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NBC Dateline racist sting at TMS


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Going to TMS? It's been uncovered that NBC Dateline hired Arabic-looking Muslims to attend Martinsville last week in hopes of capturing a racist response from the fans. It didn't happen. Now they're headed to Texas this week with the same "sting." They plan to follow their Arabic-looking Muslims with cameras ready in an attempt to paint NASCAR fans as ignorant bigots. Ramsey Poston, managing director of corporate communications at NASCAR stated yesterday; "This is outrageous for a news organization with the reputation of NBC to stoop to the level of attempting to create news instead of reporting it. Any legitimate journalist should be ashamed."

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nevermind.......i may want to run for political office one day. i'll keep my mouth shut.

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Is it just coincidence that NBC got the boot for NASCAR coverage and now they want to do this story? Inquiring minds want to know.

Maybe I'll wrap my head in a towel and wear my Dale Jew-ner jacket an go to the race as an arab bubba!

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Teddy Roosevelt in 1919


"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

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that right there sums it all up mr riley..............that is the way it should be.........if we moved to a foreign country, we would have to adapt to their way of life, they wouldnt change for us so why do we constantly change the way we do things to please people from other countries..........if you are an american, you are an american...........not african american, not mexican american, not german american, just american period...........if you want to claim the other part then go there and claim it..........just like them taking god and prayer out of our public schools, and then complaining that the kids now days are punks.........well maybe it has something to do with no morals anymore, no respect for anything anymore.........you cant go a block in san antonio without seeing graffiti on everything..........it is disgusting, nobody has respect for other peoples property anymore and it is only going to get worse with every bleeding heart do-gooder liberal we appoint to office.............jmo GOD BLESS AMERICA.............

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Have to agree. That grafitti crap is just so unnecessary. I know I've had to remove some of it from my own property. That is the same mentality, same level of sophistication as dogs pissing on a fire hydrant. You would think human civilization had advanced a little beyond that level, but I guess not.


Another problem it has created is sheer numbers of people. According to census figures, my home town of Austin grew by more than 40% in the 90's decade, more than any other city in the Country. The population went from Austin being the 25th largest US city to the 16th. Where do you think all those folks are coming from? Twenty-five years ago,

we had an immigration problem. Hell, it's way beyond that now. We have an invasion problem.


I'm a life-long resident of Austin. But, not much longer. I'm currently building way, way outside the city, completely in another county. Over-population is a major factor in the decision to do this. You can't leave your house anymore, and go ANYWHERE or do anything, that it isn't a major headache. I'll get off my soap box now ............. Regards.

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I'm currently building way, way outside the city, completely in another county.

Austin's grown so much that if you build outside of Austin... you pretty much are building in another county :D


I'm only 29. The first 15 years of my life probably don't count, but I have seen a ton of changes even in the last 14 years that I've taken notice.

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When I bought my property in Manchaca (couple of doors from crazyhorse) back in 91... I was in the country...now I'm in deep south Austin. Like Budman I have been in Austin all my life but am thinking of moving a little further away.

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Here's a picture of my neighbor's place out there. I'm going to learn to love all birds and hug all trees! :lol: My place is right dead center of the refuge. In land area, it is almost the same size as Austin..... the Refuge, not my place.


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its funny, when a foreign country is being invaded we always send money and aid to help them out........america is slowly being invaded and taken over but nobody gives it a second thought........with the lax security at our southern border, it makes a perfect location for terrorists to enter the country..........and this crap of coming across pregnant and giving birth here and automatically being an american is the reason we are having this explosion of growth........jmo

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Rather than calling for the censorship of this thread, why not use it to enlighten your fellow TXSZ members with your wisdom on these matters. Perhaps you can show us the error of our thinking on this subject. You have an opportunity here to change peoples' minds. I say go for it!


Please refrain from name calling, however. That is unnecessary, always counter productive, and most distasteful.


I yield to you. The floor is yours, kind sir.

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