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GM and Racing


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A little over a year ago GM cut back on its spending( a little late) and thus RCR lost the goodwrench sponsorship. It has also been backing out of title sponsorships of races, and not in just Nascar. Also mostly shutting down factory backing of the GM truck series teams. I wonder if the future will see the demise of the chevrolet "crate motor" program too? ;)

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Yep, that one is a joke.

Bye the way, be careful opening this page, as soon as I hit it my virus scanner got pegged 3 times. I did hear alot about some bad virus' and worms being unleashed on the 1st. Microsoft put a bounty on the guys head. Be careful

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Yep, that one is a joke.

Bye the way, be careful opening this page, as soon as I hit it my virus scanner got pegged 3 times. I did hear alot about some bad virus' and worms being unleashed on the 1st. Microsoft put a bounty on the guys head. Be careful


It may be a joke this April 1st, but it may be our nightmare in the near future. If the President can fire CEO's and dictate corporate policy...is that article really that far fetched?

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It may be a joke this April 1st, but it may be our nightmare in the near future. If the President can fire CEO's and dictate corporate policy...is that article really that far fetched?


We have a winner!!

Give that man a Ceegar!!!

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It could be an April Fools joke, however, last night I was listening to Sirius and they made mentioned of making GM and Chrysler pull out of Nascar as part of the conditions of the loan package. I don't believe that Buddy Baker would say something like that if it wasn't true.

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It could be an April Fools joke, however, last night I was listening to Sirius and they made mentioned of making GM and Chrysler pull out of Nascar as part of the conditions of the loan package. I don't believe that Buddy Baker would say something like that if it wasn't true.



Next year we'll be wondering if Dale Jr. driving the #88 Amp Energy Honda Accord can beat Jeff Gordon driving the #24 Dupont Hyundai Elantra. Our new Socialist Government is rapidly controlling our lives. As they take over more and more corporations, I think they will be deciding the sponsorships need to go by the wayside. Remember, the liberals are the ones that think that racing is a waste of resources and all those nasty cars are making the ice caps melt.

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Well... if this were a "political forum" instead of a racing forum, this thread would be headed in the right direction, but it's not.


So... even though what's happening in the political arena impacts our racing world, let's try to keep as much of the political rhetoric out of the discussions as we can.





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don,t be obamaing this started with george bush he crippled our nation, obama didn,t do it in 3 months, us sone common sense. geez,

i really hope you are just playing around because of the date..... cause you sounds lik a gooooood votir for ob,amas

i work at a chevy dealer...it has been slow to say the least.

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The way Socialism is spreading like wild fire .......EVERY conversation is going to be politcal.

Yes... well, thanks for getting this thread back on the subject of GM's role in stock car racing.



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don,t be obamaing this started with george bush he crippled our nation, obama didn,t do it in 3 months, us sone common sense. geez,


When are people gonna accept and realize Bush , although not perfect, did no such thing. But the leftist press has people believing "Bush and The Bush Doctrines" are responsible for everything..... You ever think to look at the congress????? They are the cause of 90 % of our problems and get a free ride from responsibility by the press..hmmm, so did Obama in the election...

stepping off soap box....

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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.....started by the Dems


Mark to Market...started by the Dems....after the ENRON debacle


First bailout by Bush...started by the Dems...look it up...Gietner was at the helm helping Polson draw that up...our lame duck Pres. just pushed it through as the normal smooth transition from one administration to the next


GM's numbers...show that if they only sold trucks,suv's,medium to large cars....the company would be extremely profitable...their downfall....started by the Dems,and their extreme demands on what or what isn't produced


Now the Obama administration is looking at firing the CEO of our largest bank....Bank of America


NASCAR took bailout(pork) money twice now....they are under the control of our overbearing government now....good luck to them


Those other companies will not step up to the plate and fill Chrysler or GM's shoes....they will want nothing to do with our government.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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