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And so true. I can race Kyle and SAS and those races are almost caution free. Y'all are tearing up to much shit!


And based upon Chase's text and emails, you'd be the first one in line at HMP front gate if we allowed the manual now. :P


Only if the driver wants to come. I can't drive the thing worth a crap!

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John, I've added that info on You Tube.


Would have done it sooner, but I’ve been on the phone for the last hour or so with my agent.


He’s upset with me. Said I released the short too soon and may have jeopardized my shot at an Academy consideration.

(So I fired him)

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John, I've added that info on You Tube.


Would have done it sooner, but I’ve been on the phone for the last hour or so with my agent.


He’s upset with me. Said I released the short too soon and may have jeopardized my shot at an Academy consideration.

(So I fired him)

That was good robert, wish I worked from home and had that much time and talent. Now put that truck back together and get off the computer.

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And so true. I can race Kyle and SAS and those races are almost caution free. Y'all are tearing up to much shit!


And based upon Chase's text and emails, you'd be the first one in line at HMP front gate if we allowed the manual now. :P

We where never first in line. LOL

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Some people I know (not naming names) think if they're 1st in line, they have a better probability of pulling a good (read "lower") chip/#.


I call those people mathematically challenged. :rolleyes:



Just messing with you Dale.




Ooops :o

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