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wake up call!


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gotta call this morning around 6 that neighbors of my grandfathers said stuff was blowing up in the backyard... shops. everything was on fire! i threw some pants on and hauled ass , he's four blocks over from me. fire trucks everywhere, the fire(s) were/was out.

2005 f-250 with about 30,000 miles on it completly gone,as well as brand new car port just finished tuesday. two wood shops with all of my great grandad's very old tools, gone. the inclosed trailer along with everything inside (tools, compressor, etc.) destroyed.it stopped five foot short of race shop with 2 mods. and one race truck along with 10,000 of thousands of dollars in tools and engines.

i think my great grandad's stuff will hit my grandfather the hardest. everything else is replaceable.it took the fire department almost 20 minutes to get a mile down the road from last call , and 911 was busy on 1st few attempts. only one structure was ablaze at time of 1st call. good news is nobody was hurt. just lots of memories and equipment lost.

one of the leads , sheriffs are looking into teenagers on 4 wheelers riding around letting of fireworks at 4 in the morning directly behind his shop. punk a-- kids with nothing better to do.


- there are alot worse things in the world going on.....but i'm still just kinda in shock.

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Shawn Paul,


I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather's loss of such valuable stuff. Fire can be very devastating, and it will probably take him a while to get over the shock. It's good to hear that no one was hurt and the race shop survived. I hope they figure out what (and who) started the fire. Let us know what we can do to help.

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When these punks get caught they won't even get a slap on the hand. They'll be told they are special and that they should try to make better choices in the future. We wouldn't want to damage their self-esteem now would we? Of course, had they been caught praying in the name of Jesus on public property somewhere, they'd all be in jail right now.


Sorry to rant at a time when you're family has suffered a huge loss because of some punks, but your title to this thread says it all. It's time we all woke up and spoke up about turning this country back around.



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I am sorry for your loss Shawn. I know how your grandfather feels. We lost our home to fire when Jon was 18 years old. It sucks.


I have to say AMEN to what Nick said. It is time that we get off our butts, stand up, speak up and stop letting a small group of idiots demand that God is taken out of this country. It is time to kick a!! instead of kiss a!!. To hell with politically correct BS.


Mike Garrett

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kids know it breaks the law as we all know .shooting fireworks ..is illegal in most countys ..hope they catch em and plant a big fine on thier A$$...PLUS IF THEY ARE UNDER AGE .the parents should pay for the damage along with the kids .... i agree 100 percent with nick.. . this country is going to crap i. its hard to believe our armed forces are fighting for this bs .hell i cant even get a thank you from 98 percent of poeple when i hold the door open for em ............... glad they are ok and noone got hurt ......

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Shawn, Sorry to hear about the fire. However, good to hear that Jr. is OK. I am sure that if it was in fact punks out there blowing off fireworks I am sure their parents/guardians know who they are and if they have any you know whats, they will bring the punks in to justice. Hopefully, if caught, they will be required to pay restitution for the losses. I know there are things of sentimental value that can never be replaced, but maybe a year or two in TYC for them will make that loss a bit easier to take. Tell Junior if he needs anything to give me a shout. He knows how to get ahold of me.

Dano :angry:

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You mentioned Ford F-250. Just in case you haven't heard, there have been recalls on Ford F-250's because they catch on fire sitting in the garage. You might want to look into this.


Sorry for your losses, and glad noone was hurt.



when he came out of the house the back shop was on fire nothing else. that was a good 25-30 yards from the truck and car port. he actually tryed to get the truck out of there but he left his keys inside. he tried to use the # key lock but the fire was too hot. just glad he finally quit trying to get it out of there.

the teenagers are just something the law is looking into. we don't know at this time what actually started it.

thanX everybody.....my grandad is cool. he's very passive , always has a 'it is what it is' attitude.just a matter of cleaning up and trying to remember what was where and what is gone.

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anything devasating like this is always terrible...my folks lost their house in a flood several years ago, along with a lot of stuff us kids had stored there. it's awful no matter what, but i'm glad to know that everyone is ok.


and, i really hope that whoever did it, is brought to justice. i, too, agree with nick...or maybe they should go back to doing stuff like they did when we were kids...wait, spanking ur kids is illegal now...nevermind....


good luck to all of you...

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When these punks get caught they won't even get a slap on the hand. They'll be told they are special and that they should try to make better choices in the future. We wouldn't want to damage their self-esteem now would we? Of course, had they been caught praying in the name of Jesus on public property somewhere, they'd all be in jail right now.


Sorry to rant at a time when you're family has suffered a huge loss because of some punks, but your title to this thread says it all. It's time we all woke up and spoke up about turning this country back around.



I totally concur!!!!

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Shawn, let us know if Junior needs any help getting things back in order. He's always there to help others out when they are in need, so there should be no shortage of people willing to repay a few old favors.

Ditto from H & I and you are so right about Junior always there to help others out! Sounds like a call for a clean up day! We all love this man and his family.

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