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San Antonio Speedway Lease Option


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yeah heres the reply i get when email cl posting



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perhaps its a joke to get us racers on a up roar???????????????????????????????????????????????? :angry:

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Just got off the phone with the people at Cavender&Hill. They are the ones handling all this. It is for sale or lease. The gentleman that is handling the account is out of town till monday. I talked with a gentleman named Hunter and he was unaware that it was on Craigs list. He said that Mr Bragg who is handling the account may have put it on there or the owners might have put it on there. I was told to send an e-mail to tbragg@cavenderhill.com to inquire about it. I also told him that there are many of us who would help clean the place up if an arrangement could be made to have a special race or what ever. He didnt have any info as to what the lease would be. he was just taking calls for Mr.Bragg. I think we all should send this man an email and see what happens. Just a thought.

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Just got off the phone with the people at Cavender&Hill. They are the ones handling all this. It is for sale or lease. The gentleman that is handling the account is out of town till monday. I talked with a gentleman named Hunter and he was unaware that it was on Craigs list. He said that Mr Bragg who is handling the account may have put it on there or the owners might have put it on there. I was told to send an e-mail to tbragg@cavenderhill.com to inquire about it. I also told him that there are many of us who would help clean the place up if an arrangement could be made to have a special race or what ever. He didnt have any info as to what the lease would be. he was just taking calls for Mr.Bragg. I think we all should send this man an email and see what happens. Just a thought.


I have no stake in this aside from loving to see more races there. But, I thought there were a lot of items that needed to be brought up to code before another event could be held there.

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Just got off the phone with the people at Cavender&Hill. They are the ones handling all this. It is for sale or lease. The gentleman that is handling the account is out of town till monday. I talked with a gentleman named Hunter and he was unaware that it was on Craigs list. He said that Mr Bragg who is handling the account may have put it on there or the owners might have put it on there. I was told to send an e-mail to tbragg@cavenderhill.com to inquire about it. I also told him that there are many of us who would help clean the place up if an arrangement could be made to have a special race or what ever. He didnt have any info as to what the lease would be. he was just taking calls for Mr.Bragg. I think we all should send this man an email and see what happens. Just a thought.


I have no stake in this aside from loving to see more races there. But, I thought there were a lot of items that needed to be brought up to code before another event could be held there.


There are... but the way around the major ones is to hire concessions to come in from the outside, bring in porta-potties, have the race in the day, bring in generators to power computers and have each team bring in their own power supply. The spectators may have to watch from the infield if the grandstands are not up to code, but where there's a will, there's a way..



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The items they Red Tagged that day that i remember were:





mechanical (coolers in concessions)

Fire supression system and exhaust hood in concessions

sewer system would not drain (needs replaced)


There were like six items red tagged on the main grandstand side, i never let them get to the pits.


There was never an issue with the structures or grandstands.


Rick Day

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Just got off the phone with the people at Cavender&Hill. They are the ones handling all this. It is for sale or lease. The gentleman that is handling the account is out of town till monday. I talked with a gentleman named Hunter and he was unaware that it was on Craigs list. He said that Mr Bragg who is handling the account may have put it on there or the owners might have put it on there. I was told to send an e-mail to tbragg@cavenderhill.com to inquire about it. I also told him that there are many of us who would help clean the place up if an arrangement could be made to have a special race or what ever. He didnt have any info as to what the lease would be. he was just taking calls for Mr.Bragg. I think we all should send this man an email and see what happens. Just a thought.


I have no stake in this aside from loving to see more races there. But, I thought there were a lot of items that needed to be brought up to code before another event could be held there.


There are... but the way around the major ones is to hire concessions to come in from the outside, bring in porta-potties, have the race in the day, bring in generators to power computers and have each team bring in their own power supply. The spectators may have to watch from the infield if the grandstands are not up to code, but where there's a will, there's a way..




Thanks Nick, as a fan I would definitely be there supporting the track. I was actually planning to attend my 2nd event there the week it was shut down.


And Rick - thanks for the info.

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im sure that we all cant be just dumb ol racers . im sure we can find somebody with the experince to cover those items fairly cheap . watcha think?

im sure there are a few carpenters/plumbers/electricians ect that are racers and or sponsers

ill throw sum carpenter skills there..............woolf :ph34r:

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I thought none of those would be an issue any longer after the city had their fallout with Toyota on the re-zoning issue.


As I recall, the city gave SAS a certain amount of time (was it six months?) and if things weren't up to snuff at that time they would pull the existing permits and deny any future permits until SAS was in full compliance. Keep in mind that SAS was under Bexar County codes until SA obtained an ETJ and came roaring in with their team of inspectors. Before the ETJ, the Bexar County inspectors were ... well, lets just say they were overworked and underpaid and easy to deal with.


So when the SA inspection team arrived it was all over. And SA still has ETJ over the track. Nothing's changed that we're aware of in the relationship with the city inspectors. I'm sure they will not issue a permit unless that list is cleared or other arrangements made that satisfy the city.



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I think your points are right on target. I'm not a pessimist, but in this case, I think we need to be realistic. Someone with lots of money could make it all happen, but I do remember that the inspection included statements like "work must be performed by a licensed plumber," or something similar to that.


When I spoke with Gerald today, I emphasized that two major hurdles would have to become the priority: #1 - a safe racing surface and #2 - adequate insurance coverage for the drivers. I shudder to think what an independent insurance policy would cost. The other things are important, e.g., bathrooms, grandstands, etc., but they are secondary to the core conditions of any racing event.

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