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Danica Patrick

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I think the BIG DEAL about her is she is the REAL THING. I think a lot of people hoped she was just a gimic, but she is a talented driver who does not take crap from ANYONE, not other drivers, not her crew, no one. I know and have heard PLENTY of MALE DRIVERS talk smack to their crew or be JERKS to their crew, or fans, or other drivers, but because she does it she is "BITCHY"? Well, if so, then good for her!!! Nothing wrong with being a BITCH when you gotta be and if the boys can't handle it, then maybe they need to "BALL UP" and worry more about driving then the "BITCH" taking it to them...


Way to go Danica...



By the way I encourage EVERY Woman driver to put the sticker that says, " YOU JUST GOT PASSED BY A GIRL" on their bumper...I think that is Hysterical!!!


OK, I am done with my Women's Lib act for the day...ha ha :D

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Not only is Danica a very talented race car driver but I will agree that she is very hot looking............Anyone that drives these Indy cars at speeds of 220 miles per hour has got to have talent. I would love to see her win the Indy 500. I know that is her number one goal........I just wonder how long before she makes the jump over to NASCAR. I expect the head people that run NASCAR would love to have her.

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I think it appropriate that you let loose of some of your Danica photo collection and post them here. I heard you had some really good pictures of her.

I think its great that she has finally managed to win an Indy car race because I think most of us

suspected she was a bit more talented than the other females who have/are attempting to run Indy

cars. And I agree that NASCAR is not for her yet. Milk the Indy cars for now and win a championship.

Maybe later down the road she can try NASCAR but right now its possible that Indy Car racing can be on the verge of regaining its popularity. :D



Not only is Danica a very talented race car driver but I will agree that she is very hot looking............Anyone that drives these Indy cars at speeds of 220 miles per hour has got to have talent. I would love to see her win the Indy 500. I know that is her number one goal........I just wonder how long before she makes the jump over to NASCAR. I expect the head people that run NASCAR would love to have her.


I don't agree with the comment that NASCAR would love to have her on board right now. NASCAR might but last year there were several teams looking for drivers and she pretty much had indicated she would like to take a shot at it, and not one single team approached her. I think maybe they see what Buddy is saying about her. Great driver but those are two different types of race cars. Guys like Robbie Gordon, Tony Stewart, et al, can make the conversion a little easier because they had a turn at other classes on their way up to where they are now. Whereas, I think Danica has been pretty much open wheel only. I believe Kristen Bumbera will be the one that will bring the ladies into the limelight in the Nationwide/Cup series. She drove a hard race Saturday night at THR and was going into turn 3 higher and harder than any of the other cars on the track. :D

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She stripped her studs, causing her rear end to wiggle

Leave me out of this Buddy.

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