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Grand National double file starts


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I wanted everybodies opinion on the double file restarts seen during the Texas Thunder race, do they think it would work for USRA. My personal opinion is that it would really help the show and the amount of lead changes. The respect level would really have to change though. Currently, when you get your nose inside of another car they just chop you off. Another thing that would help the two wide starts and two wide racing is every class for the same event being on the same brand of tire. Two different brands mix like oil and water.

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I would love to see double file restarts. It did seem to me besides having a lot of respect for the other drivers maybe the 500 extra pounds provided a little more stability when the cars slammed doors together...All in all those double file restarts were definitly great to watch !

Edited by fast18
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It sucked for the people on the outside 2-4-6-8.... , but they usually ended up on the inside on the next restart and got their position back, so it really wasn't a big deal. I also liked the lucky dog rule being used as well. That really helps someone who may have spun a yellow or two ago, or had a flat, or.... Kept things competitive and kept people from saying "oh well, I'm a lap down, guess I won't get this one". They still wanted to try hard to be the FIRST car a lap down.

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What do you think the guys running 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc would think about it? It sounds good, looks good to the fans, causes some lead changes (but probably not the guys running 1st, 3rd, and 5th), but if you are on the outside, do you really think this is a good idea? Probably not, because you're going to wind up somewhere from 4th on back and have to fight your way back up---and I don't think most the drivers in classes around here have the maturity and discipline to pull it off or the guys you have to pass don't have same!

I know already I'm going to get jumped on for this one, but this is not Busch.

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I think it would just create more cautions and more torn up cars.  Leave it alone.

So whats the difference between dbl file restarts and the no respect that is shown when someone has the nose up the the door making an inside pass and the outside car comes down on them. Happens every race and tears up just as many cars. I say do it, spray the outside lane for the first few races, have a video clip of some of the respectful passing that those guys did for the drivers meeting, and let it be known the the mentality of "Nobody is going to pass me no matter what" style of driving wont be tolerated. Be a race car driver and use your skills to get spots, no need to use a race car as a bulldozer.

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One of the things I noticed in the West division race early on is they showed a lot of respect for each other during passing. It was much like waching a Nascar event. When a car on the inside got a nose under, the guy on top stayed there and ran him clean. They actually listened to their spotters and tried not to chop the inside car off. If USRA could pull this off with their drivers/spotters, I think it would make for a much better show.


The drivers who had to start on the outside during a restart didn't seem to lose much during this race with the exception of Sarah. She lost several spots on the last restart but got them back. Scott Lynch managed to take the lead from the outside pole during one restart. I think the USRA cars are more evenly matched throughout the top 10 than these cars were. In that situation, the guys on the outside may lose more spots than what we saw in the 200 race.


However, your loss on one restart might be your gain on the next. Theoretically, it should all average out.


I think it's worth a try.

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The Busch cars were 3/4 of a second slower that the SLM. You can run 2 wide at those speeds without tearing up a bunch of cars. When you get cars running 14.7 or 14.8, nearly impossible to run 2 wide. The pole was 15+ seconds and they were running 15.7 race laps.

Edited by tsrsfan
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Plain and simple evryone has agreed that there is not enough respect given, to make it work.

When the West series implemented this rule they did have the lack of respect problem as well. After having several cars destroyed certain drivers found the respect needed to make it work.

They have the money to make it work, I don't

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I dont understand what your saying tsrsfan because they are running faster that cant run two wide. I personally watched Bradley run on the outside and pass cars and seen many others running SLM do it at kyle also. Its all about respecting the person above you or below and listening to your spotter.

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I had the pleasure of sitting in on the NASCAR Drivers Meeting at HMP and listneing to the NASCAR channel during the race... The spotters are REQUIRED to monitor the NASCAR channel, as well there is a NASCAR Official with the spotters just to reassert somethings to the spotters. But Bascially - Les (Southeast Series Director) was constantly on the spotters about the racing.


"Spotters, this is still a long race, use your heads"

"Spotters, calm them down, we're not even to halfway"

"Another caution like that one and spotters, we'll be pulling you to the side to talk one and one"


NASCARs race control is constantly talking. to the spotters, who are constantly talking to the drivers..


And like somone else said,


That is one of the reasons they are called professionals.


more money going into there programs as well.

Personally i fail to see the difference between a double file restart and a double file race start.... do you? From what I've seen on the Speed Channel, the racings gotten better in both Grand National Divisons.

Edited by uhcougs
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Some of these posts sound as if the USRA drivers can't drive or behave themselves, and I hope that isn't the case. As for "inexperienced" drivers, the idea is that in order to race USRA Super Lates, you should be an experienced driver. It would be nice if there was enough car count to institute a licensing system.

The drivers probably wouldn't like it (I don't think all the West Series drivers like it, either), but a double-wide restart does make for a better show. I don't think I'd try it in the lower classes; maybe the double-wide restart should be part of what separates the top touring series from the local shows in the eyes of the fans.

Edited by tqj3
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i liked the double file restarts.it was good to watch,and made for good racing.the drivers,you could tell,had respect for each other and thats the only way it would work. It would seem to me if the super late models were the "premier" racing series in Texas that they could handle it. how will you ever get better drivers if you handicap them. if you want a professional series,race professionally. I think they should do it in all classes and hopefully the respect would follow. Would people get shuffled to the back?,you bet, but they would figure it out or they go to the back. You dont hear about drag racers asking to add another bulb to the tree. O.k. fire away....................................................................

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Personally i fail to see the difference between a double file restart and a double file race start.... do you?


i was thinking the same thing..........


I think adding the lucky dog to USRA and TSRS would change the game


yep and it would depend on what side of the coin you're on if you like it or not.........if you just had a flat tire and pulled in to change it and you were in the position, you would love it............if you was leading the race and had all but a few cars a lap down, you probably wouldnt like it as much........jmo

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what size tires were they running in the nascar race? because i saw a lot of car control . they were great drivers and i know the cars were heavy but could it be with those big goodyears they were not sliding around like our cars seem to do it seemed to me the cars just stayed under them so good and do you think our cars would handle a lot better with out so many wreaks if there were say 30 or 40% more grip i.m not sugesting that we change tires it is just a question ,. i think with more grip the cars would probley go where we drove them and not where they just end up on the track if everybody had more grip i bet the racing would be much cleaner less wreaks and more fun.waddy

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USRA I think has an official with the spotters and most teams I think have people scanning the radios. A lot of times you could tell them stuff but its up to the drivers to respect one another. I think it could be done but there might be to many arguements. Might get guys madder at each other. Who knows I just enjoy racing.

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