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full moon


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 the moon ..THIS DAY 1969 WAS SPECIAL  .America went to the moon . KENNEDY    announce to the whole world we look to put a man on the moon before this decade ends ... .I  can not remember word for word. but what I do know and the rest of the world knows America did it …. too bad he didnt live to see that ..every step of the way the feat to get there was amazing ..as a young man I could not wait to see a liftoff a landing and the first man to walk in space … and the day  we held our breaths  hoping they landed on the moon open the hatch and step out ..old black an white tv with rabbit ears watching CbS as Walter Cronkite carried us through each minute …. the world stopped  to watch .nothing sense has gathered poeple from all over the world  to stop what they were doing ...the country was in  a can do attitude we wont fail ...we had our divides we had  bussing we had racial tensions .we were fighting a war and cold war with Russia .and  50 years later we still have the same issues ..but looks of the can do anything has faded ..the pride I see poeple have has  lost its way ….America will always be great at what level is yet to come ..me I have hope just like I did back then that our best times have yet to come .the moon landing our space program shown us there is no limits we cant achieve ….. this sight we have the luxury posting on started in partly  from our space program .. you see it in your hands your cars your home every waking moment and you sleep at night with security systems  seeded from our space program ……. AMERICA IS SECOND TO NONE  JUST STUBBLING RIGHT NOW .

Edited by HiTech
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7 hours ago, NickHolt said:

On July 20, 1969, I was a 25 year-old wearing a US military uniform overseas.  The Apollo 11 lunar landing gave an extra special boost to the folks in my unit. 

funny I figured you were in uniform then .and was hoping you or someone spoke up about being somewhere else ….just past your sons apartment  where the bridge crosses oso ..SAT A  radio transmission station that was a part of Apollo missions .

Edited by HiTech
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It sucks in my lifetime, only one event truly galvanized our country, and it was through tragedy. 9-11, less than 20 years later, America has a "you owe me" mentality. Not working for what you want, not a sense of national pride (generally speaking), it's ok to be separated yet lumped together, people lost gender identity, political opposition is no longer civil. Disagreements are ugly, hateful and without compromise. Agreements are reinforced by hating the other side. I hope we do experience another "man on the moon" moment and we can regain the pride, the civility and unity again, and not through a tragedy. Not to dive into the politics, but it does seem to be more divided than ever, or at least in the past 50-75 years. Despite the flaws in this country, it's still the greatest place to be.

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5 hours ago, top_shelf_12 said:

It sucks in my lifetime, only one event truly galvanized our country, and it was through tragedy. 9-11, less than 20 years later, America has a "you owe me" mentality. Not working for what you want, not a sense of national pride (generally speaking), it's ok to be separated yet lumped together, people lost gender identity, political opposition is no longer civil. Disagreements are ugly, hateful and without compromise. Agreements are reinforced by hating the other side. I hope we do experience another "man on the moon" moment and we can regain the pride, the civility and unity again, and not through a tragedy. Not to dive into the politics, but it does seem to be more divided than ever, or at least in the past 50-75 years. Despite the flaws in this country, it's still the greatest place to be.

well the ipad was created in your time ...that should count for something ..ask not what your country can do for you .but what you can do for your country …. that seems to be gone .

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Yes, a lot of the technology advances have also been the downfall. How many times have we seen it here, "keyboard warriors" so to speak and even in a racing conflict, people air issues out in public and expect the other party to give in to their will. Long gone, for the most part, are the days of taking the other party aside and discussing the issue and trying to come up with a mutually beneficial solution. Now it's "so and so screwed me over they owe me this or we won't deal with them and you shouldn't either." But that's a common mentality in a lot of areas.

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