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The Shrub!


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dawn,nathan,motorhead i have been reading these post and i must say i agree with you all 100% horse all i have to say about your post is every one is entitled to their own opinion and thats just my little ole one and thank you!

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I love underated drivers! good job Kyle! Dale Jr. daddy did it how come somebody else cant?



Dale Sr. raced the way he wanted to be raced. Use the chrome horn, "that's racin'", but beware when the chrome horn comes to get you.


"Shrub" doesn't care about the fans and seems to be bored with it all. (He yawns while signing autographs at TMS.) Nascar seems to be on a marketing scheme this year to make "Shrub" the poster child of Nascar and frankly I'm sick of DW gushing on and on and on!


Bring back Wally!

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I think its bs.........kyle,s icendent wasnt the first, days earlier, steven wallas, 1 month, he tookout skinner in the truck race, he has a seriouse problem thats going to get his a ass fired, he damn good,but you cant wreck every one. as he said on victory lane,........" this could end his career" and I hope so. jimmy spenser said it best. he tore him up.



I doubt KB will lose his job because he turned "The Almighty Dale Earnhardt Jr." around, or anyone else for that matter. Tony Stewart's been able to keep his job for 10 years, so I imagine as long KB doesn't take himself out he doesn't have to worry about his job.


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Here's the big difference as I see it in KB and Big E. Big E earned the respect of the other drivers and that's what matters. If you show a bit of respect then you get respect and it's just racin. KB showed it in the truck race where he spun Johnny Benson then got spun himself. He said it was just racin' when he got spun but then went off about somebody dumpin' him. The boy needs a serious attitude adjustment and needs a good old fashion a$$ whoopin'


These guys need to remember that they are actors. They are there to put on a show for the fans and you don't take out the guy playing the leading role because you want the spot light. In Saturday's deal, I have to agree by looking at it frame by frame for the last couple of days and I believe that it was a racing incident and that KB really didn't try and do it. I think the only thing he forgot to say in all the interviews was that he was sorry it happened.

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