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Quarter Midget Racers from Late 50's/early 60's


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More 1/4 midget history lives with these photos courtesy of Doug McBride.


Pit action shots that only photos can witness of a time gone by...





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I have posted a few more photos of Doug McBride below as he advances his career in 1/4 Midget racing and as you can see, he is a little older in these shots.


Hopefully, Doug can give us info on these photos as to where they were taken and for the two Pacemaker Midgets he is pictured with.




I think that these were the Nats in Tulsa. We had two cars 500 and 500B. One was for modified stock and one for the B modified class. I remember the temperature being 104*. We had fast time in the B class. We also entered the car in the A Fuel class. During qualifying, they put alcohol in or gas tank instead of gas. The car run very badly. Once my dad discovered the error and we got to make our second qualifying run, we qualified second.

If you notice the white enclosed trailer in the back ground, that was the one that we used to haul our cars to the races. It was quite inovative for the time and a big move up from the double decker trailer used by most people during that time.


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It looks like the Tulsa track in a lot of ways.


That's where I had the 5 car pile up in the feature race.. date 1960.


I have it on film somewhere..


-Randy #85

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All kinds of 1/4 midgets raced and came together at National events such as Tulsa, Oklahoma.. Grand Prarie, TX.. and other major cities such as Orlando, Florida.


#85 B)



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Quarter Midget Drivers with Christmas Wishes 1958!


This paper clipping comes from one of the pages of the "Freeway Quarter Midget Racing News" paper dated November 28, 1958.


Here's a few of the local drivers with Christmas Wishes and photo shots..


Houston, Texas


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Driver: RANDY COON - Champion Jr. Division 1958 Houston, Texas


Paper Article below reflects another clipping of early days of 1/4 Midget Racing..




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The year is 1960 and a big two day event is held in Galveston, Tx. that would bring drivers from all over the state.


A Sunday and Monday race schedule would mean two full days of racing for the 1/4 Midgets and competition that included Doug McBride, Larry Schild, many local drivers, and myself driving #85.


The photo below reflects the tech inspection of the engine by the officials prior to racing. That is me standing by Midget 85 and note the tale section in the background.


This was a good weekend for all of us at the races!


Photos and paper clippings courtesy of Doug McBride - San Antonio,TX


#85 B)



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Below, a clipping from the newspaper promoting the two day race and also a special on Larry Schild..





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All the tracks in Houston have gone by the wayside and 1/4 midget racing in Houston began to die in 1960-61 with the new craze of Go-Karts taking over and for other related reasons.


The one Go-Kart track location on Airline Drive in Houston is now covered up with a Mexican Flea Market that has taken over.


I raced at the Grand Prarie track several times and set a track record there years ago around 1959-60.


The only Dallas track that I raced on was the 1/4 midget track near the old Devil's Bowl track in the 50's. I am sure both tracks are either gone or relocated.


I still have the trophy presented to me at the "Bubble Gum Bowl" track if that is the one you are referring to in this thread in Grand Prarie, TX.



Those were fun days and probably a piece of history that will long be remembered by those of us that were there in that part of time.


Below is an entry form relating to 1961 at the Bubble Gum Bowl race track courtesy of Doug McBride.


Quarter Midgets have definitely changed and from what I have observed have become somewhat universal using the same parts and equipment as Go-Karts. The only difference is the bodies have been added and the the offset right side of the chassis are really a far cry from the early midgets as to the original looks.


The caged roll bars have certainly made racing safer but, were not part of the 50's look.


On second thought, everything changes with time...and sometimes they evolve around again at some point and time.


Today, many offerings of racing are available including the Allison Legends, Bandolero's and yes, 1/4 midget and go-kart racing, giving everyone a choice to choose from. In the earlier days our selections and aftermarket part availabilities were limited..


I would have loved to have driven a Bandolero had it been available in my days!


Keep up the racing and remember to take plenty of photos of your racing days that many of us failed to do in our days of racing. Camera's were a luxury in those days.


Thanks for the input on this thread


Midget 85


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Interesting info again illustrates a differnt time and place in history..


Courtesy of Doug McBride


Midget 85


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Here's another photo of Doug McBride and his Dad in the pit area.


We think this photo was taken at the San Antonio 1/4 Midget Race Track or Tulsa Nationals



Additional photos reflect various 1/4 Midgets including a younger Doug taken in San Antonio.


These photos would later be published in a magazine article promoting the little quarters..


Photos courtesy of Doug Mc Bride






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The article below was taken from the San Antonio Light newspaper dated Sunday-August 14, 1960


Doug sets qualifying record for the Nationals! :ph34r:


Good lookin Pacemaker!




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The following photos were taken in Tulsa, Oklahoma 1959 for the 1/4 Midget Nationals


The first photo appears to be Houston Driver Sandra Honea


Second photo appears to be Jr. Wingo of Houston..


Doug McBride gives us several shots with trophies and another photo of a California Driver attending the Nationals..


The forth photo reflects two of the racing girls that gave the boys a run for their money.


On the left of Doug is Debbie Pearce and to the right is Sandra Honea..









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I have been out to the track at Comanche Park a few times, walked the pits and watched some of the races. It sure brings back some great memories.


I think the reason that, 1/4 midget racing has survived here in SA is due to the fact that the track is on County property.


A.J. Ploch was the county commisioner that was instrumental in having the track built in Comanche Park 1. He provided the land, equipment and materials needed to make our track happen.


The cars have changed, the trailers (ie. haulers have changed), but it's still, boys and girls having fun and developing memories that last a life time.


Doug McBride...






The #26 car was JJ Martinez, the #6 car was Bill Palm, and the other car was Pamela Palm. These were taken in our 1/4 midget infancy days at Las Palmas. All of our Dads, were mechanics at Kelly AFB.

I think that the first picture is from the Nationals in Tulsa.



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Great to hear from you Sandra. I will get with Randy and get the info. We hope to have a reunion of sorts to so we can all visit, maybe bring our scrap books and share some memories. After we lost the track on Red Bluff in Pasadena, we did not race any more, and eventually my dad sold the midget and trailer and bought two more horses. I do have great memories of the time and will scan my photos in for Randy to add. Hope to see you at the reunion whenever we can set it up.

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this was my first Quarter MIdget that was built by a man that worked at Kelly AFB in the early 60's I wish I still had this car, My parents sold it the origianl driver and she had it restored to its orignal 60's condition and she gave it to her day for Christmas in 1979. The very first track i drove on was in San Antonio. I have spent the better part of 31 years involved in QMA and have raised and raced both of my son's in it. We have moved on to Bandoleros and wil keep climbing the racing ladder. But QMA is where my heart is. My Dad was one of he original 5 that started the club in Austin. I am still a member and am working with the club to host a Grad Nationals there in 2010. If we are awarded the nationals then I am going to race my youngest in the AA or the 1/2 class. He will be 14 at then,


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In the early days of Quarter Midgets and fun cars the imagination was the only limit to building these little racers.


Below are some photos of a midget that was built in 1952 and recently has been restored.


The car was built for the son's of Ken, Ron, and Don Pylant in 1952 and was constructed from actual scrap body parts of an old automobile...mainly old fenders!


The car has been restored by the sons in memory of their late dad and is shown at many car shows throughout Texas.


Look at that direct air flow from front to back to cool the driver and engine..


Remember, this was before the fiberglass bodies and manufacturing companies got involved with producing Quarter Midgets.






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It wasn't long before dad's all over the country began building their own ideas of midgets in their own creations..


This is truly a great midget that is a labor of love from both in it's beginning and restoration days to illustrate the love of racing for all age's..


Get a load out of the 1952 idea of a "Quick Release" steering wheel!


Think today's tech is something new??


As I retreive more information on this midget, I will update the facts of it's contents..






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A couple of shots of the little midgets in action..





You are probably right Jim!


Might have used a little "Lead" in the body work also..what do you think?




The photos in these shots look like the 70's or possibly the late 60's on one of them.


You are now seeing the full cage protection on the lower shot that was induced to promote safety..and also to keep up with the times and looks of the Big Cars..


Dig the "Soft Walls"..we knew them as Hay Bales...


Like the right rear slick on midget #34!



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DOUG McBride visits Houston


This clipping was taken from the November 28, 1958 "Freeway Quarter Midget Racing News" with an article on Doug's visit to Houston..




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Another local Houston Driver BoBo Cooper who raced at the Houston track 1958-59.


BoBo worked hard at exhibiting a show with "Spin Outs" according to the article..




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HOUSTON DRIVER - Glenda Parker


Here's an article on Glenda Parker who got her racing career started by purchasing my second midget #76.


Here she is on the track making qualifying laps in the old #76..now #70




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SAN ANTONIO - Drivers Doug and Pam


Another newspaper article promoting Quarter Midgets in the Austin / San Antonio area..


Those were some fine lookin' midgets!


We give a lot of credit to George McBride ( Doug's Dad ) for building some great looking midgets for Doug during his racing days..


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