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The sky is falling....


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Ok...Got a call last night that got me to thinking...of coarse the worst case is what came to mind...but I would be curious to hear your opinions....it was from a friend with ties to the oil industry, he said that there predicting that fuel will be in the 10$ per gallon in the next 3 years (5 per gal. by end of summer)


Here is my question....can racing survive under those conditions?....heck how will our society survive with that? If this is true it would put me at 25$ a day to get to work....350 just to get to the races....now I have been racing for 18 years...its all I know...what would we do for recreation...


Now I know that this is just like saying the sky is falling...but...what if?

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<_< In my opinion, we need to start using our supplies of oil that we are hoarding up right now!!!

That may sound selfish, but I don't giva a damn. Our elected officials need to get their heads out of their backsides and their hands out of my wallet. There is no reason that the government should not step in and stop this nonsense. The hell with your chicken-s***, stimulus package $ 300.00 check for what???

That's 3 tanks of gas in my truck, big deal, do something significant, put gasoline back to a $ 1.00 like it should be priced, start using what we have stored up get this overpriced oil crap under control. Show the other countries we don't need to be paying $115.00 for a barrel of crude, stop being so god-d*** greedy.

Start using what we have, start drilling where we know oil is sitting. Stop the self-inflicted epidemic on oil prices. I know this is a BIG MONEY MARKET, and we are victims of greed and ignorance, but the way I feel about it, use what we have now, replenish your reserves later, cause in 50 years I won't give a rats-a$$ about gas prices, I won't be around!!! Just my angry 3 cents!!! Lenny66 :angry:

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My friend said there is a law...or something that says that if you use any of the reserve then you have to replace it with the same amount...so..unless that changes I dont see that helping us out...I do think they should use it and mandate car makers to have a min. of 50 mpg cars...including start allowing the smaller cars like other countries use now....I know they are not as safe...but...just buying food is going to be hard if things keep going....


Oh yea mini....were racing Edna next week...bring your car by and I will haul it out there (tricia is off)...we could car pool....lol...but seriously...split the gas(diesel)...50$ each....we could start conserving now...

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I have been lucky that my work is allowing me to work from home this week... Today is the 3rd day...


Every Day working from home saves me $10 in fuel alone..


Not to mention working on electric/water usage, as the price of fuel goes up.. water & electric will go up as well...

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My friend said there is a law...or something that says that if you use any of the reserve then you have to replace it with the same amount...so..unless that changes I dont see that helping us out...I do think they should use it and mandate car makers to have a min. of 50 mpg cars...including start allowing the smaller cars like other countries use now....I know they are not as safe...but...just buying food is going to be hard if things keep going....


Oh yea mini....were racing Edna next week...bring your car by and I will haul it out there (tricia is off)...we could car pool....lol...but seriously...split the gas(diesel)...50$ each....we could start conserving now...

I really apretiate the offer but Robert and Nathan are running at 105 so I'm going to go see what it will do there.

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Besides the increased fuel demands of China and India, OPEC nations refuse to increase their pumping capabilities to meet the needs of the world. Why? Makes more money for them. So blaming the federal government for the problem is not going to achieve anything. Its true, anything coming out of the reserve would have to be replaced and doing that at higher prices simply puts us that further in the hole. What is the solution. Get the OK for off shore drilling around our coastal areas where untold supplies of oil exist. About the only off shore drilling allowed in this country in off the gulf coast of Texas and Louisiana while Florida opts to keep their beaches clean and not allow it at all. Funny thing is that China and Great Britian are presently drilling off the coast of southwestern Florida abut 45 miles off shore so I guess its OK to dirty beaches from that far out. Most states along the east coast and of course the left coast do not permit off shore drilling. So TX and LA carry the load as far as off shore oil goes. Then there is the Alaskan Reserve that the tree huggers don't want us to drill in because of the hazards to the ecology. Funny thing is they made the same noises about protecting the caribou when they first started drilling in Alaska and in case anyone has noticed, the caribou herds have actually increased because the oil field people were considerate enough to provide a means by which the caribou could bypass the pipeline which all the squirrell protectors insisted the caribou would all die at. Maybe Congress should give the OK to start the exploration and drilling there NOW instead of bickering about the future of the snow fox population if they did drill there.

Fuel was always expensive in most of Europe mostly because of their small refining capabilities. Our country in now also getting into that same dilemma because the ecologist have effectively stopped the construction of new refineries in this country for 30 years now. So if we are looking for someone to blame for much of this, blame the green movement because while giving us all the reasons to stop they never bother to provide a solution for the problem. They stopped nuclear power plants for years and now they

are saying they are OK because they are cleaner than coal and natural gas. Hello! I thought that was pretty self explanatory. JMO but I agree with Budman. Auto racing may be seeing its twilight years right now. :(

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A few clarifications might help.


Oil right now is trading high, this trading is oil futures. We are not paying yet what oil is trading at and probably won't until mid summer. OPEC is not increasing production due to the fact that with what oil futures are trading at they need to make sure that they can keep up with supply as the need increases. We as users need to cut back where we can. Those who can use E-85 or Bio-Diesel need to do so. We as consumers have shown the oil companies that gas can goto almost 4.00 per gallon and we'll suck it up and keep driving. Is our racing going to suffer? I say the answer is Yes it will. We maybe need to back down to 1 or 2 events per month and keep our travels to a minimum. My family and I used to take motorhome trips, now I keep my motorhome at the lake and drive the fuel efficient car there and back. We need to change our habits and start cutting into the sales and profits of the oil companies. You figure the refineries get about 28 gallons of gas out of a barrell of oil which makes just the product about 4.10 per gallon. There has to be a way to cut back. We need to cut our consumption of the oil in order to cut the price. When the trucks slow down, the airplanes slow down and the cars slow down we will see lower prices. If prices keep getting raised and we figure out ways to do it anyway then they will just continue to go up.


Industry insiders that I work with are predicting that the peak is going to be at $5.00 per gallon and then something is going to break. I think if we saw $10.00 per gallon we'd be in another depression.


The opinions expressed are just that.

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Five bucks a gallon may not bother them since they apparently have a good supplier of cash

to keep making all these protest. Back in my working days I had little time to go protest

anything yet they seem to get around the country with ease. Probably big ole RVs getting 8

miles per gallon. Like that one guy who won the Nobel Prize, I won't say his name, his home

uses as much energy as some small cities do but they say its OK because he purchases many of

those green power producer credits, like the CPS's Windtricity program. Talk about hyprocracy

I too heard the 10 buck per gallon talk but at even 5 bucks a gallon much is going to grind to a halt

in this country and auto racing will be one of its first victims. Hate to say that I am really concerned

about the other businesses that will go plus the people who will have to find alternate ways to get to

work. :(

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A, we aren't buying the fuel-efficient cars they build now, and B, Europe is paying seven bucks a gallon and thinks we're a bunch of crybabies. It's not like this hasn't been coming for a long time. We'll be okay.


European's are actually paying more than that, if you count in the fact that the American dollar is so weak towards the Euro. Trust me, every 1st of the month I convert 1200.00 Euro's for my rent and it is right at $2000.00 bucks! Our COLA over here in Germany is through the roof. The Iranian's have stopped trading in dollars now and have went strictly to the Euro, so gas prices are just going to keep rising as the Euro continues to kill the dollar.


I thought the US just needs more refinery's, as the price of unrefined fuel isn't that bad, it's the refined price that is high?



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ok who is going to stomp on my feet ..but raze the speed limit to 80 plus ..lol ..get there sooner ..we pulled both cars last weekend up to kyle ..thats 840 miles for two trucks ...suburban and yukon ...we burned less gas running 80 than running 70 ..crusing speed .. less throtle time and less time on the road .... i proved this way back in 91 .i took my stock motor out of my car and stuck my race motor in ..now unless i stomped on the gas ..i got better fuel mileage .with the bigger motor ..up to speed faster .less throtle .. less burnt fuel ..i know im way off course and way off my rocker ...

Edited by oldtimer
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I said it before and I'll say it again. Bush saw this 8 years ago and put legislation in to start drilling in Alaska, but was blocked by a democrat congress. YES, I am making this a republican/democrat issue, because someone else is going to point fingers at bush like they are everywhere else. Here is a story where Bush atacks congress on the issue. I remember it because they wanted to protect the caraboo(sp?), and I said F the Caraboo, I don't want to pay $2.50 for gas. Now, I would love to pay $2.50 for gas and I still say F the caraboo. WE PURCHASED ALASKA FOR THE OIL!!!! Lets use the DAMN OIL!!! Build refineries, and F the Caraboo and F the Arabs and F the Euro.


Now that I got that out of my system, here is a link to the story.



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ok who is going to stomp on my feet ..but raze the speed limit to 80 plus ..lol ..get there sooner ..we pulled both cars last weekend up to kyle ..thats 840 miles for two trucks ...suburban and yukon ...we burned less gas running 80 than running 70 ..crusing speed .. less throtle time and less time on the road .... i proved this way back in 91 .i took my stock motor out of my car and stuck my race motor in ..now unless i stomped on the gas ..i got better fuel mileage .with the bigger motor ..up to speed faster .less throtle .. less burnt fuel ..i know im way off course and way off my rocker ...

Old Timer,

Since you was running 80 was that your hauler that the Selma police had stopped at that overpass around 1AM Sunday Morning? Hey buddy, I am with you but if you go through Schertz, Selma or Live Oak on IH35, back off to the limit. I35 is a great source of income for these burgs. :D


I said it before and I'll say it again. Bush saw this 8 years ago and put legislation in to start drilling in Alaska, but was blocked by a democrat congress. YES, I am making this a republican/democrat issue, because someone else is going to point fingers at bush like they are everywhere else. Here is a story where Bush atacks congress on the issue. I remember it because they wanted to protect the caraboo(sp?), and I said F the Caraboo, I don't want to pay $2.50 for gas. Now, I would love to pay $2.50 for gas and I still say F the caraboo. WE PURCHASED ALASKA FOR THE OIL!!!! Lets use the DAMN OIL!!! Build refineries, and F the Caraboo and F the Arabs and F the Euro.


Now that I got that out of my system, here is a link to the story.



Three cheers Arthur. To H--- with political, you are right. :D Dano

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Don't tell the tree huggers this but caribou is pretty good eating. A couple million Eskimos can't

be wrong but I draw the line at whale blubber...... :lol:

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Old Timer,

Since you was running 80 was that your hauler that the Selma police had stopped at that overpass around 1AM Sunday Morning? Hey buddy, I am with you but if you go through Schertz, Selma or Live Oak on IH35, back off to the limit. I35 is a great source of income for these burgs. :D

nope not us ...i smell those cops a mile away and slow down ..lol ofcourse .seeing thier lights that far away helps alittle ....boy they were thick as bugs on a bumper ...ran 70 all the way back to cc ..they seem to be able to hide better at night ..cant figure that one out ..

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We are in a position in this country to really dominate the global economy.....but we need to all get rid of our gas/diesel powered vehicles in order to do so.Go online and read some of the articles about global starvation on the rise because of us using up the grain in our gas tanks.Once we give up our dependance on oil we can all tell the rest of the world to kiss our food producing asses.The last time I checked,the humans have to eat food.Once oil is gone,there will only be a few countries with all of the economic power,and the United States will be at or on top of that list.Chrysler announced they are going to be selling three different all electric cars in the very near future.....buy one.


p.s. does anyone ever really listen to the Presidents speaches?Or is everyone too tied up in Bush bashing?He has been preaching about this since he was governor of Texas.If you google weather disasters and look around,you will find his administrations report about natural disasters and how to handle them.It came out over one year before Katrina....it was sent to the United Nations/all U.S. governors/and all mayors of major U.S. cities.....including New Orleans...NOBODY LISTENED.


When will the tree huggers start listening about the Nuclear plants......with 200 million electric cars on the road our coal fired plants won't keep up.

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The fuel price has already hurt my racing.300 miles round trip,10 mpg,4;00 a gal to win 150$.The government made diesel this expensive by making the refineries reformulate the fuel with less sulfer.

The other nite I was watching late late nite TV and they were saying there is enough coal to make enough gasolene to last 200 years at todays rate of consumption.And can be converted to gasolene and sold for under 250 a gal.The hold up is the myrad of regulations from a multitude of senators.So bad the govener of that state will not start production,being afraid of EPA fines.We have the raw energy in this country,just need to get Al Capones people out of congress.Term limits,term limits.We need that more than anything now.As I sit in my racecar making rummmm sounds.

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A, we aren't buying the fuel-efficient cars they build now, and B, Europe is paying seven bucks a gallon and thinks we're a bunch of crybabies. It's not like this hasn't been coming for a long time. We'll be okay.



Because Europe has been screwed by greedy big oil slobs doesn’t mean we should sit back and be happy that they are now screwing us. Having lived long enough to have paid 19 cents per gallon of gas and now are paying 3.50 for the same stuff you have wonder what is going on? Greed that’s all, we should charge the Arab countries we get crude from 20 times the price for everything we sell them. What goes around comes around. Or it should. :blink: I also dont care what Europe thinks about us.

Edited by thomasghamilton
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