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Texas Auto Racing Future


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all the asphault tracks are going to have to come to some common rules ..the days of do it alone are over ... dirt tracks have figured that out ..some tracks are trying and getting alot of heat ..cars staying home and such ..purty soon we will have cars staying home from no asphault tracks running ...

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I think it can rebound,if what oldtimer said happens.On it's current course,it doesn't look like that is going to happen.Maybe four classes of cars,running under the same rules,at all of the tracks.What those classes would be is probably the biggest stumbling block.After that is decided you have to all agree on the rules.This all seems like a huge mountain to crest.Good luck to all that are trying to make it happen.

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i think common rules would be great if the tracks were alot closer to each other and ran on seperate nights. that way you can run for multiple track championships and you dont have to worry about conflicting with the other tracks nights. with the cost of fuel now days, it is going to be tough to find drivers who will pull across the state weekly to run. the cost of fuel might effect the traveling series car counts this season as well. jmo

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I've seen many times where tracks in other parts of the country put on show and fill he stands on Tuesday, Weds nights. Where even here not too long ago we were doing good to get a capacity crowd on Saturday.

I guess you can chalk that up to racing not being the #1 sport in these parts, the fan base just isn't there. Even all that time SA had the NASCAR brand tagged to it we only saw huge crowds on ROMCO nights.

I know the old Friday-Austin/Saturday-SA did good and that was good racing but we just never have quite achieved what happens elsewhere, I don't think it's anything we're doing or not doing, it's just not the cup o tea for the majority of sports folks around here.

Which would probably mean that the ASA seeing this long time trend knows that supporting these tracks is good for them but will not be something that is going to bring a huge rush of people over our direction.

Now, if a bigtime driver, celebrity, noteable dignatary started throwing around a place's name, owned a car, sponsored a track; then you may see a swing for the good.

When we all thought about calling the Labonte's to save CC, do you think if they would have, the struggle would be as it is there now? Just on notorioty itself it would be a better situation, not a slam at all to those folks there, just an example.

But when you have a big deal like 4/19 @ THR, there will be many not so frequent people there, question is, how do we get them to come watch us?

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if the tracks were alot closer


you missed the main point aaron. lol. it looks like this season is shaping up to be one of the best racing seasons in a while. ccms, thr, houston, wichita falls are all running. seems there are quite a few dirt tracks running this season. seems to be a lot of racing this year in texas, and that is a good thing. the killer is going to be the dang gas prices. the little guys who fund out of their pocket are not going to be able to race as often. i wonder if racing fuel will go up now as well, and if so how much will it increase.

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My point exactly! Us little guy's are going to get pinch'ed in the wallet when it come's to the long trip's. Funny aint it, have any one of ya'll even heard one of these fine folk's running for president even mention gas. Hell no, and you wont.


And I'm praying for rubbin is racing this year! Body part's are going up to!

Edited by GUNDOG99
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why would any of the want to bes say any thing about the fuel prices thay dont have to drive thay get drove and we pay for there gas plus the oil co. gives them a nice peice of pocket change for shafting us.thay win we hands down :angry:

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Those that have been on here for a while know I have been pleading for common rules since the day I signed on here as a member. Common rules would be in everybody's best interest. They chose to ignore my pleas and look where we are now. Austin and SA now have common rules ........... by default. That was a huge price to pay. Sooner or later SA will again have a track and the new promoters, whoever they may turn out to be would be well advised to keep this in mind.


Of course right now with the instability in oil prices and the economy in general, the common rules argument may well be academic. The situation as it is now has the potential to dramatically change everything about local short track racing. Time will tell.


For now though, I'm looking forward to a great season of racing at THR. I wish all the other tracks, dirt and pavement a good season as well.

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Those that have been on here for a while know I have been pleading for common rules since the day I signed on here as a member. Common rules would be in everybody's best interest. They chose to ignore my pleas and look where we are now. Austin and SA now have common rules ........... by default. That was a huge price to pay. Sooner or later SA will again have a track and the new promoters, whoever they may turn out to be would be well advised to keep this in mind.


Of course right now with the instability in oil prices and the economy in general, the common rules argument may well be academic. The situation as it is now has the potential to dramatically change everything about local short track racing. Time will tell.


For now though, I'm looking forward to a great season of racing at THR. I wish all the other tracks, dirt and pavement a good season as well.

well bud common rules or any rules are kinda out the door .if we cant affford fuel toget there ..the sad part if that be the case .we will not be able to blaime it on mother nature this year ....no rain predicted ..

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its funny you say all cars come on the same hauler, when I lived in the quad cities, when they had a big race there, cars from the chicago area came in on a multi car transport with a tow vehicle caring all the extras, 8 racecars on one hauler and extra truck to bring all the extras, now this was in the 1979ish but hey, great concept,,,,might look at this for todays rates.,

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Gundog, the fine folks running for president don't talk about fuel prices because they know the president has asbolutely no control over how much gasoline or any other fuel costs.

Of course, they don't have any control over anything, really, as all the president can do is veto bills and make speeches, according to the Constitution.

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its funny you say all cars come on the same hauler, when I lived in the quad cities, when they had a big race there, cars from the chicago area came in on a multi car transport with a tow vehicle caring all the extras, 8 racecars on one hauler and extra truck to bring all the extras, now this was in the 1979ish but hey, great concept,,,,might look at this for todays rates.,


I know our Kodiak gets a lot better fuel mileage pulling a two car hauler than our crew cab pulling a regular trailer....

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Gundog, as George Bush the First said, "Veto and exhort, that's all I can do." Teddy Roosevelt called the presidency a "bully pulpit;" that is, a great place to get people to listen to you when you want to make suggestions.

But the president doesn't run the country, the Congress does, despite a statement to the contraty by former long-time Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill. Look at it this way: as long as Congress can keep you focused on the president, you won't hold their feet to the fire, and Congress, not the president, runs the country.

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