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waltrips a piece of what?


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well i've said for many years that Ole Robby needs to go back to cart or whatever they call that bush-league series(s) these days. But, apparently #9 (Kahne) has never had to work on his own cars before. To say that if you get wrecked you wreck the other person's ride is crazy. But, this is a young "cat" so I guess it's ok..??

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Humorous hearing about Robbie Gordon; nothing he does surprises any of us.


Gonna add something here. As ya'll may or may not know, the new HOF Nascar team owned by Staubach and Aikman is interviewing drivers for next season.

One of the drivers they looked at is Champ Car driver Paul Tracy.

Think Gordon has an attitude? Just wait and watch if they add Tracy to the mix.

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I was talking to a close friend of mine in North Carolina last week who is a PR man with Nascar. He said to expect more "drama" going into the chase. Now I think I understand what he was talking about....OK...I'm just kiddin' :P but I am going to call my friend who is a PR and marketing person for a Nascar team and see what inside stuff he can tell me. :)

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paul tracy? then i won't know who to cheer for......robbie or tracy , it's gonna be a balancing act...


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So I guess Waltrip doesn't know that there is a pedal in his car that's called a brake? Robby was far enough around him when he got turned into the wall that Waltrip should have backed off. And I don't like Robby!

youre correct reb. it does not matter what happens or who's fault it is anymore , they've all selected their 'bad guy'...witch hunting haters....since mickey can't change his own tire i was wondering if he'd end up taking buffy down to the big red trailer to defend him in case scrappy was still pissed?

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To think some people think they can drive an Off Road Truck at over 150 MPH!!!!!!


Give me a break. Robbie can drive, he drives everything to the point where it's fixing to blow up!!! It's called driving on the edge... Quite a few times over the edge, but at least he's trying... I love Mikey, I'm just not sure which one was at fault. My first thought was Robbie was in to deep and turn up... I need to rewatch it again...


Hey ya'll, what do you think if Nascar starts putting drivers in the boxing ring like Boyd did. You know with those big oversized gloves. Best out of three rounds?

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I think from what I saw is that Mikey came down on Robby. I like Robby, I have liked him since the days of Cart. I guess why most people dont like him is because he's the driver of yesteryear drive it like you stole it, no holds barred, tell it like it is. Those kind of drivers you dont see anymore. I like what he said when he was asked by XM about the fines and penalites and he said I dont care I'll pay them.

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watching micheal on tv when robby threw his helmet and they had the incar camera on,i thought for a second micheal was going to flip him the finger but might of seen the little lite on the camera on and caught himself.

Edited by Tommy33
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Hey ya'll, what do you think if Nascar starts putting drivers in the boxing ring like Boyd did. You know with those big oversized gloves. Best out of three rounds?

Nah! They should put 'em in those huge sumo wrestler outfits and let 'em loose on eachother! I'd pay to see that!


Really though, does it really matter who's fault it was? It's racing and wrecks happen (kinda like that old bumper sticker...."$h!@ happens"), but retaliation like that is just plane stupid. Be a better man and just pick and choose your words carefully and jab at your apponent that way (like Mickey did).

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