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Raceivers for 2010?

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i agree...

the down-time getting lined up again isn't so bad in the stands when the weather is nicer...but, when it feels like 20 below and the wind is blowing 50 mph, it does raise the impatience level...even for the most die-hard of us fans!

of course, this will raise the $$$ issue again, huh? :unsure:

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Well we've gone through this discussion on other forums and sites.


First off if drivers would be more willing to reline themselves correctly most of the "down time" could be eliminated!!!! Don't the dwarf car series all do self line ups?


Second, I'll agree racecievers are/can be an asset, but it still relies on scorers getting the info checked on score sheets and transfered down to the drivers. The same thing is accomplished by a chalk/white erase board, at far less cost to drivers.


"IF" transponders were 100% perfect, 100% of the time, then racecievers used in conjunction with the transponder system would be the most efficient....but even relying on electronics it's never a perfect system.

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I have flagged for 20 something years in this area. :ph34r: And the racecievers helped a great deat in some of the classes. But I did it for so long without them that I'm kinda 50/50 on this. What I used to do, was, if a guy couldn't figure out where he blonged, or two were fighting for one spot, they either worked it out in one pace lap or their butt went to the end of the line. :angry: Plain and simple. they learn pretty quick. :P

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I have flagged for 20 something years in this area. :ph34r: And the racecievers helped a great deat in some of the classes. But I did it for so long without them that I'm kinda 50/50 on this. What I used to do, was, if a guy couldn't figure out where he blonged, or two were fighting for one spot, they either worked it out in one pace lap or their butt went to the end of the line. :angry: Plain and simple. they learn pretty quick. :P

Problem is nobody does that. Its a great idea and all tracks talk about it but does very seldom ever happen. I was adding it up, if a track such as SOS runs 6 classes and of the 6 classes there is around 10 heat races and obviously 6 features. If you only had 1 caution per each heat race and 2 cautions per each feature which is a very conservative number and you were able to save 1 extra lap per race that is aprox. 16 caution laps total that everyone doesnt have to sit through and again that is on the conservative side. I think when it really helps is those nights when all hell is breaking loose and they have alot of cautions in all the classes. I can see it cutting at least 30 minutes off of the good low caution nights but alot more time saved on the bad caution nights.

They can be used to warn a driver who is rough driving before something bad happens which could have been used this year a few times!

Plus the biggest thing of all a track official shouldnt have to be on the track directing cars if all drivers have it and thats to me is a big safety advantage!

Edited by Danielsen Motorsports
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