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It's Going on Up


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Latest excuses are Nigerian clashes, the refinery fire in west Texas, and reports of possible cutbaks by OPEC.


Let's not forget the demand is up in the countries that make all the stuff we buy from Wally World and others because we decided American Made was too costly. And we have 'The bottom line is everything" that caused us to ship service jobs to India. "please to help you!!" And a barrell of crude is worth more to the Chinese to make plastic crap than to make fuel.

All those Chinese, South Korean, and Indian workers now have cars. There are (some of) your reasons for higher gas prices.

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what yanks my chain is the fact that the government is stepping in on how much fuel mileage a car gets. in 2012 the corvette is gonna have somewhere around 350 ci engine because the government is saying that it doesnt get enough mpg. instead of doing something about the prices they are telling us what we can and cant drive now.

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:angry: DAMN!!! All this good news is so depressing :( Hate to say it, but I may have to find a less expensive hobby. :( I keep hearing that $4.00 a gallon will be the norm during summer time, that bites, might be cheaper to drive the race car to the track than tow it. We need to stop depending on other peoples oil, I do believe we have a couple of gallons stashed somewhere within the 48 states. And I really do not need to keep hearing or reading about the "FRICKIN RECORD PROFITS" the oil companies are making.

Gasoline should be $1.00 a gallon across the board. Racing Fuel $2.00 a gallon. JMO. Lenny66 B)

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There is no one in the government who will represent the American taxpayer and worker.This free trade crap is one sided.All our raw materiels are going to other countries and we buy back cheap made products.Thanks to the government and Al Gore,diesel is redicolus.

And what do we have to vote for?Again its what to vote against.No leadership anywhere.Obama wants more welfare,Hillary wants everyone to have to buy insurance by law,McCain cannot remember what he wants and Hucklebe doesnt have a chance.

The real problem is the Kennedys,Lucios,and the other lifetime Senators and House members who forgot why there in office.To look out for us.They live in another world.Its time for TERM LIMITS in these offices.

Nixon was the only President that ever stood up to the oil companies by putting a freeze on prices and look what happened to him.We need a Nixon now to battle oil suppliers and finish the war.He could have wonViet Nam.

I am tired of catering to foreigners.

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they know it is the one thing we can not do without. we can not go to mcdonalds, we can not shop a certain store, we can boycott a certain drink, but like it or not we can not do without gasoline. they know this so they gouge our eyes. gotta love it. these foreign cars that everyone loves to hate look like the way to go. they cost a little more but the suckers run forever and are great on gas.

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Maybe ole' Obambalam or what ever his name is will fix it...NOT

Wrong candiate, Gunnar.


If any one of the four front-runners can fix it, it would be Mike Hucabee. Tree huggers like Obama and Hillary won't provide incentives for oil companies to find and extract more domestic oil, whereas Hucabee probably would. Not too sure where McCain stands on domestic oil exploration.



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It doesn't matter which candidate is "for" it.

America is a Federalist Republic, not a democracy. The majority of the elected representives is what matters.

We're never really in big trouble until you get singular alignment of the House, Senate, and President....gee that 's what we had until the last Congressional election. Hey, those guys were oil men, weren't they? What happened to oil and gas while they were singularly in charge?


China and the 3rd world's need for oil is going up and up. America got to the top of the heap 100 years ago by being the first ones to figure out how to "power" industrialization with coal and oil.


Who is the next big dog? Whoever gets the lead in non fossil, non radioactive power (hydrogen, etc.)

They can't "eat" sand or oil in the middle east once we don't need either from them.




Edited by jracer98
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why is it that all the gas makers are reporting record profits? :angry:

becuz they like for you to know they can screw you and get away with it ..i dont give a hoot who you put into office . one person cant do shitiff ....untill we drill for our own oil ..which aint going to happen aslong as the oil companys make billions . when they lose money buying it .then they will drill ..and no tree hugger will be able to stop them ..money buys power .,even in racecars

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why do we need to drill for more oil. Texas and Alaska already house more barrels of crude than any other place around. But we buy it overseas so we can run the other countries out of oil and then we can sell ours at a profit. Damn that sounds like a politician dont it? :lol:

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