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Kyle Larson on Bristol


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The optics are weird too with a full bodied car and full windshield on dirt. Think they probably should just stick with the Prelude race for dirt but can't blame them for trying to capitalize on both surfaces like ARCA used to or possibly still does and it's probably a lot to ask the teams to have a strictly dirt car in their stables for just a couple of races.

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If everybody hates last year's dirt race, don't watch this one. With how low these cars sits, then add in the full belly pan, you are going to see cars get destroyed and probably get airborne when that belly pan catches piles/clumps of dirt. Although, as bad as visibilitywas for that race in the daylight, you might not see anything. And that's on tv. Can you imagine what the drivers can't/won't see?? It's really hard to believe that someone (probably Ben Kennedy) thought covering Bristol was a good idea. 

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About the only thing on tv to watch other than news ..  so i decided to watch nascar comedy hour .. the  weather made that a better race than last year .kept the dust down .  i dont think  nascar will keep this up  least at bristol ..  didnt help fill the stand.   the show was better than  last weeks . and briscoe least  stood up and said sorry ..it was racing on dirt ..the tv ratings  .havent seen them yet ..but no where near news worthy as 1979  with a more captured audience ..

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There will never be the amount of fans in the stands or TV ratings as there were in Nascar in its Peak.  Nothing lasts forever, even Nascar.  They are making changes as needed  in an attempt to capture new audience.    I am not a dirt fan and hate to see Bristol with dirt on it.  It should be an exhibition, like the LA race was.  However, it was pretty entertaining, just not something I care to see very often.  But give them credit, they even had the "Never Watchers" watching.   Great job Nascar

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From what I saw the race was  less boring than some. Did watch the Truck race which I thought was a good one. For that matter the trucks are better most of the time. Interesting that the driver that whined the most ended up winning. But NASCAR is really an asphalt series. Nice try but leave the dirt to the dirt pros.

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I didn't watch all of the race, as I actually forgot that it was a Sunday evening race. It was a much better race than I thought it would, but those expectations were pretty low to begin with. I was very surprised they didn't have many issues with the belly pan, and the tires held up really well. But a new issue showed up. I don't think they anticipated engines getting plugged up with dirt, via the air inlet. Although this was most definitely a better race than last year, I sure hope they stop doing this. Bristol is a great track in its normal configuration. If they want to race dirt, go to a real dirt track. The place didn't look even half full, and that was before the first rain red flag.  After the second red flag, it just looked empty. Heading to Talladega next, praying for all the drivers' wellbeing. 

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