, the "big event" used to pay big money. Now, if you win you might break even for a night and the holiday races aren't any different in their purse structure than any other night. Not pointing fingers, but it is not as easy for promoters to find sponsor dollars for added purses so the result is less effort after enough doors close in your face. As well, HMP's Fiesta nights are as cheap as it gets for the fan but it rained the last two times. And, I don't know how you get the word out to a city as big as Houston but none of my Houston friends have ever said they heard or seen advertising for the track. The best remedy is to bring a friend that has never been to a race each time you go. A small investment but it is the only way I can think to spread the word.

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Under HMPs pavement is the BEST dirt in Houston. ;)

landlord for President!!!!


On the one hand, the last thing Houston area racing needs is another dirt track.


But on the other hand...


The most important thing Houston area racing needs is a dirt track that would be the well run, supported, and managed track like Graham and his bunch could provide.


But the odds of it becoming a reality are <insert humorous self defacing comment here...>

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You guys say dirt, or Meyer, but we have the best facility in the state of Texas. It is not the facility, Can't compare Meyer, cause there was nothing else to do back then!!!

And you know this how???

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Well, look at all the things there is to do in Houston today, look at whet there was back then, a no brainer. Look at Willis, TX today, there is nothing there, they get a full grandstand every week. But, when the fair is in town, half of the fans are gone, when the rodeo is in, same deal. As for the best facility, you show me one that is better in Texas, and TMS does not count because we don't race on it. Kyle is nice, but I think HMP is a much nicer facility.

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Does anyone besides myself detect a related point?


From frontstretch.com/mmclaughlin/18238/ (bold font added by me)


"..., with their stock price falling to its lowest level since the Eisenhower administration, General Motors announced this week they will not renew any of their track sponsorship contracts for next year. (Stuff like providing pace cars, signage at the track, etc.) Something tells me this is the start of a troubling trend that will eventually lead to one or more of the Big Three withdrawing from the sport of stock car racing."

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Well, look at all the things there is to do in Houston today, look at whet there was back then, a no brainer. Look at Willis, TX today, there is nothing there, they get a full grandstand every week. But, when the fair is in town, half of the fans are gone, when the rodeo is in, same deal. As for the best facility, you show me one that is better in Texas, and TMS does not count because we don't race on it. Kyle is nice, but I think HMP is a much nicer facility.

Well, lets see. We had the Astros, Oilers, drive in theatres, dinner theatres, a free zoo, Astroworld, downtown and neighborhood theatres and much more. Now just to straighten things out, I raced dirt and asphalt and enjoyed all of it. I like racing. I agree HMP is a beautiful facility. I've been around it a time or two. I liked it. But like Mark Barnes said, Meyer was our big track. You could really build some speed on that half mile banked asphalt. I have raced 1/4 mile dirt and asphalt, what a blast. I ran some at Cowboy's 5/8 mile dirt. You could build some speed there but not like the asphalt. You sound a little one dimensional, lacking experience. Go get some seat time on a multitude of tracks and I promise you will enjoy it.......

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i have read all of the entries and their are some very good points and some not as good of points. I would like to offer an opinion from our perspective. Why did anyone at this level start racing to begin with? Was it that you were gong to make so much money that you would retire? That is doubtful. It was because everyone on this forum and at every track accross this country loves to race. Is it expensive? Hell yes its expensive but that does not stop us that don't race for money at all? We have earned a grand total of 2 trophies all year, that by the way are not cheap. I would venture to say that I have more invested in one Bandolero that some do in their stock cars. I am not trying to be mean I am just stating that the reason that I raced and raced both of my sons for a lot of years and spent thousands of highway miles and thousands of dollars that I really did not have was because we love to race. Plain and simple we love to race. Wel love being there we love that feeling you get in throat when you think you have the pass and the very next second you are in the wall, the thought process of we will get em next time and it seems that next time never comes, until it does. And you are so excited you can't talk and your mouth hurts from smiling so big, then when next week gets here you have bad luck again or someone wronged you. The point is none of us do this for the money or the glory. We do this because we love to just like the fans love to go and watch the races and take their kids to watch us. We need to be there for us and for them. I have been to a ton of quarter midget tracks, dirt tracks, World of outlaw tracks, SAS, Longhorn, Thunderhill, HMP, TMS and everyone muyst agree that HMP is tops right up their with TMS. You guys get paid, youguys have the fans, you guys should race, We will keep on racing but I can't make Jake grow or age any faster or I would put him in a car. I hope I did not offend anyone but I wanted to share with all of you.


Thanks for your time

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i have read all of the entries and their are some very good points and some not as good of points. I would like to offer an opinion from our perspective. Why did anyone at this level start racing to begin with? Was it that you were gong to make so much money that you would retire? That is doubtful. It was because everyone on this forum and at every track accross this country loves to race. Is it expensive? Hell yes its expensive but that does not stop us that don't race for money at all? We have earned a grand total of 2 trophies all year, that by the way are not cheap. I would venture to say that I have more invested in one Bandolero that some do in their stock cars. I am not trying to be mean I am just stating that the reason that I raced and raced both of my sons for a lot of years and spent thousands of highway miles and thousands of dollars that I really did not have was because we love to race. Plain and simple we love to race. Wel love being there we love that feeling you get in throat when you think you have the pass and the very next second you are in the wall, the thought process of we will get em next time and it seems that next time never comes, until it does. And you are so excited you can't talk and your mouth hurts from smiling so big, then when next week gets here you have bad luck again or someone wronged you. The point is none of us do this for the money or the glory. We do this because we love to just like the fans love to go and watch the races and take their kids to watch us. We need to be there for us and for them. I have been to a ton of quarter midget tracks, dirt tracks, World of outlaw tracks, SAS, Longhorn, Thunderhill, HMP, TMS and everyone muyst agree that HMP is tops right up their with TMS. You guys get paid, youguys have the fans, you guys should race, We will keep on racing but I can't make Jake grow or age any faster or I would put him in a car. I hope I did not offend anyone but I wanted to share with all of you

Thanks for your time

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Well, I sure amin it for the money. I have so much, that I needed someplace to throw all my excess money money away for. :lol:

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Well, I sure amin it for the money. I have so much, that I needed someplace to throw all my excess money money away for. :lol:

well look at it this way ..if you didnt spend it on racen .you would waste on something else ..fishing .golfing ..beer joint ...so keep on spending all that money on racen for nothing .course i have a better idear ...you can give it to me .just half .thats all .im sure i would find some way to spend .it ..pm me for address if your interested ........ jake everyone has a soap box ...

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well look at it this way ..if you didnt spend it on racen .you would waste on something else ..fishing .golfing ..beer joint ...so keep on spending all that money on racen for nothing .course i have a better idear ...you can give it to me .just half .thats all .im sure i would find some way to spend .it ..pm me for address if your interested ........ jake everyone has a soap box ...

I will be sure to send you a big chunk of my money from the J and S Savings and Loan bank. Be sure to lok hard in your mailbox, sometimes the checks come in nearly invisible envelopes. :lol:

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I agree with you Bruce that none of us got into this to make money however, the cost of being able to race has increased significantly compared to the purses being paid. So, now it takes a larger piece of a person's income to race. As well, with dwindling interest in Sat night tracks and a tough economy, support for the racers and tracks has decreased again making it tougher to compete. You are right, none of us are going to profit in racing but I would bet the majority of us didn't make an investment to just ride around in a circle. We all want to be competitive and the costs to be competitive have increased dramatically. To be honest, I worry about the tracks as much as my own racing interests because their plight is much tougher.

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Heck, I just want to know what the car count actually was.

I counted the cars on the front straight during intermission. With all classes including Bando's, Legend's, Mod's, Trucks, Lm's. I counted 32 but there were only 2 legends on the track and a few in the pits. I would think there was close to 40 race cars at the track.

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I will be sure to send you a big chunk of my money from the J and S Savings and Loan bank. Be sure to lok hard in your mailbox, sometimes the checks come in nearly invisible envelopes. :lol:

i need to check my mail box alittle better i suppose .been wateing on my nick air chassis ..getting used to seeing nothing ..except that nasty old dude named bill ..

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I got my light as air chassis a while back. I ran it a few weeks back, the race after I got DQ'd. I lapped the field 4 times, but my transponder didn't work. :angry: I was so fast and unnoticable, taht everyone thought I didn't race that weekend!!! They thought I was mad and wasn't coming back. But I was there, I even bumped Lynn Hardy a couple of times, got him a little squirly, he thought he just got loose, but I got him pretty good. That was the third time I lapped him. :D

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This was a holiday weekend,but outside of that i personally think that they are racing to much.Every 3 weeks was a good schedule especially when the track goofballs(you known who you are)tear your car up and you have to spend every extra hour(and dollar)you have to try and get the car back together.The way it is now you order parts on Monday and by the time you get them you might have 7-8 days to get the car back together(thats if you don't have a job and a life)!!!!!! :(

Three weeks? You must be kidding! I was raised in central Missouri and they race every week at Capitol Speedway (home of Carl Edwards). In my opinion we don't race enough. Racing every 3 weeks sounds like the quarter midget club we just left. We all need sponsorship money to help with the cost of racing. Let's face it, most of us don't know how to market ourselves for sponsorship. We have large crowds coming to the track and there is a lot of free real estate on our fenders and hoods. Unfortunately if we do have sponsors names on the car it is usually our own company or a close friend who helped us out with some tire money. We, as racers, need to become better at marketing ourselves. Marketing for the track is a place to start. We made an appearance earlier this year for HMP and only 5 cars showed up. There were a bunch of drunk prospective sponsors who probably looked at my email on Monday and said "What is this?" but coming from sales and marketing you must realize that every "no" is just one step closer to the next yes. To close one sale you must have ten prospects that you are working on. How many of us actually have a marketing plan for our race teams? I bet that the time we spend complaining about tech, the track, the price of gas, etc. would be better spent on being constructive and preparing a marketing plan.


As far as getting the car back together in time, get more friends with tools! (Helpful hint: the drunk ones don't produce a fast car!)


I talk a good game but I have yet to land a sponsor myself! I still keep trying and eventually they will come on board.


I got my light as air chassis a while back. I ran it a few weeks back, the race after I got DQ'd. I lapped the field 4 times, but my transponder didn't work. :angry: I was so fast and unnoticable, taht everyone thought I didn't race that weekend!!! They thought I was mad and wasn't coming back. But I was there, I even bumped Lynn Hardy a couple of times, got him a little squirly, he thought he just got loose, but I got him pretty good. That was the third time I lapped him. :D

Have you been running one of those "light as air chassis'" in the Bando class too? We need someone to blame all the wrecked equipment on!

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No, I ran mine in one prostock race, then parked it. Now I can't sem to find where I parked it. <_<


As for marketing. I have lots of Marketing partners. I get a couple hundred bucks here, couple hundred there. But I landed a big sponsor that lasted 2 years doing a display. I was not displaying for a track, I was going out and hustling sponsors and showing off my car. I went to the guys house after we met at a bar where the car was displayed, and his wife wrote me a $6000 check. The next year, he gave me $4000, then a month later gave me $2500. It is hard to find a deal like this, right now I am running off of about $1000 in sponsorship for the year. But I created a seperate part time business doing graphics and that has helped pay for a lot. But it has also taken away time that I would be spending on the car. This week I have been working on Graphics all week, and got more for next week. I may get 1-2 days to work on the car. I have Marketing proposals that I send out, but it is real hard to get a foot in the door in a lot of places, and with the economy the way it is, people are not spending money. But you still need to go out and GET the sponsorship. I was turned down 100 times before I got my first sponsorship. When I got that one, the other 100 that said no didn't matter. And yes, these displays are a good way to get sponsors, trust me. They are also good for keeping the sponsors you already have.

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I agree with you Bruce that none of us got into this to make money however, the cost of being able to race has increased significantly compared to the purses being paid. So, now it takes a larger piece of a person's income to race. As well, with dwindling interest in Sat night tracks and a tough economy, support for the racers and tracks has decreased again making it tougher to compete. You are right, none of us are going to profit in racing but I would bet the majority of us didn't make an investment to just ride around in a circle. We all want to be competitive and the costs to be competitive have increased dramatically. To be honest, I worry about the tracks as much as my own racing interests because their plight is much tougher.



My sons and I have been riding in circles for the better part of 20 years now and it ain't got us anywhere but some really fantastic memories, fabulous stories and a pretty killer little tools collection :D , Greg Spreen and I were laughing the other at how much money were are saving racing the bigger cars in tires alone!! Every tiime our quarter Midget hit the track regadles if it was qualifying, practice, or a transfer feature in hopes to make it to an A feature there were brand new right side tires on the our race cars. We raced 2 classes. that = about 160 dollars per time per car. I would have to unload 500 dollars at least in just rubber per weekend, every weekend, 2 trips to Austin 2 trips to SA every month plus going to Tulsa in May and Topeka in September. The single biggest reason all of the ex QMA folks started racing here at HMP is to save money and we are litteraly saving thousands. Having said that I am still broke! I am still counting change to put gas in the truck and I am still wondering if it is all woth it. My answer is a resounding YES!!! We are meeting a fantastic group of people we are racing in front of crowds that we have never raced in front of before. The other night during intermission there was a couple that had a couple of kids and were wondering about how to get into racing and how much. I told the gentleman about how much you could expect to spend on a modest car" don't get stupid like I did" and he looked at me and said that seems like an awfully expensive hobby. I looked at the man and asked him to look at my oldest son Chris. I told him that he was my son and he was 17 years old, this is my other son Jake and he is 12. How many 17 year old boys that have a job, girl, car, and a little change in their pocket would be hanging out with Dad on a Saturday night? How much is that worth to me? Its priceless


I love this place!!!!

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