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How many cars/drivers in SA or willing to travel here?


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I know this has been asked in the past but currently if someone was building a track in the SA area and wanted to get a realistic idea of the number cars they could count on who would put their hand in the air? Figure its a nice facility at what you would consider an ideal length and an owner willing to spend money and listen to drivers. This question is less theoretical than practical; who is out there looking for a place to run a car? If you can list your name, preferred class and car #. For guys & girls that don't have a car but would realistically be willing to build one list your name and class. If you have buddies that aren't on here call or text them and get their info as well; this list is important and has the possibility of ending up in front of someone that can make a difference. Thanks!


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2 hours ago, fastmontgomery15 said:

Hunter Montgomery 15 Super Stock. There's a lot of people respondin on fb right now.

Saw that, looks like we’ve got a full pit over there!

To clarify a question I’d been asked; I asked this same question roughly a year ago when I was working with an individual to re-open SAS and due to Harvey damaging the key-players business that deal didn’t come together. I don’t get anything out of persueing these deals except worn out; there’s nothing in this for me even if it does come together. I happen to feel San Antonio and south Texas can support a track and I’m the kind of person that will turn over every pebble looking for an opportunity; that’s the extent of my motivation. I’ve talked to a dozen individuals about either building or re-opening a track in this area and I happen to think this individual is serious. I know we’ve all been jerked around and that isn’t my intention; I simply want to go to meet this individual this weekend and say “here, these are the folks with cars or that say they’re willing to build cars.” Thanks for anyone that takes the time to respond!

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Surely this deal does not depend on how many people respond on social media - hardly a valid demographic study.  Sure, it is good to demonstrate that there are racers out there wanting a San Antonio-based asphalt track , and we all know that there are many of us, but unless this individual is not interested in showing a profit after X number of years, his/her decision certainly is not based solely on social media "likes" or keyboard commitments from interested parties. 

The real question that needs at least a good guess is what sort of revenue streams and at what volume will be generated once the capital investment has been made? Market studies, while not always valid, help answer this sort of questions. 

James, you and I have partnered up on a few of these searches for sincere, financially able folks to make our visions become a reality and I am more than willing to partner up on this deal too if you're interested.


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Mr John M. from HMP did not do any Market study.  Get went out and hustled and got sponsorship and put on a show with the clown cones.  They tore up lots of cars but the stands were packed and car builders were busy.   When he left, the hustle ended.   

The good operators find a way to make it, Tim Bryant has some of the worst demographics in the racing world but one of the most successful short tracks.     Build it and make it work, hustle the cash, the cars will come.  This is not a $200,000,000 deal, leave the marketing studies to the geeks.

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In light of the history of failed asphalt tracks in the Austin / San Antonio area, I would imagine someone looking to build would be wise to seek more concrete data than spontaneous surveys on social media... Just saying. 

toyotatim, some of us would put more faith in your reasoning if we knew your identity and your actual history in the sport... Just saying.


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2 hours ago, NickHolt said:

Surely this deal does not depend on how many people respond on social media - hardly a valid demographic study.  Sure, it is good to demonstrate that there are racers out there wanting a San Antonio-based asphalt track , and we all know that there are many of us, but unless this individual is not interested in showing a profit after X number of years, his/her decision certainly is not based solely on social media "likes" or keyboard commitments from interested parties. 

The real question that needs at least a good guess is what sort of revenue streams and at what volume will be generated once the capital investment has been made? Market studies, while not always valid, help answer this sort of questions. 

James, you and I have partnered up on a few of these searches for sincere, financially able folks to make our visions become a reality and I am more than willing to partner up on this deal too if you're interested.


Does the deal depend on social media responses, obviously no but do social media responses help? Yes! I honestly wouldn't have become involved in another one of these deals if Cindy Oates Couch's San Antonio Racer's Reunion page hadn't blown up like it did at the time it did. As you well know the time involved in aiding in one of these adventures is much more than you'll likely ever see monetarily; the social media responses just let me know if its worth the time. The SARR page with the same question has 100 + comments and 50 + shares so it appears the interest is there to move forward.

I agree 100% metrics need to be put in place and assessed as to the viability of any project; another closed down track doesn't help anyone at all. 

I am going to meet with the individual at the head of this deal this week sometime to get a feel for what their intentions are and I fully intend to get as much help as I can. I don't want to waste anyone's time but my own if there is nothing to build on but asking for folks to say yes or no seems like a pretty easy way to gauge where things are at. I appreciate your offer Nick and I hope there is every reason to take you up on it here shortly; thank you for your offer!

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If it is Nascar sanctioned, I am in.  Lets go boys,  just like old days.  Circle track on one side, drag strip on the other and now a drifting track.   That new guy is pretty good at construction, he installs and maintains elevators in Dallas.  Very sharp guy

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