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I know you had a few when we were visiting some time back, even a few newspaper clippings in the closet..


Anyway, whenever you have the time..



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Meyer Speedway 1968


I edited this photo from a magazine article and posted here to keep our Meyerland photos from getting lost in all the other threads that have been posted and fell through the cracks..and lost.


Number 24 -George Nash

Number 52 -Lee Cade

Number 15 -Charlie Ritter or Charlie Kittel?



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For my nickel, The #51 Modified is Charlie Ritter. Possibly a '39 Chevy Coupe, Lincoln Motor.

Possibly, Charlie Kittle drove the #15 Modified, and there may have been a connection between the #15 & #51 Modifieds.

In '64, Larry Wilson showed up with a Bronco Stock Car, #60, '56 Chevy. And, apparently he picked the HBRA presiding officer, Norman Cawthorn as his driver. At the time, Norman had a nice little '55 Studebaker Bronco Stock Car, orange, #35. When he accepted the ride, he offered the #35 Car for sale. He had a discussion with Tracy Trotter, and Tracy came up with $75 cash on the spot, and took possession. Possibly the next week, Tracy had a 4th place Feature finish and a heat race victory that night or the following week. The next feature race, Tracy looked at the line-up, and expressed his belief that if he could pass the #95 Car, Robert Elmore, on the start, he had a shot at winning. Well, he passed the #95 Car entering turn 1, but turned sideways and that Studebaker took a bite and flipped, landing hard on the left side roof and LF fender. Although raced again, the Studebaker never seemed to perform as well as before the crash. In any event, I would have used that car for decoration before selling it for $75, even in '64.

I last saw L J Honeycutt in about '97/'98 at Autorama.


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This magazine article was previously posted by Jim.


I edited this also and added to this thread for Meyer fans.




The photos were taken in '67 or '68 and published in a magazine.




Does anyone remember the driver of the radically modified Green 13 car below?


I just suffered a senior moment it appears..




Also look at the center photo and you will see the front shot of the same car..


Directly behind the Green 13 is a '37 Ford Modified coupe that was painted Orange and Black with the number 21.


Wasn't that Gordon Wooley's Car?


We always referred to it as the Monster car or Halloween car due to the color pattern..

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Meyer Speedway






I moved the photo to this thread so we could discuss and hopefully shed more light on the modifieds in the photo..

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Red Garner Modified - 1965




Boys and Girls..


I will be cleaning up and updating some of the history on Meyer Speedway by moving some of the photos on "Dead Threads" to the more popular viewed threads.


Reasons is capture all the info into a local popular thread.


There are many photos that have fallen in the cracks due to lack of maintenance on hundreds of threads, So, hopefully we can narrow down our search for Meyer Speedway info.


The older threads will remain but have certainly fizzed out..


Thanks to everyone for their support and input!



Moderator ;)

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Randy & Associates,

The pictured #5 Car, and the pictured #55 Car, may very well be the same body/chassis. Now, I could be wrong, or maybe even mistaken, and I see a Modified that has been re-constructed much like the MJ Burton #5 Car from '62/'63, but I'll be surprised to learn that the Burton Team constructed car is the same as the Ballard #5, or the #55. I know one thing, the few times they let MJ Burton drive a big motor Modified, the paint wouldn't stay on that car. :huh:

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How right you are..


I used to ask MJ just how much lead he had in that built up shoe of his cause, everyone knew there had to be somethin in there!

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In reference to Red's Modifieds..Yes, very nice cars!


It's ashame some of these old coupes aren't still around..


A work of art that has slipped away..

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Hi ya'll

Man this is gettin interesting. In 1965 Charles Ritter was driving the long red # 51 with

a 430 Lincoln engine and from what there was of the grill I would also say it's a 39 Chevy.

I am sure this car became the white #15 still with Lincoln power but with what looks to be

a 49-51 Ford body cut down to fit. In 65 there was a #15 that was driven by Charlie Kittel, the

car was first painted a deep red lower portion and off white upper area. At some time

during the latter part of the season it was painted solid red and lettered for AC Auto Salvage

the same as Ritter's car. Earlier in the year there was a #52 AC Auto Salvage team car

that was driven by Al Prible(sp) and Lee Cade, I don't remember it making very many

shows. The cab on the #15 was longer than any of the other cars, someone posted a color

picture on here somewhere of it running into the back of another car. This eventually became

one of Roy Tuley's #88's, I don't remember it after that. The green 13 is difinitely John

McLaren, note the two hood scoops for the cross ram 426 Dodge engine. The Halloween

car was driven by Bill Mullins.


thanks Byron

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You're a savior for some of us tired brains..


Thanks for the info, I stand corrected so It's Charlie Kittel in the 15 modified. I could have sworn it was Charlie Ritter..and you, Tommy and Larry have the same answer.


Guess I have slept some since then..just a wee bit that is..


Bill Mullins, now that really slipped by me.


I better sit on the side lines awhile..

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He showed up at Meyer one night with a Modified...I believe it had an older body, maybe even a deuce coupe body on it, so it wouldn't be legal to race there with their '37

or newer body rules. Well, the car passed inspection and they let him do a few hot laps around the track before the evening's racing started. He was coming out of the 2nd turn on

the 2nd or 3rd lap when the body suddenly lifted off the chasis. I believe he managed to get the car under control without incident, but it showed that he forgot to mention that

the body wasn't welded or bolted down, and the safety inspection failed to discover that. I don't remember if it was sometime in'64 or '65...it was pretty exciting, and I don't remember

seeing him back there again. He probably came back after I joined the Navy...

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I missed out on that one!




Another episode of memories captured right here on the Meyer Spreedway thread.

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More Modifieds from Red Garner



#14 Modified - 1964-65


#54 Modified - 1967


The famous Falcon Fendered Modified 1968-69

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OK Randy, here's you perfect NiftyFifty's evening.


You already have several hundred cars present, when you look up and a 60-something pickup (probably Chevy) pulls up with a trailer behind it. The trailer has a home-made tire-rack at the front, and behind that is a completely restored 60's era Meyer Speedway Modified, one of the classic '37-38 Chevy coupes - Fred Furlows's Bill Blumrick-driven black and white #7 with the Frizell whale on the trunk, the (much recently discussed) big beautiful red #5 owned and driven by M.J. Burton, one of Billy Perran's beauties, or even one of Red Garner's beautiful modifieds - let me give you my cell-phone number so you can call me - I'll be there in record time. And any of those

combinations would be right at home with the other classics...We can all dream, can't we??

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If something like that showed up at Niftee 50ees it would steal the entire show!!


We did have a 57 Sprint car show up one night and also an old jalopy stocker but a modified from Meyer Speedway would top it all off. We would lay down the Red Carpet!


Speaking of that, we need photographers at our event especially videos. Interested??


Call me and let's talk. It's not Meyer Speedway but it is all classics!


We do have a few gear heads from Meyerland that attend our events and that's a start!


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