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Does anyone have information on San Antonio Speedway, has it been sold or not. I don't want to hear any jokes about Tundras sitting there. To many rumors floating out there. Mike or Debbie, please take a few minutes to clear the air. A simple yes or no would even do.

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There will be a press release issued tomorrow.  Thanks Mickey McKim TSRS Official, THR Street Stock Driver and New Owner of SAS  :D

Hold on a sec here Mickey... How can you be the new owner of SAS??


Haven't you heard? I bought the whole SAS complex just last week! Or was it the week before. Or maybe the deal closes next week. It's so hard to remember facts anyway. I like it lots better when I can make up my own facts.


But actually, I did not buy it. The owners of a highly respected Limited Liability Corporation called TrickyTrack Grope bought it and have hired me to be their business advisor in this project that will revolutionize Texas racing forever. I don't have any experience in building race tracks, but never mind, because I just made up a great title to call myself so it will seem like I know what I'm doing. How about a Race Track Technology Engineer? Yeah, that sounds good.


And hey, just listen to what we're planning. You'll love it. TrickyTrack Grope will be tearing down the old SAS facility and putting up a brand spanking new, 50 or 60 millon dollar, state of the art, NASCAR quality race track right on the former SAS property. This facility will feature a 150,000-seat covered grandstands with individual enviromental controls for each and every ticket holder, hot and cold running water in every pit, a topless Hooters right in the middle of the infield, free race tires, and scented toilet paper.


And did I mention the in-house wind tunnel and a NASA quality suspension technology laboratory? Both these services will be open every day for FREE to all my TrickyTrack Grope registered drivers.


Can you believe that folks?


Now that you've heard the facts, aren't you just dying to get in on the ground floor opportunties this fabulous facility will offer smart, savy investors like youself? All I need is a few more suck.. er a.. investors to part with a few measly millions to make this wonderful South San Antonio gem a reality.


So come on folks, I been told there are investors like you born every minute in this part of Texas. I'm sure you good-hearted folks out there know a good thing when you see it. So, start sending me some of your hard-earned millions before it's too late to get tak..er.. um.. in on the ground floor of this marvelous opportunity to get rich quick.


Disclaimer: Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, real or imagined, portrayed in this hypothetical essay is purely coincidental.


Nick Holt

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I think I ruptured something. :o That there is funny stuff Nick. But you better watch it, I heard the Admin around here doesn't like bashing.


But I won't tell if you don't. ;)


Bill "Sarge" Masom :lol:

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That was a good one but this is the lastest rumor I heard. SAS was to be torn down and a brand new state of the art track built right on top of the old dirt track and.........we are all going to love this a WHATABURGER will sit at the corner of Hwy 16 and Watson Rd. There goes the Atkins diet on Saturday nights. Oh and according to Bexar County Appraisal district the land is owned by H B Zachry. I almost had you beat on the rumor mill. By the way I did not make this up this is really a rumor. Hell all of these rumors has got me anxious and I need to get on the track soon to drive off this frustration.



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Hey Nick, You sorta sound like.................. Whats that guys name that is gonna save racing in Texas, and Build us wonderful million dollar facilities ?? I even heard you fixed the crooked wall on the back stretch and repaved the whole place Or am I just repeating rumors.................... Guess we will hafta wait and see............ btw while we are in lala land can you do something bout the rain on weekends..............Please.....LMAO

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is that TrickyTrack Grope going to host a 5 race deal, i want to buy some tickets for it and i have like 1499 friend that also want to buy some tickets..................

You bet, Reb! I'll sell you all the tickets you and your buds can handle. They'll be good at all five Tricky Track Grope events we're be holding in 2017. Just think, by that time inflation will have made those tickets go sky-high. You can scalp a whole bunch of them and make a killing. Not that I condone such illegal, unethical shenanigans.


Anyway, by then I should be safely living in Mexico under an assumed name, so don't worry about me when the IRS comes looking for ya..


Since you obviously are my kinda guy, would you be interested in buying a brand new Holt Invisible Chassis? I'm sure you've heard of them. They were on display at the Indy car show this past January. All the rave, they were. Specially designed to be the lightest purebred racing chassis ever invented. Why they're so light they hardly weigh anything at all.


And since you're obviously such a smart shopper, I'll sell you one cheap. How does 5k off the list price of $27,500 sound? Pretty great, huh? And I'll throw in a TrickyTrack Grope sticker for nothing!


Simple send me a certified cashier's check for $31,276.45 (gotta keep Uncle Sam happy you know) and I'll ship your very own Holt Invisible Chassis on the next flight out.


Disclaimer: Once again, this is simply a highly fictionalized fairy tale and if this fictional account sounds like anyone you know, forget it. I'm just making it all up and any resemblance to any person, alive or dead, real or unreal, is purely coincidental.


Nick Holt

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Terry D. and Terry B. were at SAS yesterday... They were making sure the Tundra's were gone... ;)


Seriously, track is looking good. Bill's got the Lettering looking good...


Heck if its a rain out this time lets do some mud racing!

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