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Are there going to be any THR ss cars going to the Octerberfast?


Does anyone want to go with the rules the way they are? Not me.


No chance of winning for the THR cars in the sportsman class...go figure.

I'm not sure who you are, ss10, but if you have a problem with the OktoberFast rules, you might take that matter up with THR officials, SAS officials and CCMS officials who had imput into the "common" post season rules.




Nick Holt

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you might take that matter up with THR officials, SAS officials and CCMS officials who had imput into the "common" post season rules.




Nick Holt

sorry nick but from what i hear they (the makers of the rule) don't want to hear about it.........sooooooooo this as good a place as any to say "WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT!" hope you get the rules closer next year it will definately help your turn out? it's gonna be hard to swallow , watching your points champ from thr who consistantly turns .50's and every so often .40's get blistered on his home turf by a guy/car with minimal knowledge of the track....not to mention the slaughter house you are asking them to be apart of friday night..........damn just realized i sound alot like a pro 4 guy?

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I have asked very nicely and very often that folks that have a complaint with calls, rules, officials, other drivers, etc. take those issues up with the people involved instead of using TXSZ to pressure those involved to see things one way or another.


I have let this thread stay open since it involves the rules makers from three local paved tracks who worked together to come up with rules that they felt addressed some of the issues that were raised after last season's post-season events and since no one has actually bashed any official or a particular track.


Thanks for your understanding.


Nick Holt

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What changes would you suggest they make in the rules to make it more fair for ALL.

Buddy, he's got his own opinion, but I'll chime in here if you don't mind.


These would be much better:


SAS cars - run their rules as is.

THR cars - run their rules as is.

CC cars - run their rules with 970 tire and 3300 minimum weight and 55% left side max.


The THR SS cars can't take advantage of most of the allowances they were given. I'm not sure about the CC cars. The SAS cars had a clear advantage last year at Octoberfast with a smaller carb than they are being allowed this year. They are on a much better tire and are being given the same carb as the other cars, plus the weight break which they may or may not be able to take advantage of. Why all these changes were recommended this year is beyond me when the rules as listed above would have been more fair and would have likely attracted more cars (more will come if they don't have to make huge changes to their cars.)


I've probably worn this old dead horse out, but it's worth the beating...

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I may get my ass blistered but I am looking forward to representing THR Street Stocks as best I can with the rules as they are. I know they are tuff to swallow for a few out there but I'm kinda used to being on the track with second rate equipment and an underpowered drive train. Makes it more of a challenge :D . I do plan on being there and being there til the end ! Robert ...you should make the trip. I'm sure it will be worth it. :)

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I have asked very nicely and very often that folks that have a complaint with calls, rules, officials, other drivers, etc. take those issues up with the people involved instead of using TXSZ to pressure those involved to see things one way or another.


I have let this thread stay open since it involves the rules makers from three local paved tracks who worked together to come up with rules that they felt addressed some of the issues that were raised after last season's post-season events and since no one has actually bashed any official or a particular track.


Thanks for your understanding.


Nick Holt

Nick, I appreciate you allowing this thread continue. So far, it has remained civil and is a worthy discussion.


The fact is that most if not all of us have contaced the propper folks directly. There is a definite disagreement between the THR teams and these officials. Because of that, I think a discussion board is the perfect place to learn more about the topic. The track will be the ultimate proving ground, but we feel like last year's results should have been considered more carefully.


Good luck to everyone who can make it, and I hope this discussion only serves to improve the turnout at future races, including Oct.22.

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Though I won't have a car for the sportsman race this year, I will have to agree that the SAS cars, with the 500 carb will kick butt.

I know a couple of CCMS guys going to the race friday and I'll be there to help them out.

For us guys from the little 1/4 mile bullring sometimes it is just fun to go run the big track and feel the need for speed.

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it's gonna be hard to swallow , watching your points champ from thr who consistantly turns .50's and every so often .40's get blistered on his home turf by a guy/car with minimal knowledge of the track....

C'mon horse. Have faith. Don't count us out just yet. We'll do our best to bust out a .35 in qualifying and take her home from there. It's happened twice in practice this year. Praying for cool weather.... :D

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Nick, you were once an official at THR, and you know personally how hard it is to get an

official to listen to a drivers point of view.


I'm just voicing my thoughts on how unfair I think the rules are for this event. I would love to go race at SAS, and already spent some money and tons of time perparing my car for this event. But there is not much reason to go if you don't have a chance in winning. Racers want to win, not finish second. There is no way an out of town car will win or even come close. Just thought some of the officials may want to reconceider these rules.

I would love for the Oktoberfast to be a great hit. I just have a feeling with these particular rules in this class there may not be as many cars as there can be.

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We have raced our street stocks at SAS for several years and have had to make a lot of consessions to do so in the past, some that come to mind such as removing the lowering blocks, add wt. for a cast iron intake, change carb. remove the spoiler, tape over air vents, move all the wt. to the bottom of the car and between the axles and run a paper air filter element, just changes that took time and distracted from practice time and a differnt handling car, we had the best finishing position for any thr car last year and it is race ready but going to stay on the jack stand this race. Did the thr officials talk to any of the drivers/owners before they agreed to go along with rules that would make their drivers look bad?

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What changes would you suggest they make in the rules to make it more fair for ALL.

everything chase just stated- no locked rearends for thr cars but sas cars have a choice of the 4412 or the f53's(not both)........i guess it's just me but that don't seem to hard to understand, thanx bud? and i'm with robert i go to a race trying to be competitive and hoping to win - not to ride around in circles......

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This sounds like a little whining problem to me... i believe when it comes down to it THR guys have the advantage. IT'S THIR HOME TRACK, they know the lines, they got the setup for thir car DOWN (hopefully)... and what do the away ppl have, NOTHING but info coming from word of mouth, or they're fortunate enough to have 2 year old notes from the last spectacular (seeing it rained out last year)... Personally i dont think those are any good now, so what are they left with, a little more motor, SO WHAT, motor aint gonna help them learn the track. THR guys found out this year, you cant just come out of the blue and run this track, you have to work you ASS off, and for those of you that know, ppl like Tator came a LONG way, he did a damn good job ab the end, but it took time, and i've herd this: "IT'S A WOLE DIFFERENT BEAST!" so i'd say just quit complaining and race, so what if you don't win, have some fun racing with a GREAT Car count for once!


just my .02

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That does seem a bit unfair. Do SAS rules restrict them in some way that couldn't easily be changed on a THR or CCMS car? In other words could you make a few minor changes and declare your car as one of "theirs" even though you don't race there? It happened at the last Twin 50 race so there is a precedent. jp

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This sounds like a little whining problem to me...  i believe when it comes down to it THR guys have the advantage. IT'S THIR HOME TRACK, they know the lines, they got the setup for thir car DOWN (hopefully)...

sounds like words from the wise? where where you 2 yrs. ago for the last spectacular? did you know as much then as you think you do know? one more time for the newbe- close to 7 tenths is what they got.....given to them , right off the top.....i have a friend who is a boxer. he loves to box , he has fun boxing....does he have fun when he's getting his ass kicked? it's easy to tell people to have fun with their dollar on your time.....you guys go have fun for the rest of us.......

Edited by Crazyhorse
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Jumping on soap box


With a few notable exceptions, this is what I'm hearing: "I don't like the rules so I'm staying home." Which, of course, is the teams ultimate weapon - a weapon that, when actually used, really doesn't do anyone any good in the end.


Why not just let this round of post-season events be another opportunity for the rules makers (who are actually doing their level best to work together for the first time since who knows when) get a better handle on what works where. Let's face it, common rules and cooperation among tracks has to happen or there won't be any tracks left to boycott.


Is everybody going to be happy as we all go through this sorting out period on our way to common rules? Nope. Of course not. But threatening to "stay home because the rules are so unfair" is just hurting everyone in the long run.


Off soap box.


Nick Holt

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That does seem a bit unfair. Do SAS rules restrict them in some way that couldn't easily be changed on a THR or CCMS car? In other words could you make a few minor changes and declare your car as one of "theirs" even though you don't race there? It happened at the last Twin 50 race so there is a precedent. jp



these are just some of the things we'd have to change to make our cars SAS legal:






Rear end

Lowering blocks

Set of tires

Leaf springs (new arch)

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If you go out there and do the best you can within the rules, the tracks and officials will take notes and make adjustments accordingy for next year. You have to invest a little time and effort into these post season events to make them work. If you sit at home and only local cars show up to each Tracks post season events, then why should the track even have them. Think about it. I dont even blame them if they cancel them all together. It is pretty self centered thinking that your car needs to have THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE before you even show up. Or even better, the tracks should pay you the purse based on the 3 post season races. If you run one race, you get 1/3 the purse, 2 races, 2/3 the purse, 3 races, full purse. You may want to read the story from the CRA series. Some guy started the World Cup seventh and won the race by passing cars with an under powered sealed engine. That engine cost $8,000 to lease for the whole year. He did not have the best or most powerful equipment out there, but he outworked everyone.

Edited by tsrsfan
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