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Houston Motorsports Park


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Just got off the phone with Graham Baker and he asked me to pass this along.


The track will be open this Saturday (21-Feb) from 9am till approximately 4pm.


Cost is $100 per car.


The drag strip will be "hot" that day so all cars (and trailers) will be required to park on the infield/pit road. Graham also mentioned that this will be one of the few Saturday practice days this year because the of the events that are scheduled for the drag strip.

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I don't think anyone should give anything away for free! I just think that driving to Houston and paying 100.00 is a little steep. ( for practice ) I'm sure its fine for the ones that run that track all the time. I wonder if the spotlight is shifting to the drag strip.


I was just stating my opinion-----> FORUM



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as much as i don't like saying this we ( racers) are either going to have to support hmp or not have a track within 200 miles to race/practice at .i don't think the bakers know if we (locals) are willing to use the track or not, all they ever hear is complaining from us (circle trackers) while the straightliners think this is the best thing since sliced bread! i don't agree with a lot they do but i really don't want to go kyle or sas to race! just my opinion!!! B)

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Hey Guys,


Let me say this. There was a time when I thought that 100.00 dollars was alot of money to ask for to let people practice. But after getting into the promotion end of this racing stuff, I can tell you it is not that bad. When you consider the insurance, wrecker bills, ambulance, etc. the track will do good to break even. Not only that if they were to charge a certain amount for the car and an amount for each person, in the long run for most teams the 100.00 dollars is really cheaper.


Thank You

Terry Barden


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There is another way to look at this... If there is an event going on at the dragstrip at the same time practice is going to happen look at it as an opprotunity to draw some fans to see racing at the track. Like we have all said in here before there are alot of people in Houston that may not even know about the track. With them having 2 venues for racing in that complex having the practice may help show some cross-over fans what that circle track has to offer. Let's see how it goes...

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I've got a better idea,since gasman's business is doing so well and his good fortune could reflect through his opinion,why dosen't he rent the track for everyone.Then he can keep any freeloader out that he wishes to...AS for this freeloader I could find better uses for my time and money...

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Crazy Horse, That sounds great, I will meet you [comment edited out by Nick Holt. 2/18/04] and give you your free pass. Its a free country, you dont have to pay the $100. Go practice your race car in the parking lot at Walmart [comment edited out by Nick Holt, 2/4/04]. Dont worry about how my business is doing. If I cant afford it, I would not do it, but I damn sure would not complain about the cost of racing. I would get a better job or find another hobby that fits my budget. I just get tired of hearing that poor ol me [stuff] [word replaced by Nick Holt, 2/4/04].

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Since they have built the new strip what did they do for stands for the strip... Did they put them on the circle track side or the side that the property line was...Just curious if folks in the stands can view the circle track kind of like you can at SAS with Alamo Dragway. If it is set up that way it could be worth every bit of $100 for the sake of bringing more fans and possibly sponsors to the track...JMO

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i dont think it really matters who is who on here. i think some people are just getting tired of hearing about how expensive it is. if you cant afford to race or practice then dont, but dont expect the track to lower its price and lose money, because after all, first and foremost the track is in the business of making money. people say well it only cost me 50 dollars to practice before well who cares prices change, the cost of running a business goes up from year to year. i dont know about yall but i havent noticed too many business that have the same prices they had 5 or 10 years ago. so comparing prices of today to the prices of past years does nothing.

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Racers, by nature, want to exploit any legal advantage to the max...nothing wrong with that. Spending money within the rules is not a sin here in America. It is not this gentlemen's (or any racers) job to determine what is a "right" or "logical" amount of money to spend. That is the sanctions responsibilty. They will find that their survival and viability depends on writing the rules in such a way that there is cost containment. This allows a broader group of people to compete.

To illustrate my point, what sanctioning body in ANY form of racing is not actively involved in "cost containment" strategies?

Taking all the buzzwords out, "cost containment" is about limiting the top teams to the point that the remaining 75% and the new prospects "believe" that they can get in there with a used car and one engine and have a chance on the right day/ right circumstances. It is completely foreseeable to hear some dissatisfaction from the front runners on this issue. They are having to give up an advantage.

People tend to be extremists when discussing this. The guys with 2 bucks total say "poor me" and the top teams say "this is not a welfare state...yet".

The sanctioning body needs to determine the location of that "competition" balance point. In my opinion, it is probably somewhere in the 50th thru 75th percentile of both present and future racers.


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Some important issues have surfaced in this thread and I have been very hesitant to step in.. BUT, let's keep things polite and civil or else I will begin removing posts that seem designed to "push buttons" or cause animosity rather than contribute to the ideas being discussed.


Note: Since I posted this an hour or two ago, I have indeed removed and edited some posts that were agressive or simply intended to stir up personal arguements.


Thanks for everyone's cooperation.


Nick Holt

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Just a question where are they goin to park the trailers in the infield because if they get lets say 20 cars show up and everyone has got 24ft + long trailers are they gonna have room down there. I personally am someone who likes to watch where my money goes. Yes I would probably pay 100 to run this weekend if I had everything ready but it seems to be a consistent deal with GASMAN that everytime sometalks about saving money he starts cutting them down. I'm glad you own your own business and your business is doin great but give some of other people a break we work for living making someone else money and not having people make us money. I understand you dont like to here people complain about the costs but you cant honestly tell me that if you could find a way to run your romco that you own for a cheaper way and still be competitive you wouldnt because I know everyone would. Thats my .02

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Holy [stuff]! [comment edited by me to save the nickmeister the trouble] - Somebody call a waaaaaaaaambulance!!!!!!!!!


Come on folks - this thread is about a freaking practice day - $100/car or $20/person it's damn near a push either way so who cares...


And yes Josh42 - there is plenty of room in the infield. I'd bet you could park an entire ROMCO field down there if you needed to (trailers on the dirt cars on the concrete)

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I'm of the opinion that we'reall intitled to our own(this is a forum)????

If directflo dosen't agree with yours leave it at that.

I balance my budget for me,no one else.If it does'nt fit your criteria then congradulations,but leave it at that.A difference in opinion should'nt constitute a war of words.Sorry if I offended you [comment edited out by Nick Holt, 2/18/04]

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LOL! May I have a "U"?

CART had an elitest, "let them eat cake", no riff raff attitude. It was a big boy "club" where the car owners wrote their own rules, incestiously. It turned out that there weren't enough big boys.

Avoiding extinction is an exercise in self discipline.

BTW 04 is right and all this stuff is somewhat off topic...sorry.


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The issue of who should be racing in what series or class has been a recurring topic here on TSZ. I think it raises some very real (and obviously very personal) issues that deserve a good airing. Money, or the lack of it, drives the sport in many ways and impacts us all. From the newest entry level team to the track owners and promoters.


That we are having this issue come up again is no surprise. It will be a hot topic for the foreseeable future. However, such discussions do not need to become personal battlegrounds where aggressive posts are the norm and where people are ridiculed on both sides of the issues.


Yes, this forum is indeed dedicated to honest discussion, but not without a civility and respect for each other.


If you feel you just have to dig at someone or give them a good piece of your mind, do it via PM or email.


Nick Holt

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