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Another winning lady racer


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While Danica was winning Saturday night in Japan, Late model racer Jenny White of Kansas won the USLMA opener at Altus the same night.

These gals are making their mark these days.

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give em an inch and they want a commitment. lord i apologize. and be with the starving pygmies.

:lol::lol: speak for yourself :lol::lol:

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Great Job Johanna! but Eric is my brother and i do agree with my dad.!! Eric had amazing times on friday.

If his motor had not broke then i do believe he would of won. He had a GREAT car. Just bad luck. =)


but hope to see everyone in May when i come down to race my bandolero.!!=))




Kristen Wallace=)[[K.T]] :D .

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shoulda, coulda, woulda......give the girl a break. Just because he had the fast time doesn't mean he would have won the race. Lets think positive . Suxs his motor broke but everything happens for a reason. Better luck next time.



Johanna.............................YOU GO GIRL! Can I send you a bumber sticker that reads

"you got beat by a girl"?..........no pun intended guys, just girl talk.




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Johanna would got dizy if she would of followed my brother because of how fast he was.!!!



an that is true everythign does happen for a reason.

an i am a girl driver so i know what yall mean!=)



but i agree with you an my dad!






I also want to think all of the Roush Fenway Team for helping Eric on the car to make it a second faster than all of the other cars.!=)


Girl drivers ROCK! Go get em Kristen! :)

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And just to add to that...


AT THR, Carolyn Aramendia won the Grand Stock feature race, the John Wilson Memorial...

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I've always been a big John Force fan.....I met him several years ago at a hospitality tent in Ennis...he's quite a character.


That being said, he's been known for "taking one for the team" in the past. Not saying he DID this for Ashley, but it is very easy to light up the hides and give one away. He can get his 1000th career round win anytime......Ashley won't always make the finals.



AT THR, Carolyn Aramendia won the Grand Stock feature race, the John Wilson Memorial...


I guess Joe will have to make meals, clean house, do laundry in the house this week...... :lol::lol::lol:

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From what I have read on another website, Johanna tried passing Sam Smith several times and he cut her off so coming out of the 4th turn on the last lap coming to the checkered flag she turned him around and won the race.........Sam Smith is the local track star down at OPP. The officials let Johanna keep the win but would only pay her second place money for the win.................I have never heard of anything like this before.

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That can't be right, can it??

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