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At the last race this year Terry D announced it on the front stretch that in '07 there would be no NASCAR sanction... I believe there was also a thread on here right after that discussing it... It was in his same announcment when he talked about the USRA SLM's, with everyone discussing about the SML's I think this got lost in the discussion... I know I wasnt the only one that heard this or remember this so please feel free to help me out here.... :)

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Reading the lastest issue of SpeedSport News,Stew Reamer,who did the RPM newsletters and Promoters Workshops in the 70' and 80's has a good article on "Two Main Causes For the Short-Track Depression",in other words,putting "butts on the boards" as he calls it.He said one was the competition for the entertainment dollar and the other was the graying of the race-fan audience and the failure to attract younger people.He goes on to say that NASCAR knows this and it is the reason most of the big tracks are now lighted and presenting major TV races on weekend nites and NASCAR IS SLOWLY BUT SURLEY CLOSING DOWN ITS SHORT-TRACK ACTIVITIES....I thought the story was interesting, dont know,may be good to get out while the gettings good instead of them dropping the hammer in the future,whenever that may be or if it be.

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I read the article plus a similar article in USA Today (can't believe I just admitted I read that rag) that said NASCAR will eliminate all their races on tracks 1 mile or less (short tracks). I think it's a mistake to eliminated the exciting races and keep the boring ones. They also had a quote from Earnhart Jr. saying all races don't need to be 200 or more laps......the boring races could be shorter.

Wonder if he's testing the water for NASCAR.

NASCAR is a show just like boxing or the circus. They are also a business. The stated goal of supporting short activities was to develop a driver pool for the future. When you only need 40+ drivers and maybe a couple thousand support personell, the ROI for the short track activities probably doesn't justify the investment. Besides, that pool is always there anyway. When was the last time you heard France say such-and-such a driver came up thru the ranks of our short track activities. Instead you've got the Stewarts, Harvicks, Gordons, and now Montoya who came up thru other series that NASCAR didn't have to support.

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i agree with him on that one..........anything over 200 laps and i am bored with it, especially on the cookie cutter tracks.........and when you start a night race at 7:00 and run 400 laps, you may as well put on a lullaby because that will put you to sleep just as quick.......they need to keep the short tracks, add another road coarse or two, shorten the laps and get rid of the idiot race announcers who think they are comedians......like the moron the other day that said that unless jimmie johnson wins the lottery this week, he will be in the race next sunday........the guy made 40 something million bucks for the year and he will miss the next race because he wins a couple of million on the lottery.........give me a break, instead of trying to be something you are not, which is witty, how about just stick to calling the race.........jmo

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On the SAS / NASCAR sanction for a sec. The money sent to NASCAR in a season is supposedly around $50k. That's nothing to sneeze at for a local points fund. There would of course be other neccessary items that would have to be paid for out of that money if not sent to NASCAR, but there should be some left over. Maybe, <_< ....after insurance, etc.


on the NASCAR deal, well, they started phasing short tracks out a few years back........and I guess they aren't stopping.... :(

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I agree with Lonesome on that one, the left over money that would of went to NASCAR should be possibly put into some sort of Points Fund Pool, for either the feature class or split amoungst all the classes (I prefer all the classes).....


On the issue of the actuall NASCAR Races, I personly prefer to watch the short tracks like Bristol and the road courses... They are more exciting to watch... The big super speedways are boring!!! Take the biggest of them all the Daytona 500, please this race is a bore to watch except for the fact thats its the first one of the season, but seriously you only really need to watch the last 100 laps or so, everything before that is so so so boring to watch on TV... (now in person may be totally different, kinda like pro baseball boreing on TV but great in person) JMO

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nascar needs to stay with short track raceing that really shows the talent .of drivers and teams .and save money for some of those lower ranked teams and maybe some of those teams that dont have the money for windtunnel test .all we have now is hendrecks .and roush .and childress .raceing they have the money . to me the future of nascar is going to go down .i know they are looseing me .and now .all those so called anouncers bore the hell out of me .all they talk aboult is the chase .and three teams .and they are worst thanthan i am on repeating the same thing every show .

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Everyone just take some time out to look at the other short tracks around the nation.

Some are struggling,and some are raking it in.

Look at the types of cars they run.

Look at what touring series run at those tracks and how often,if at all.

See if those tracks have NASCAR sanctioning or not.


I won't write anything here about what I saw because of the way the threads end up.Just look for yourselves,then see if it's even worth discussing on here.I know one thing is for sure,You will be surprised.


You may not even knock the dirt tracks again either. B)


Yes,I am an avid asphalt fan.

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However, you have more seats for the butts @ Daytona than you do at say, Bristol....



Didya know that Bristol comes within about 8,000 seats of seating the same number of people as Daytona?

And there are far more demands for further expansion at Bristol than any other track, including Daytona.


Ticket companies describe Bristol as being the second hardest ticket in Sports to get, behind only the opening ceremonies at the Olympics.


You can get tickets to any Daytona event without too much effort, you just gotta rob a bank to pay for the trip, hotels, etc, while you are in Daytona.

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It isn't a dome Lonesome Ford.It's the same material they used on the Denver airport as well as the new stadium in Pheonix.They are attempting to cover a whole airport on one of the islands in Indonesia somewhere where it rains almost everyday.It can easily be engineered....if he is willing to cough up the bucks.

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Didnt I read somewhere that there is an indoor track somewhere in Michigan or something, I think there is a Hooters or ASA or some national seriers thats going to run there this winter or next spring or something.. I maybe wrong but I could of swore I read it on some series web site about a race on an indoor track....

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Called Arena racing USA www.arenaracingusa.com


Joe Gibbs is a major player in it.


One-half the size of Winston Cup stock cars


9 feet long


36 inches high (from track to roof)


Capable of speeds up to 100 mph


Approximately 725 lbs. (including racer)


Fit with custom steering wheels, racing seats and pedals to fit each racer


Run on Honda engines

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