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Which would be better?


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If all of the touring series ran each of the 4 tracks CC, SAS, THR, and HOU only 2 times next season not including big shows and kept each one off of the others nights which would be greater the savings for a touring driver and team or the loss for each track in sales and why? Mind you where I got this idea was a conversation I had with someone at SAS back when they (ROMCO) ran less the tracks acually filled the stands more each night because the people knew they wouldnt get to see these cars as often... In addition to that what if a track say SAS for instance started off the season with a stockcar spectacular type race where all the touring series race to kick off the season instead of having all these races bunched together at the end of the year...


Example... All = Combined Race all Series Does not include additional showings of Legacys Pro Sedans or Other series... The series below would be the headline show...Each Series has one month where they run 2 races a month.




Apr. ----------------------------------ALL-------USRA

May -----------------------ALL------------------TSRS

Jun. ----------TSRS-----------------USRA------MOD

Jul. ----------------------MOD------ALL-------------






Thats just an idea dunno if it would work or not... Does not include regular weekly shows as well... In this sched except for the ALL races headline show replaces one class from regular show.


* Since USRA SLM run TMS in April Only USRA Trucks run April Show inversly on March USRA show only SLM run... March is only month where same series IE USRA SLM run 2 times in the Same month in this senario SLM run 11 races instead of 10. Best I could come up with...



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In addition to that what if a track say SAS for instance started off the season with a stockcar spectacular type race where all the touring series race to kick off the season...

The problem you run into there, which is something THR might've noticed last season, is that (new) people think $18/$20/$whatever is the normal gate fee and get skeered away thinking it's too expensive to visit.

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