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The "Fastest Race Announcer in Texas" race

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1st Annual “Fastest Race Announcer in Texas” race!


April 11th, 2011

Texas Thunder Speedway, Killeen, Tx


For immediate release


On Sunday July 3rd, 2011, Texas Thunder Speedway in Killeen Texas is hosting the final I.M.C.A. Lone Star Series race. Drivers and cars are expected from all over the state of Texas, and surrounding areas, to compete in this prestigious race.


Also on tap, is a chance for Texas race track announcers to compete in the first ever “Fastest Race Announcer in Texas” race. This race, the brain-child of Texas Thunder Speedway's Co-announcer, Bill “Sarge” Masom, will take place during that days program, and double as a benefit for the Ryan Bard Safety Foundation (RBSF).


“For years, I have been billed as the 'Fastest Race Announcer in Texas' after defeating several other announcers and racing media members around the state. This time, I aim to beat them all, at the same time, on the same track”, said Sarge. “I am throwing down the racing gloves, and challenging any race track or series announcer to come take me on, to see who is the fastest in Texas”.


Texas racing announcer legend, Doug “slow poke” Rollo, has already committed to participate in this race. In fact, Mr. Rollo will be providing a traveling trophy that will be presented to the winning announcer.


Texas Thunder Speedway's promoter, David Goode, is reserving a special place on the days program for this race to take place. The weapon of choice for this battle will be the Budweiser Racing Texas Twister class. These “cars that race, not race cars” are ideal for this event, and should provide a level playing field for all interested announcers to compete on.


Interested announcers need to RSVP as soon as possible, so the track can assure the proper number of cars will be available for those wishing to participate. RSVP's can be sent to sarge.masom@gmail.com, with a subject line of RSVP. Also, since this is a fund raiser for the RBSF, we are asking for each participant to bring a donation for the RBSF, which will be combined with all other donations, and presented to the RBSF in the winning announcers and home track name.


Any announcer wishing to use one of their local cars, can certainly do so. Any 4 or 6 cylinder, front wheel drive, mid to sub compact, car can compete, as long as they are on street tires. I.M.C.A. Sub Compact cars will be welcomed, as well as any other car that fits the spirit of the Budweiser Racing Texas Twister rules. When RSVPing, please indicate if you will be bringing a car, or will need Texas Thunder to provide one. Participants are highly encouraged to bring their own personal safety equipment, but the organizers will try accommodate those without.


“I can't wait to win this race, in front of my home crowd”, said Sarge, “it will be taking candy from babies”.


So, do you think you can beat Sarge? Come on down and put him in his place.

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1st Annual “Fastest Race Announcer in Texas” race!


“For years, I have been billed as the 'Fastest Race Announcer in Texas' after defeating several other announcers and racing media members around the state. This time, I aim to beat them all, at the same time, on the same track”, said Sarge. “I am throwing down the racing gloves, and challenging any race track or series announcer to come take me on, to see who is the fastest in Texas”.


“I can't wait to win this race, in front of my home crowd”, said Sarge, “it will be taking candy from babies”.


So, do you think you can beat Sarge? Come on down and put him in his place.




I thought my ego was BIG. You must have won that race because some one forgot to put the Tower Talkers' invites in the mail.


I'M IN!!


I'll even bring the HIGH 5. We'll show you how the Asphalt Cowboys get things done.


Oh..... and one more thing.


I'm bringing my own Candy....... see if you can take it from me!

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I thought my ego was BIG. You must have won that race because some one forgot to put the Tower Talkers' invites in the mail.


I'M IN!!


I'll even bring the HIGH 5. We'll show you how the Asphalt Cowboys get things done.


Oh..... and one more thing.


I'm bringing my own Candy....... see if you can take it from me!


Is that like taking CANDY from a baby? :lol:

Also I think Nick should be allowed to race....he does the "Live updates". That is anouncing but with his fingers. :lol:

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I tried to get Chuck Licata and Rodney Rodriguez involved.....Chuck wants to race me on foot.....I told him only if I get to make pit stops for smoke breaks...I think he's scared....The last track race he was in he got beat by a girl(Kathy Tiemann-THR scorer) :o:lol::P


Bobby(Chaffee) was talking some smack.....car might be fast on asphalt....but dirt is a whole new game

Edited by rebelracewriter
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The "busiest" announcer in the state is trying to make palns to be there. Last time I raced was against Sarge at I37 about 6-7 years ago. He beat me fair and square (or as I put it, I let him win in front of his home crowd since he was the 37 announcer and I was at SAS. Anyway, I'll try to give plenty of notice if I can make it. We already know it's hot in central Texas in July, but with all th "HOT AIR" thats being talked already it should be a scrorcher.\


Milton Hope


Curent I37 announcer

Former SAS announncer

Former Goliad announcer

Former THR announcer

Former announcer NBA D League Austin Toros

Current Judson and Wagener H.S football announcer

Current UTSA Mens and Womens Basketball announcer

Current announcer Dave Campbell Football Classic

Current Announcer US Army All American Football All Star Game

Recent Announcer NCAA Mens Siuthwest Regions Basketball Final

Told you I was busy!!!!!!!!!!

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After careful consideration, serious research, and many sleepless nights, I have decided to place my money on Mr. JM Hallas for this contest. Not only is he a driven individual, a dedicated safety advocate and fiend, er, friend, he is slated to be driving the world's only six cyl full blown modified by Harris. My heart truly goes out to the other poor contestants in this mountain-top event. All you other announcer wannabes.... Bring yer own hankys. Jay, you cannot smoke while in the car, and that alone should be all the incentive you need to complete this race in record time so you can torch one while receiving your trophy. How many fine ladies are lined up to post that $100 bail, no, I mean entry fee?

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I have not posted much, because I have been busy trying to line up more loosers, err, vict, no that's not right, announcers to race.


So far, have gotten a lot of responses and a bunch of maybes.


What I need from all interested parties is for you to send me an email, with RSVP in the title. I need a looser, er, nose count, so I can round up the needed cars. If I have to cut off entries due to lack of available Texas Twisters, then we will go off of the RSVP's. First come, first beaten, err served. And since this is my race, it will be my rules. I will make the decision on wheather a "driver" is eligible for this race or not.


So send me an RSVP at sarge.masom at gmail.com. Not only do you make the official list, but also I will have an email address for you, so I can pass along information as needed.


If you are like "Ricky Boobie, whoops, Bobby" Chaffe and bringing a car to compete with, please let me know. Also let me know if I need to round up safety gear for you. Suit, helmet, shoes, ect. The more items of safety gear you can bring for yourself the better. And I highly recommend safety gear, what with Reb and Doug Rollo on the track. I know David Goode will have extra wreckers standing by to clear the carnage out of my way.


So far, it has been all talk. RSVP me and put your name officially on the list. And if Nick can come up with a donation for RBSF, then to he can race.


Sunday, July 3rd, Texas Thunder Speedway, in Killeen, Tx. Come and get whooped!


Bill "Sarge" Masom

The only announcer with the intestinal fortitude (so Nick doesn't have to edit this) to take on all the wanna be's!

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I would love to watch this one!!


C Molis,


It is just a short drive from Austin to Killeen. And since the race is on Sunday, July 3rd, and Monday is a holiday, it should be a pretty easy trip to make. Let me know if you need directions or any other information.


And just for the record, I know you will love watching me win this race. Come up to the tower, I will be thrilling all fans by giving free autographs. I am sure it will become one of your most prized possessions.


Come feel the Thunder, at Texas Thunder Speedway! We will sell you the whole seat, but you will only need the edge! Home of the "Fastest Race Announcer in Texas!"


Stay safe,


Bill "Sarge" Masom

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I am not making this long trip from the north side of Dallas Texas for nothing. They don't call me ""ROCKET ROLLO"" for nothing folks!!! :ph34r: I may bring the Kennedale Speedway Park ""ZOO CREW"" from the turn four bleacher section, along with the ""MIDWAY MAYHEM"" fans in the center section and the ""WILD ONES"" from the turn one bleacher section for some vocal support. It won't be hard to get them to Texas Thunder Speedway once I tell them you folks are selling beer down behind the bleachers!!!! :lol:

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Texas Thunder Speedway once I tell them you folks are selling beer down behind the bleachers!!!!


You won't ever get them to leave once they see the lovely ladies selling the beer behind the bleachers.


Bring everyone you can. You will need all the help you can get! I am going to feel sorry for you, driving all that way to lose. Ok, not that sorry, but kinda.


Stay safe,


Bill "Sarge" Masom

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