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Gouging the Disabled


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Years ago I learned the most concise way to obtain motel room availability in San Marcos was to call the Chamber of Commerce. Being a semi resort town with the college nearby you never know what you might encounter, especially if you’re prone to wait until the last minute to make reservations like I am. Early this week I called the Chamber and the helpful young lady I spoke with said she’d be glad to fax over a list but I’d better get a move on because there weren’t many vacancies left. Seems the Special Olympics is holding an event in San Marcos this weekend and they are expecting in excess of 10,000 visitors. I got the list and sure enough, out of about 20 some odd motels listed only 6 showed available rooms for the 21st. I started making calls and was astounded at what I was told. Of all the motels on the list the least expensive rooms I could find are $110.00 a pop and most are in the $120.00 -$150.00 range! Even more amazing was that 2 of the places had no problem telling me that if I wanted reservations for a different weekend the rate would be much cheaper but that this weekend Special Olympics was in town and as a result the rates were higher. I called 3 motels in nearby Seguin and got the same response, for this weekend only rates were about double. Over the years I’ve stayed at every single one of these motels in conjunction with all kinds of local events and never paid even half that. Sure the rates go up during the “summer season” but double and in one case triple for a select weekend and for the Special Olympics of all things? Is it just me or does something about this seem fundamentally wrong?

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Nothing about overcharging is right...expecially the disabled. I hope the high motel prices doesn't keep you from makin' the race this weekend. You could camp out at the Texas Events Center. You could catch a shower after the races and party down :D ...you know I will :P .

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I understand what you are saying about the rates, But dont be side-tracked by the fact that its for the Special Olympics. Most of the people who attend have sponsers and realize that the rates are going to be high. Its business. Just because someone is handicaped doesnt mean they are poor and that they should get special rates because of their disabilaties. I am disabled. I have a below the knee amputaion. I dont expect to get special deals just because Im disabled.I do get nice parking spots when I go places. The point Im trying to get accross is we are just like everyone else. We understand That business is business. I thank you for your concern .I know you mean well. Thanks :):)

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Sure the rates go up....but double and in one case triple for a select weekend....of all things? Is it just me or does something about this seem fundamentally wrong?

Ever tried to get a hotel near Texas Motor Speedway during Cup weekend?


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if i were donald trump it would be wrong-sponsors or not!you don't wanna be treated any different , that's jp's point...you are...this is more for the parent that dose'nt have the sponsor, that's doing everything they can to get the kid to the competition let alone pay for an over priced place to rest for awhile...most of the time i have respect for what you put on here - and i understand it's you opinion-but trying to justify it by saying that you to are disabled as well.....youare not that parent....

and must be a disabled business owner that practices bad business.....

-i sure hope you sponsor some of these atheletes-since you have such an understanding of how special olympics and business work....

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Papa: I certainly don’t mean to offend. My point was that Special Athletes must be special indeed because they get to spend more for motel rooms than anyone else. More than do the parents of SWT graduates, visiting football teams, or the summer tourist. ADA dictates that challenged persons are not like everyone else and do merit special considerations. Like it or not that is the law of the land and your preferred parking places are a perfect example. Your “Most of the people who attend have sponsers and realize that the rates are going to be high” comment hits too close to home. Anybody want to sponsor an able bodied race team? jp

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yea regardless of who or what event is in town those motel people are going to take advantage. just looking to make quick buck. Especially sad they are poking everyones eyes out during the special olympics, BUT you have to consider the source.



I do A/C work, and I could not do that to a customer. I have to sleep at night. but again consider who we are dealing with here.

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Anytime hotels/motels can bend you over and stick it to ya with no vaseline, they're going to do it. Because they know you have very few other options. IT SUCKS! :angry: Plain and simple!

I booked a room on the coast for Thurs. and Fri. My room is 69.95 on Thurs. and 129.95 on Fri. Same room, same amenities, same everything. That's B/S! :angry::angry:

Don't get me started, especially on the ethnic background of many of the hotel/motel proprietors(sp?--and too lazy to spell check it) Come to America.......take advantage of Americans....send money back to fund terrorism.....tell us how much you hate Americans.......I told ya not to get me started. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:


DISCLAIMER: These opinions are solely those of the author and are not necessarily those of any group or anyone that I may be affiliated with.

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Don't get me started, especially on the ethnic background of many of the hotel/motel proprietors(sp?--and too lazy to spell check it) Come to America.......take advantage of Americans....send money back to fund terrorism.....tell us how much you hate Americans.......I told ya not to get me started.      



i was thinking the same damn thing...........[edited out by Nick Holt, 5/20/05] are making good money off of americans all the while badmouthing us...........i used to work for one of those [edited out by Nick Holt, 5/20/05] and let me tell you, that was the worst 5 years of my life...........everyday it was another stupid botched cliche.........i think his favorite one was " i am losing money hand over foot"...........the other thing i hate about hotels at the coast is most of them wont rent for one night only, they make you stay two nights minimum, talking about bending you over..........

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It gets better, our taxes we pay in every year goes to them to build there hotels and 7/11's TAX FREE for 10 years. At the end of the ten years, they bring family over sell the hotel to them tax free for another 10 years then they open another business tax free for 10 years.........

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arts22-i had that one explained to me by a business friend-he said thats why when you go in they alway have 4-5 family members working-learning the business-when time runs out-it goes to another family member-then another-on down the line-they got the system figured out for sure and its a hell of a business plan-may look legal(something needs to change) but ownership always stays in the same family i was told-and the $$$$$

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yep thats what he told me............of coarse he was an engineer but his family (brothers) did that..........they got a dollar store and the whole family lived in the same house altogether.........they all worked in the store and the money they took in, they would save until they had enough to start another dollar store........and they kept on doing it down the line until eventually they all had a dollar store and then those would start the same way with their kids...........its a pretty smart system i guess, leave it to those [edited out by Nick Holt, 5/20/05] ........

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Let's keep the bashing and name-calling out of this thread.


I'm sure there is a website somewhere that features discussions about US immigration policy. Not sure this racing website is the proper venue.




Nick Holt

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yep thats what he told me............of coarse he was an engineer but his family (brothers) did that..........they got a dollar store and the whole family lived in the same house altogether.........they all worked in the store and the money they took in, they would save until they had enough to start another dollar store........and they kept on doing it down the line until eventually they all had a dollar store and then those would start the same way with their kids...........its a pretty smart system i guess, leave it to those [edited out by Nick Holt, 5/20/05] ........

Reb, it is smart on their behalf, our government gives them the money tax free to start a new life in America.......Since 9-11 there have been several businesses here in Texas(mainly Dallas area) that was funded by our government and eventually our government found out they were supporting terrorism.....Its funny how we(America) do so much for foreign countries and not enough to help our own...........just aint right!.......politics.......

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I understand the frustration. But like racing, they are just playing with the rules as written. Don't like the rules? Vote the slime out of office.


But, like nick said, this isn't the forum for these discussions. Also, potential sponsors may be reading this and may now decide that he didn't want to sponsor racing cause it has too many "bubba's". Who knows, may even be one of our new immigrants that loves nascar and wants to get involved.


Never know.

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