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Not Looking Too Good For Jeremy


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From Jayski's


NASCAR: Mayfield again tests positive for meth: NASCAR says Jeremy Mayfield has again tested positive for methamphetamine and wants the federal judge who lifted the driver's drug suspension to reinstate the ban. The positive result from a July 6 random test was included in a U.S. District Court filing Wednesday. The filing includes an affidavit from Mayfield's stepmother, who claims she personally witnessed the driver using methamphetamine at least 30 times over seven years. NASCAR says in its filings that the "A" sample had levels of methamphetamine consistent with habitual users who consume high doses. The filing also claims Mayfield and his attorneys have failed to select a qualified laboratory to test the backup "B" sample.(Associated Press)

AND The general manager of Jeremy Mayfield's race team says he has left the organization because he doesn't believe Mayfield Motorsports will return to the race track. Bobby Wooten says he was the last remaining employee. The team was started this season, and Mayfield said in court documents he had to lay off 10 employees since NASCAR suspended him in May for failing a random drug test. A federal judge has lifted that suspension, but Mayfield did not bring the #41 Toyota to the track in the two races since he was reinstated. Wooten says he does not believe Mayfield has any interest in resurrecting the team.(Associated Press)(7-15-2009)



Trey told me several years ago "dad, I never heard a drug story with a happy ending"


Lots of wisdom in those words!

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oh well ,,now he can go work the dairy queen drive thru window and make room for real talent.

i have no pity for such a looser........i feel sad for his mama his friends and the rest of his family, but not a bit for him.

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You know after the first test and what he said he took being in the medical field I belived that it could be possible for this to happen. After the second test and the story at http://www.nascar.com/2009/news/headlines/...n.ap/index.html there is just no way that I'm confident in his story anymore. That's to bad that he had to fight it and make it so public if he was really guilty.

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Well, this one has gotten nasty for Nascar. But they often take a stand and will not budge, even when common sense should prevail. Anybody remember the .2 of a cubic inch and destroying a guys racing team over a rented engine? After reading jayski, I'll wait to pass judgement on this one.

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Well, this one has gotten nasty for Nascar. But they often take a stand and will not budge, even when common sense should prevail. Anybody remember the .2 of a cubic inch and destroying a guys racing team over a rented engine? After reading jayski, I'll wait to pass judgement on this one.



After reading every part of this story..I still believe that Mayfield is innocent.



Also...about the engine...It wasnt .2 of a cubic inch over, it was actually .007 of a cubic inch over.

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Ya know I have been through a lot of drug test over the years and nevr had a problem but I saw guys that you just knew wre not going to passno matter how much they studyed but they would gohtrough it anyway and then when it came back that they didn't pass they would always say the test was wrong. I believe that the testing is correct because i'm sure the test we were doing was not near as extencive as NASCAR i mean come on guys if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck well da. And I have no simpathy for those people you chose the path you want to travel in life. :angry::blink::unsure::(

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I pretty much agree with what Floyd says. According to Mayfield in a radio interview he says he was tested after this most recent NASCAR test and passed it but yet why has he not presented this fact to the courts as he was given that opportunity to do just that after the NASCAR test. I am fairly sure that the labs that are doing the testing for NASCAR are reputable because I believe they are government regulated.

Also its been reported that Mayfield is suing his step mother and he also added allegations that this woman murdered his father in 2007 so this story is just starting to get worse than just some simple drug test failure. But since this all started back when he failed the very first test, I wonder why Mayfield feels he is being "railroaded" when there are no real obvious reasons why NASCAR wants to dump him to start with. He came into Cup like a sky rocket and fizzled just as quickly after a couple seasons so there is no reasoning evident why they would want him out of there unless of course there is knowledge that he has been using. Makes one wonder if Mayfield's paranoia is for real or imagined. JMO. :blink:

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Mistakes are made in tests involving meth because Adderall or whatever its called can cause a false positive. I believe Jeremy has ADHD and uses the drug for his condition. Again, I will wait to pass judgement until I know more of the facts. Then again, we may never know the whole truth. What I will say is that he sure doesnt look like a Meth head. Time will tell I guess but I would hate to see someone that isnt actually using have their life ruined because of a technicality if that is indeed the case. If he is a meth user then I have no sympathy for him

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Well when it involves big business and a reputation of a big business (Nascar) I am smart enough to know who will loose that battle! Personally if its true I would like to think that Nascar would extend their hand out to help one of their own before it kills him. Meth is something most people cant kick by themselves or without alot of help. Oh hell I forgot, I dont give a crap about a bunch of millionairs who race on top of our local short tracks on a few "Selected" Saturday nights, screw em and god bless short tracks!

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Trey told me several years ago "dad, I never heard a drug story with a happy ending


There have been many happy endings, but thats not good news or gossip. If Jeremy has a problem at his age it's not going to go away easy.

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Not sure if anyone knows this or not, however, Mayfield never told Nascar that he was taking that medication until after he tested positive for Meth. Anyone who has ever taken a drug tests knows that you have to be truthful to the one who adminsiters the test just so that if something does come back positive they will take a look at the medicine your taking and would somewhat explain the test results.

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I recently have read accounts of others being tested positive after using adderal for ADHD. But seriously, Mayfield's appearance does not in anyway look like the druggies I see pictures of in the newspaper or on TV. You would think after using meth for the amount of time his ex-stepmother claims, his teeth would at least be rotten. You just don't get around the physical degradation of the effects of drugs. If he has some secret for this, I am sure junkies would pay a fortune for it. I don't trust NASCAR as far as I can throw them. They have gotten just one step above professional wrestling.

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The engine debacle, I believe is wrong. But it was not .007. It was 8.007. The rule says 350 cubic inches, but gives you 8 inches for the wear, boring, and so on. They push the limit every week to make the engines 358. As for the drug test, NASCAR has ruined this guy. Adderal does cause false positives, and so does alergy medicines like Claritin. He uses both of those. In NASCAR's story, it did say that sample B was tested but it was taken to an un authorized lab. A lab that is NOT in NASCAR's pocket. NASCAR knows that if Mayfield wins this case, they are going to lose lots of money. They cost Mayfield his livelyhood, and reputation. They also cost 40 people their jobs. Look at Mayfield, and then look at Meth addicts. There is no way Mayfield is a meth user, regardless of what his STEPmom says. This is going to get messy with NASCAR. Do you think that if Mayfield was guilty, he would have taken it as far as he did, and then still fail a drug test??? He would have argued, then disapeared, like Shane Hmiel. Mayfield has talent, he is no Jimmy Johnson or Jeff Gordon, but I would put him up there with a Dale Earnhardt Jr. I believe if he had Hendrick equipment, he win a few races. (Man is that statement gonna piss some people off). I think that things will come to light and NASCAR will get sued over this.

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The engine debacle, I believe is wrong. But it was not .007. It was 8.007. The rule says 350 cubic inches, but gives you 8 inches for the wear, boring, and so on. They push the limit every week to make the engines 358. As for the drug test, NASCAR has ruined this guy. Adderal does cause false positives, and so does alergy medicines like Claritin. He uses both of those. In NASCAR's story, it did say that sample B was tested but it was taken to an un authorized lab. A lab that is NOT in NASCAR's pocket. NASCAR knows that if Mayfield wins this case, they are going to lose lots of money. They cost Mayfield his livelyhood, and reputation. They also cost 40 people their jobs. Look at Mayfield, and then look at Meth addicts. There is no way Mayfield is a meth user, regardless of what his STEPmom says. This is going to get messy with NASCAR. Do you think that if Mayfield was guilty, he would have taken it as far as he did, and then still fail a drug test??? He would have argued, then disapeared, like Shane Hmiel. Mayfield has talent, he is no Jimmy Johnson or Jeff Gordon, but I would put him up there with a Dale Earnhardt Jr. I believe if he had Hendrick equipment, he win a few races. (Man is that statement gonna piss some people off). I think that things will come to light and NASCAR will get sued over this.
You realy don't believe he or anybody else is going to win going up against NASCAR do you?
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Yep.... Will we ever hear the truth, Nope! If he wins they will pay him off and tell him to go away....


He has passed 6 independent tests. I think they are smart to hold off on presenting their case. If nascar(notices no CAPS) keeps pushing his step mothers information as truth then he wins a defimation lawsuit against them also. Jeremy is no dummy.

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My earlier point was not whether Jeremy was guilty or not guilty but I was just questioning why would NASCAR single him out on this. If you keep up with this on the Jayski site, now Jeremy told reporters today that NASCAR spiked the test. Its statements like this that cause me to wonder a bit. As for his passing other independent I have only heard him say that yet no legal documents have collaborated that. The Judge lifted his suspension only because he felt Mayfield should be allowed to compete until the appeal decision was reached, not that he said Mayfield was innocent, or guilty for that matter either. Then after the 6 Jul positive test for meth, Mayfield claimed to have been retested twice after that test and both were negative. So I just wonder why those official results were not made public either because this could end the entire ordeal.

As for all this giving NASCAR a black eye, yes its true. But unless Mayfield comes up with something more than word of mouth he could well be the one who gets a bad name out of this. As for Mayfield suing his step mother he has made some really serious allegations towards her too and if she countersues and Jeremy loses, he just may as well give up racing even as some local level in a cheap class. Once again, JMO and I am still awaiting for that bit of fact to come out that will decide this issue. :blink:

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OK, Been reading about this thread and I have to say, YOU DONT HAVE TO LOOK LIKE A JUNKIE TO BE A ONE! There are users in all walks of life and every type of profession. There are doctors, lawyers (Defense that is LOL) and politicians that use. So quit watching CSI and and all those other shows that portray the text book "junkie" and open your eyes to the real world we live in. As a whole there is a huge problem with drugs , but most people have their heads buried in the TV or their perfect little world and as long as it doent affect them its ok. You have only seen the far extreme side of the scale when it comes to meth users. There are far more people on the other side that appear normal. Meth affects people in different ways, some it makes go down hill faster than others, Some it takes longer to see the effects, Such as "Meth Mouth", The Meth Bugs, and Paranoia. These are just some of the symptoms of a tweeker. If you cant tell I have no patience for people who are clueless!

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i wanna throw the dah? question out there..................REALLY,,he's taking allergy medicine for two staight months? if my allergies were that bad i would have seeked specialty attention,NOT kept on taking the same old stuff for 2 months. needless to say if that is what is giving him a false positive or not,,,,,,,BUT what is that doing to his body?


he's a meth head, they come in all shapes, colors and economical levels. just because he does'nt look like the ones you see on the 'saturday night CBS movie',,,,,or look like the really used up, burnt out ones that you have seen pics off ,does not mean he's not. i guarantee you more people are than you could visually identify.

everybody loves a conspiracy, BUT this is not one.NASCAR is doing just what everybody has been asking them to do for 15 years (drug testing), and now ALL OF A SUDDEN it's a witch hunt........for what?

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