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What a totally clueless moron this guy most truly is! Maybe there IS justification for banning NASCAR racing, but this individual missed on every single count.


Oh, what the hell. Let's just all support legislation that bans ANYBODY from doing ANYTHING.

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What a totally clueless moron this guy most truly is! Maybe there IS justification for banning NASCAR racing, but this individual missed on every single count.


Oh, what the hell. Let's just all support legislation that bans ANYBODY from doing ANYTHING.

I left the gentleman the following message on his website. You should leave him a nice, polite message too.






Your message is so filled with error and misinformation that you have hurt your cause. Being passionate about saving the planet is laudable, stretching the truth and ridiculing millions of people is unacceptable. I am asking that the good folks who read my website come over here and leave a message for you.



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Does he advocate banning Football,baseball,basketball,hockey, and all other sports that do the same as most of the items he charged Nascar for. I admit Nascar has some problems but lets not throw the baby out with the bath water just because the waters dirty.

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Someone needs to wake this guy up along with all of his kind that follow blindly. If you want to read it, here is what I sent to him. And I suggest everyone do the same.


Here we go.......

I love you folks. You people are so mislead it's funny and you follow blindly whoever YOU feel is correct. I am a racer. Have been for about 20 years. So your way of thinking hits me a little personally. Everything you stated that is bad about Nascar would still be happening without Nascar except for the possibility of lead in fuel. Which I could probably find some data that states there are trace amounts of lead in your gas too but it is being hidden from you.

Trash is going to happen no matter where you are. Yes it is concentrated at the track because of the volume of people. But you act like if those people stayed home they would politly not make any trash that day. Thats funny.


Birth rates and violence? Thats really funny. People are going to drink if and when they want to. It's not just because they go to a race. These people will drink on Sunday watching a football game or just having a Bar-B-Que at home. These are both having fun and in your mind increase pregnancies. I guess I'm glad I dont drink or have any fun because I wouldnt be able to afford all of the kids I would have.

I am trying to remember all of the things you touched on so bare with me. Oh. Violence. You tree huggers also cause violence to erupt so you folks need to stop what you are doing as well. Just a thought.

Now the burning of fuel, rubber, exhaust fumes, brake dust and noise. If you drive a car you are doing this as well. A race will create this in such a small percentage compared to the rest of the earth it's laughable.

Hurting our economy. Ok. You are probably one of the people that is going to support the Carbon Cap bill. If you are it proves you are an idiot that follows blindly behind the Al Gore train. If this bill passes what do you think will happen? I will cost everybody more money to live and work. Most farmers will be forced out of business, so who will you be buying you food from? Other countries. The cost of any business including mine will see an increase in operating cost. Who will pay for this? You and any other person that needs my service. Hense and increased cost of living.

I could go on about this all day but I have a life to live and refuse to debate forever.

So good luck to you and your like followers in your efforts to shut the USA down. Thats what is happening. You need to look at the whole picture of what is heppening and not just the side you want to see. If you really think our government is going to get away from fossil fuels you are sadly mistaken. The USA runs on fossil fuels and we would go broke without it. So it may happen but not in our lifetime.

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I just want to add something positive for this wei......oops, I mean person.

I wish you the best of luck in your next tiddley winks contest and may you

place high enough that they let you lead the procession around the May Pole.

Have you ever thought about a career in paper mache art cause you sure

failed as an investigative writer. Your facts are way off and stretched

beyond reality which ranks you right up their with that fat guy out of

Tennessee who calles himself Father Nature. <_<

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It’s already been statistically verified that a favorite driver winning a race leads to an increase in birth rates among unmarried couples. The same studies likewise prove that a favored racer losing leads to increased instances of domestic violence due to the combination of dangerously excessive alcohol consumption, Defeat Frustration Syndrome, and the ready availability of punchable women in near proximity to NASCAR events


Honey, if Jr. don't win tonight, I'm gonna have to slap you around again tonight. :lol: So is he saying the women deserved to be punched? Where/when were these studies conducted? ;) This guy sounds so smart he will probably be appointed to be one of Obamas advisors. :lol::lol::lol:

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Honey, if Jr. don't win tonight, I'm gonna have to slap you around again tonight. :lol: So is he saying the women deserved to be punched? Where/when were these studies conducted? ;) This guy sounds so smart he will probably be appointed to be one of Obamas advisors. :lol::lol::lol:

he maybe one of the bunch .. does joe biden ring a bell ..sounds like joe or a relative ..

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This person with a ID-10-T error wants you to write your Congressman, I say that he is absolutely correct, because the energy he is wasting leaving his web site up is a tragedy, and should be against the law!! you know the plastic cased one that runs on electricity and causes green house gases and 9-11.....!!!!

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