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a funny thing happened at the dirt track!


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Well actually it wasnt funny at all, bu ti thought i would share anyways


i consider myself a fan of all racing , but my heart really lives with dirt track racing, so when i get a chance to visit a new track, im all in.This saturday i had the occasion to visit a little track in Ennis Texas called 85 speedway, after a pleasant drive in the country i happened upon a well maintained 1/4 mile track in the sticks. the lady at the ticket window and the lady at the gate couldnt be more friendly or inviting. large open bleachers wih a landing to put your own lawn chair seemed great. the water truck was circling the lady , laying down a generus amount of water , in listening to the area racers wandering around the satands , it wa sin response to the dry slick track from the week before. time to roll the track, wow did they do a great job of rolling the track, i wasnt thrilled with the kids riding in the cars, even though they were iding around. but the drivers were respectful and realized that the better they rolled the track , the better the surface would be to race on.

6 classes of cars ran 10 heat races and just 2 yellow flags, both for single car spins, wow, heats were over in 60 minutes.intermission came , time to enjoy a bbq sandwich and a grape snow cone. the evening was great UNTIL...in comes to town what i call the budwieser rodeo.. a person, i hesitate to use the word man, entered , raised hie hands, with thr roar of the drunks i though tit was the second comiong of Richard Petty, as it turned out , not even close. the clown from the budwieser rodeo, attempted to climb the stands , and on his way made sure that everyone knew he was there, a flurry of racial slurs later he was 2 steps up the grandstands.step 3 ws slightly more treacherous, and he need to knock over 2 kids and an icechest, much to the delite of his freinds. row 4 , came a fall. which brought out a cheer from the other rodeo members and the lady wearing his beer was not as amused. then he did it..step five he attempted to use the face of a man to keep his balance, well as you can imagine one right jab followed by a left cross, and he had to start all over from the bottom of the bleachers.


then the melee, it appears to all of his friends that the other people in the stands didnt know who he was or that we were all merely ther as supports for his entrance. a few lefts a few rights, and a dozen ruffled mullets later order was restored..of course the guy who was just tired of the drunk is escorted out, and thr rodeo resumes. a few minutes of raial slurs, some i woulda got hims, he finallt settled down..his girl, began to feed him some nachos at the suggestion of the security officer, that was nt so good for the peolple close, they proceeded to get a shower of half chewed nachos as he screamed out at the drivers....


finally he calmed down, and then it hapened...the queen of the budieswer rodeo, in her infinate wisdom decide dhe neede another beer!!!..much to the dismay of lcal law enforcement who finally got all the idiots out of the stands.


i would say that i hope the jack ass reads this, but i will settle for someone at the liquor store reading it to him....my family was having a great time at a well perpared fun track , it took only one person to ruin the whole night and leae a bad taste in my mouth what a shame....


to you sir, and i loose the term really loosely, please go ruin another sport, with your drunken trist, try roller derby, they need the fans....


well wher to go next week????


circle burner ..over and out

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I saw this same guy at riverside speedway in corpus in the mid 80's LOL! the fellow almost fell on me and every time he went down to get onother beer he came back missing something. first his hat, then his boot! sad to say its one of the strongest memories I have as a child sitting in the stands at that track, which is long gone now.

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You know its funny how your react to things as life moves along, about 5 years ago I would have cleaned some clocks for them. Then I got married so less clock repairs were needed, then came two children and now I am back to wanting to be the clock cleaner again because it makes me abosutely furious when some drunk idiot cannot respect a childs innocence. Then came patience but it's slowly leaving too. Oh well I guess I need to pick up basket weaving if I need to get away from it.

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Reminds me about an incident at Longhorn about 1980.


A drunk was sitting near my wife and kids and was showing his ass all night.

Well, he knocked my 1 year old son off his seat and he fell through the bleachers. Thankfully, he was only a couple rows up from the bottom, and only had a few bumps and scratches. I did not see any of what happened next, since I was in the pits, but my wife gave a very detailed description of the butt whipping Judy Machen and Betty Brooks put on that guy before he was hauled off. There wasn't much fight left in him when the cops got him away from those two women.

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Thus far this season, I have allowed Dano36 to select our seating in the stands. First, at THR he put me behind a drunk. At one point during the evening I was standing up when the drunk fell off his seat into the foot well in front of me. This pushed me backwards and pinned my lower legs against the edge of the seat board, locking my knees. The drunk couldn't get up, and I couldn't bend down to help him up. So there I was stuck there. Finally Dan and Steve helped him up and off me. Next at TWS, he puts me behind another drunk who blows beets all over the place while I'm trying to eat a sausage wrap. Then last week at THR he puts me about 8 feet in front of the PA loud speaker. After that, I could't hear anything until Tuesday.



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no beer is sold at 85 speedway, but yo ucan bring as much as yo ulike in as many coolers as yo ucan wrestle in..this clown had consumed well over his limit before he ever got to the track..wonder how he ever found it???


they definately threw out the wrong guy, he only did what about 20 of us wanted to do...this clown was a friend of the racers sitting in the stands, and was known by the promoter, so he got a ot more chances to ruin our evening as a result.


if it was ,y call him and anyone who he ever turned a wrench for would never be allowed back..but i bet hes there nest week,,the only thing missing will be my 43 dollars and a bet a bunch more from the fans i overheard


i hope allowing him in was worth the lost revenue and this report....maybe each patron should walk a straight line into the gate to see if he or she is fit to be a race fan?

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no beer is sold at 85 speedway, but yo ucan bring as much as yo ulike in as many coolers as yo ucan wrestle in..this clown had consumed well over his limit before he ever got to the track..wonder how he ever found it???


they definately threw out the wrong guy, he only did what about 20 of us wanted to do...this clown was a friend of the racers sitting in the stands, and was known by the promoter, so he got a ot more chances to ruin our evening as a result.


if it was ,y call him and anyone who he ever turned a wrench for would never be allowed back..but i bet hes there nest week,,the only thing missing will be my 43 dollars and a bet a bunch more from the fans i overheard


i hope allowing him in was worth the lost revenue and this report....maybe each patron should walk a straight line into the gate to see if he or she is fit to be a race fan?

You better not go to anymore dirt track races because you will see it again I can assure you!!!!!! ;)

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Thus far this season, I have allowed Dano36 to select our seating in the stands. First, at THR he put me behind a drunk. At one point during the evening I was standing up when the drunk fell off his seat into the foot well in front of me. This pushed me backwards and pinned my lower legs against the edge of the seat board, locking my knees. The drunk couldn't get up, and I couldn't bend down to help him up. So there I was stuck there. Finally Dan and Steve helped him up and off me. Next at TWS, he puts me behind another drunk who blows beets all over the place while I'm trying to eat a sausage wrap. Then last week at THR he puts me about 8 feet in front of the PA loud speaker. After that, I could't hear anything until Tuesday.




Buddy. I was about to resign anyway. Your pay rates are pitiful and you have no respect for the laughs you get from the seats I find. I've since learned to look for better seats since the Kenseth fan broke your knees but never forget if Steve and I were not there that night you could well still be stuck there. See you on the 30th Bud. We should be at our regular place high in the grandstands. Bring binoculars and ear plugs. ;):lol:

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