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I copied this off another sight,thought it was interesting after what happened at the Snowball!!! Kahne under investigation after incident with security guard UPDATE 2 GEM Statement: #9-Nextel Cup driver Kasey Kahne is under investigation by the Homestead Police Department for pushing a track security guard to the ground Friday before the Craftsman Truck Series race at Homestead-Miami Speedway. A conflict ensued between Kahne and the security guard after Kahne could not provide the proper credential for his brother, Kale Kahne, in order to enter the drivers' motorhome lot inside the speedway, according to Police Capt. Tom Foglia. After the incident, Foglia said, the security guard complained his blood pressure had escalated. An emergency vehicle was called and the security guard was taken to the infield care center. Foglia did not have the name of the security guard or his condition as of early Saturday afternoon. "We are looking into the matter; the detective is handling it," Foglia added. After Cup practice on Saturday, Kahne said, "It was all a misunderstanding." NASCAR officials are aware of the incident and said the sanctioning body will not take action until the local police conclude their investigation. "We can't comment on that right now," NASCAR spokesman Kerry Tharp said.(NASCAR.com)(11-17-2007)

UPDATE: A Miami law firm announced its plans Monday to file a lawsuit against a NASCAR driver accused of assaulting a 62-year-old security guard at the Homestead-Miami Speedway last month. Russell Dohan, an attorney with Goldberg & Dohan, said the lawsuit against NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne would be filed Monday in Miami. Kahne, 27, is charged with one count of battery against Archibald Hutchison, who was working as a security guard at the speedway for a race Nov. 16 when the incident allegedly occurred. According to a Homestead police report, Kahne was attempting to access a restricted recreational vehicle parking lot on a golf cart after he finished driving his racecar when Hutchison stopped him and asked him for credentials. Kahne stated that he was a driver and didn't need any, then got out of the golf cart and tried to walk through the gate, the report stated. When Hutchison blocked the entrance and asked Kahne for credentials again, Kahne pushed Hutchison to the ground, according to the report. The report said Kahne was stopped and detained by law enforcement officers who witnessed the incident. He was arrested later that day and released on the signed condition that he appears in court. Hutchison, who was advised not to let any unauthorized people through gate 208 without exception, was treated at the speedway's medical facility for minor bruises and abrasions, according to the report. Dohan said Hutchison hasn't been able to return to work because of his injuries. Dohan said his client has suffered emotionally from the incident and is "getting killed" by NASCAR fans on Web site blogs. He also said he planned to have his client speak with the media about the lawsuit at a news conference planned for Tuesday.(local10.com)(12-17-2007)

UPDATE 2: Responding to the lawsuit filed today against Gillett Evernham Motorsports’ driver Kasey Kahne for an incident that occurred at Homestead-Miami Speedway on Friday, Nov. 16, 2007, Rick Russell, president of Gillett Evernham Motorsports, issued the following statement: “Gillett Evernham Motorsports is a close family and Kasey Kahne is an integral part of our organization. The alleged action in this case is not consistent with the Kasey Kahne we know. It is unfortunate the issue has progressed to this point. We support our driver, Kasey Kahne, and have complete confidence in the legal process.”(Clear!Blue/GEM PR)(12-19-2007)

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he is kasey kahne......why would you be worried about protecting him from anyone he wants to bring in? even his brother.

do they have a set # of guest rule to motor home law?

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when this happened kasey was in his drivers suite and his brother was with him with credentials. his brother said that the guard put his hands on kasey and then thats when kasey pushed his hands away and the man fell. the guard is like 6' 1" and 250 lbs and kasey is what 5' 5" and 125 lbs. this guy is just looking to make a buck. he sayes that he hasn't been able to return to work do to minor bruises. plus all this is stupid because if you are working at a nascar track and don't know who kasey is then you don't need to be working there. it is all stupid

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Those were conflicting reports, at best. Left unsaid was whether or not drivers need credentials to go through that gate, other than the statement that the security guard was "advised not to let any unauthorized people through the gate." Advised by whom, and did whomever advised him assume the guard would know the drivers were allowed through, if that was the question?

Or maybe Kasey is just trying to boost his "Budweiser representative" profile...

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another way to look at it,what if 2 guys(any guys) drove up on a golf cart to the gate and one had on a driving suit and said he was a driver and the other guy was his brother,cousin,crewman,or whatever, and the guard let them in without proper cred's.Once they got in the lot,some real drivers got ripped off of some valuables or stuff, and they then walked right out the gate they came in.The shoe would be on the other foot then,Nascar and some drivers would be suing the security company.

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Seems to me like the old guy (he's younger than me!!) was just doing his job. Suppose he had let someone unauthorized get through his post. His ass would have been grass and NA$CAR would have been the lawnmower.


If I'm a guard and someone attempts to walk through my post after I had verbally ordered him to stop, I would be required to use some means to prevent that person from going through my post. If, as the reports seem to indicate, that the guard put his hand on that person, that's just doing what he is being paid to do. Pushing the guard to the ground, on the other hand, is a horse of a different color.


Apparently there were other law enforcement personnel who witnessed this incident, so the truth will come out if this goes to trial. In the meantime, blaming the guard for doing his job seems a bit like blaming the cop when you get stopped for speeding.


Whether a civil suit should have been filed in this case is a matter of opinion. But I will say that it does seem to be a bit more justifiable than OT suing Dell over a broken fingernail.



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I think the security gaurd should have used some common sense. It all could have been avoided by following him to the Motorcoach to get his id. Part of the problem was some previous incidents in the motorcoach lots and hauler lots at Phoenix. A group of high standing citizens snuck into the lots at Phoenix and stole wallets of drivers and crew members. They were even caught in the living quarters of the one rig just sitting around drinking the drinks and eating their food. I still think a little common sense should be used by all parties involved, but either way some fine lawyer stands to make some money off of someone else's misfortune. And yes I mean the lawyers on both sides.

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agreed, Kasey had a driver suit with his name on it and his brother had his full credentials. kasey left his in the motor home and was on his way to get it.

Edited by Nathan
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The guard should be fired and put on the “do not re-hire list”. He was assaulted by Kasey Kahne. LMFAO…I sure would not admit to that, I would hang my head in shame. What kind of guards do the tracks hire? Sound like he wasn’t doing his job letting Kasey in, as stated he weighs 125lbs. Now if Jimmy Spencer was involved he would be getting sued for punching him in the nose. He looked like Kurt Busch, officer.


I hope the Kahne camp turns around and sues the crap out of this pansy and his lawyers for wasting their time, I’m no KK fan, but the law suit is ridiculous.

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I do not think what Kasey Kahne did was right, obviously something happened because the police came to the scene.


However, If Kasey was that upset and smart he would have just called the track security.

At TMS we've known security personnel to get fired on the spot and escorted out for not letting drivers in to areas credentials or not. Kasey probably knew he could that's why he said he was a driver.


But he was decided to take matter into is own hands and push them around and deal with the legal problems it caused.

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Well reading the report I have a couple of questions. Having some background in the security industry and working with them at several Nascar venues the security guards are not law enforcement. At every gate, as it said in this article, there was a law enforcement officer there that witnessed the incident. The guard should have recognized that Kasey was in his drivers uniform, cut him a bit of slack and if there was a question he should have contacted the law enforcement officer present and let the higher authority make the determination as to if entry would be granted or not. These "security guards" who really are just gate watchers, most of them have no formal training at security and are not licensed get power hungry and want to puff their chests.


Was I guess where this whole law suit will end up is that the Guard put his hands on Kasey first which is battery in itself. Kasey was defending himself from what it sounds like someone much bigger than he. I think You'll see that Kasey get off and the guard get's nailed for battery....just my opinion I could be wrong.

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i think everyone (kahne and the guard) overreacted ,how many times have any of us got into a situation that went from bad to real bad in a heartbeat ,no matter what is said it just keep getting worse ,i think both people involved are wrong ,but it all started when khane tried to get in without the proper pass ,if the guard had let them in and a supervisor had seen it happen he may have been reprimanded or fired on the spot ,kahne should be spanked for putting the guard in a bad spot like he did someone should ask khane if he knew he needed a pass to get in yes or no ,if he says yes ask him why he put this guy in that spot? as far as using common sense the guy is paid to keep an eye out on their stuff not decide who is who ,just my humble opinion, have a merry christmas!!! B)

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TMS, PIR, Fontana and others we have had HOT passes. We will usually go through the same gate, on numerous occasions when going through the gate I would have a jacket on and was about to pull out my cred's. The gatekeeper would wave me through without me even showing them. I think this is being blown way out of hand.

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Some of you keep bringing up Kasey and his credentials. The way I read the story above it is Kasey's brother that was not being let in because he did not have the right credentials. I read somewhere else that Kasey was mad because they were in a hurry to get somewhere and his brother was trying to get to Kasey's motorhome to change.

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