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Danica Patrick

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Geez, the girl leads Indy and posts a top five, and we want to know when she's going to back that up with a win. She gets a win, and Neon14 wants to know when she'll back up the win. Now it's "an anemic field," and she needs to prove herself at Indy. I have a flash for you: she's already proved herself at Indy and beyond.

Sounds like a few drivers are worried about losing to a girl. Well, let me put your minds at ease: if you keep racing, you are going to lose to a girl, so quit worrying about it.

Maybe we should be talking about when Tiger Woods is going to "back up" his Masters wins; after all, he hasn't passed everyone yet; there's still Nicklaus and Palmer in a couple of categories.

Here's another news flash: the car doesn't know who's driving it, and likely doesn't care.

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True, and as Dawn pointed out in a conversation, Jimmie Johnson won his last one on fuel management. I don't hear anyone saying that wasn't a real win...

He's had more than 1 in the last 50 tries could be the reason for that.

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I don't thnk so, Jody. I think too many guys are afraid of joining the eleven who got smoked by a girl at Thunder Hill on Saturday night and are looking for any excuse to keep it from being a "real" win.

But don't feel bad. At the rate the womens' marathon times are dropping compared to the mens', it may not be long before the fastest marathoner in the world is a woman.

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Edited by oldtimer
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:D Good for her!!! She earned that trophy!!! I don't consider her opponents as an "anemic" field. She lead the only lap that mattered. ;) Lenny66 B)


I agree! This talk of an anemic field and fuel mileage wouldn't have occured if Helio won it. If we're going to start doing that then let's take away M. Waltrip's 2nd 500 win (rain), Dario Franchitti's Indy Win (Rain) -- the list can go on and on. Heck, lets not even count all the local guys who beat 8 car fields....


Danica did good

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The only thing negative I have ever said about women racers is the fact that they fall into the minority category when it comes down to applying for the higher ranks(I'm not saying it's their fault and I do feel that they should take full advantage of it).In the pros it should not matter the persons color,ethnic or gender it should come down to who can get the job done.Affirmative action is nothing more than racial profiling!!!!!

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That's true, Landlord, but more drivers are getting rides with their checkbooks than their talent than ever got a shot because they were a minority.

Danica does look a bit like a quarter-midget winner in the photos: the trophy is nearly as tall as she is.

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I made the anemic comment. It was a small field. Just like every Nascar race in japan. Mike Skinners only cup win was in Japan. Many 2nd 3rd and 4th place finishes, but not a win in a pionts event. I dont really care that a woman won, but alot of you guys make such a big deal about her because she's hot, not because of talent. Listen to her on a scanner, she's just a spoiled brat with pleanty of equipment behind her. How many miles did JJ Yeley make in the # 18 car. Now some talent gets in the seat with instant success. Yes instant. What kind of results would the Motorola team have with Helio, or TK, or wheldon in the seat? Im not saying she doesnt have any talent, because she does, but she is not the second coming of christ for gods sakes. She is just another driver. However a middle of the pack driver can look real good in the best equipment, and a great driver will usually suck in bad equipment. Again, look at the RCR 31 car. Skinner(no wins) Gordon(2 wins I believe) Burton...That car keeps looking better.

If you win on a fuel strategy than great, your team had a better strategy than the others, great.

18 cars started, 14 finished, 7 on the lead lap. Most all of the leaders were throttled back to conserve fuel and she didnt have to because of being off sequence. Now, did she beat there pants off? No. Could she of won if it didnt come down to fuel mileage? No. Can she win the Indy 500? Maybe, but the odds still dont favor her. I would probably be more likely to be a fan of hers if she wasnt such a damn B!t#h to her crew. She has too much ego for her amount of talent.JMO

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Eighteen cars is a normal IRL or even Champ Car (now no more) field. As for talent, you don't have a clue how much she has. Check her big, particularly her European races. The only American who has done better is Danny Sullivan; even Danica's boss, Michael, couldn't make it over there.

She couldn't win if it wasn't a fuel race? We need your crystal ball and some plane tickets to Vegas if you can predict race wins that accurately...


By the way, I'm not defending her because she's a girl and hot (I don't think the's particularly hot, anyway). I'm defending her because you're attacking her because she's a girl. Whether or not she makes it won't prove anything about girl drivers, but one is going to come along in the not too distant future who will win a bunch of races. It might even be Danica.

Edited by tqj3
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It was great to see her win. I know I cried when I saw her cross the line, didn't everybody on here? :P



Seriously though, what is so great about her win is that has a ripple effect that extends to all forms of auto racing at every level. It is just very positive PR for autoracing in general.

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Eighteen cars is a normal IRL or even Champ Car (now no more) field. As for talent, you don't have a clue how much she has. Check her big, particularly her European races. The only American who has done better is Danny Sullivan; even Danica's boss, Michael, couldn't make it over there.

She couldn't win if it wasn't a fuel race? We need your crystal ball and some plane tickets to Vegas if you can predict race wins that accurately...


By the way, I'm not defending her because she's a girl and hot (I don't think the's particularly hot, anyway). I'm defending her because you're attacking her because she's a girl. Whether or not she makes it won't prove anything about girl drivers, but one is going to come along in the not too distant future who will win a bunch of races. It might even be Danica.

Cool you jets dude, I dont care that shes a female or that she can whip my butt on any track. Its just a win. Congrats to her but really, why such a big todo over her? Because shes a woman? Huh. She is just another racer. Did you even watch the whole race? Untill the leader went into fuel conservation mode, she was NOT macking any ground on him. She probably could of gotten second but not 1st. Unless accident , yellow or mechanical failure. Crystal ball- no. Common sence- yes. Danica Patrick is a IRL driver. Just like the others. Why is she so damn special to you? Because shes a girl! Theresa Gural has beat me plenty of times, we are good friends, so take your woman bashing crap and stow it. Personally, Theresa has more class.



P.S. I apologize for the car count, I checked the last few races and that is about average. Usually about 20-24. So, my apologies.

Edited by racer61
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She's not special to me, just the opposite. My point was that when she wins, everybody, including you, has an excuse as to why it's not a real win or it shouldn't count. Saying things like, "can she back it up?" when we've just spent the last three years saying, "Yeah, but when is she going to win?"

How about we do the same thing to the next male rookie who has a good, but not winning, race? "When are you gonna win?" "Do you think drivers from (fill in the blank) can actually win an IRL race?" Well, you're only doing well because you're in good equipment" (anyone who is winning in racing these days is in good equipment, it's part of the neccessary package). "The guy who was in the car last year did better than you." "Oh, you won this week?" "Well, when are you gonna back that up?"

For the record, until she got with Andretti, I don't think Danica was in good equipment; at least, not good enough to win. Sarah Fisher (admittedly not as talented as Danica) had the same problem in IRL; she wasn't with a top team. (Some may remember when Danica signed with Andretti-Green, I predicted she would win, and that was one of the reasons.)

She should win again, but if she doesn't it won't prove anything one way or another, just as when the first black driver wins it won't prove anything exept that that driver is capable of winning. In reality, of course, there have been several black drivers in Indy cars and stock cars, and Wendell Scott (the king of not having good equipment) actually managed to win once.

Drivers are drivers. White, black, male, female, it doesn't matter. The good ones will win, and most of them will have an attitude and be "bitchy" as well. I've known a lot of fighter pilots and almost all of them were loudmouthed egomaniacs, too. It goes with the territory...

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I didnt say she couldnt back it up, just that this win(however the circumstances fell) doesnt mean she has reached the top. I mean really, Derik Cope won the daytona 500. Danica has more skill than Cope no doubt. But She just won a race. Not turned the IRL upside down. She is good, not the best. Im just not understanding the big deal over her.

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The only big deal over her is that she is drawing a hell of a lot of attention to racing in all forms, and we desparately need it. As for the rest, it's just irritating that so many people think nothing she does is good enough; I guess it goes with being the target. I think Landlord noted that he's against affirmative action, but doesn't blame anyone who qualifies for taking advantage of it. Lord knows it's hard enough to make it in racing, and most of us will take any help we can get.

I just don't think it's fair to hold her to any standard higher than the one we use for the guys.

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Well, guys despite what you may say, it IS a big deal because it is a FIRST in OUR beloved sport. Don't think so? Just look up some day soon, and you may see her flying by ................. the first internet pic of "Air Tranica Won" ............. from one of her sponsors. Watch for her on many, many televisions shows in the days to come. (Not many other racecar drivers have their pic on the side of an airplane ............ I can't think of ANY others.)


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