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NBC Dateline racist sting at TMS


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Ok here goes:


My dad is Scotch, Welsh, Irish and English. My Great, Great Grandfather came to the US through New York and settled there.


My mom is Spanish and Mexican. My Grandfather on her side came to the US through South Texas and settled in San Marcos.


Now both sides immigrated and did all the paper work to become US citizens...


Whats my point, if you want to come to the US and become a citizen do what it takes and WELCOME!


(on edit): If you don't like the smell coming out of the kitchen, then find some place else to eat... :D

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Guest bigfat

U.S. Constitution - Amendment 1

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Some of the first colonists of the nation for which the Constitution was written had been seeking to escape religious persecution. The constitutions of several of the states prohibited public support of religion. And above all, the many varying sects of Christianity in America required that to be fair to all, there could be preference to none. It would have been disgraceful for anyone to wish to leave the United States because of religious persecution. So they decided it best to keep the government out of religion. Now, this is not to say that the United States was not or is not a religious one. Religion plays a big role in the everyday life of Americans, then and now. But what they were striving for is tolerance... something I fear contemporary Americans are lacking.


As for the press, I think they regarded a free press as almost a fourth branch of government, constantly keeping tabs on the government's activities and actions. I'm not sure what they would think of today's tabloid papers and television; but this kind or trash is a small price to pay to ensure that any news organization can rest assured that it can report freely on the activities of the government. Many other organizations in other nations have to worry about toeing the state's line or be arrested. How objective do you think a reporter can be when his life could be ended because of a critical story?

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I have relatives on both sides that emigrated from Germany and Switzerland respectively during the 1800s. My father's babtismal certificate is written in German.. I'm also part Scottish, part French and 100% american.. As an american I apreciate what freedoms and what responsibilities, being an american brings. Through my work, I have spent a lot of time in other countries, primarily in europe and asia. My wife is a teacher and has spent some of her teaching career teaching ESL (english as a second language) students. The Texas perspective is limited to what we are exposed to, my wife has taught in a school where the primary "other language" was Cambodian and in a school where the majority was both Mexican and impoverished (80% of the school population qualified for the Federal free or reduced lunch program).


From this perspective, a college educated background, this Texas native believes that amnesty, earned through time and test (as in citizenship), is key to any type of imigration reform. Imigrant labor does what Amercan labor is unwilling to do giving the current welfare rules of the state and nation. If guest worker status is easily obtained, the workforce will be flooded with asian labor within two years, we don't need to worry about Mexican imigrants, they will be forced out of the job market by Asians. Amnesty should be offered, but it should not be automatic. As Roosevelt said, we are all American. there is no room for anything else.. You either adopt the country of your home as the only country you support or you go home. That is what generations of Americans have done.


As for Muslims, Mohammed taught peace. Just as David Koresh inspired Christians to violence, so false teachings will lead Muslims to extremism (suicide bombings, etc.). They are not wrong for being Muslim, they are wrong if they follow the false teachings that lead to extremism.

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What I never heard is why the NBC show did this ... were they starting a topic or were they following up on claims of racism in NASCAR? If the former is true shame on them . But it is a free press they can "report" on anything they want. If the latter is true why has that been left out of the discusion... i wonder?

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My post was wholly inappropriate; I was in trial all day, thus in a high strung mood. I apologize to this forum for the personal nature of my attack.


I've got to get started again at 10:00, so no time to share my views; but I just had to jump on here to check out how bad I got pummeled overnight!


However, I'm proud that there have been some insightful posts on the subject. Everyone has the right to their opinion. At least it appears that most of the opinions are based after careful consideration, as opposed to knee jerk prejudices.


Long live TSZ.

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i think NBC is trying to paint nascar fans as ignorant red neck racist bubbas...........im sure there are still a bunch out there, but they are probably mad they lost the tv rights and are going to try to bash nascar and its fans to make themselves feel better.


i totally agree with the fact that if they come over here legally (ex. work visa, or however it works), and they apply for citizenship and become true american citizens, then they have every right to be here as anyone else already here. the problem i have is the ones who come across thru coyotes, get a job as a day laborer, and then get pregnant here and automatically the kid and family is considered a citizen and are entitled to everything welfare has to offer. if you come across illegally, than you are trespassing on american soil and should be considered a felon, deported back to where you came from and hopefully if you choose to return you do it legally. and the government needs to start cracking down on this waste of money called welfare. i believe there is a place for welfare and it is with the physically/mentally challanged and the elderly.....it should be only there for the folks who truely need it, not every lazy bum who would rather get everything given to them rather than work for it. i wonder how long it will be before new orleans is back to the slums like it once was. i get a kick out of the folks who are built a nice brand new habitat for humanity home (with a brand new car and boat in the driveway), but they get a brand new home, and then you visit that home 5 years from the time it was built and walk thru it and it is just totally torn up.....and then they cry about the conditions they are forced to live in because they are poor......well these buildings and homes werent built all trashed out like they are, they got that way somehow or another.....i guess it all come back to lack of respect (man there is that word again), 9 out of 10 of these folks have no respect for themselves or anybody else, and as long as that continues it will only get worse........jmo

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We dont need immigrant labor if we shut down the welfare state.People will gladly do any of the jobs if it means the difference of eating or not.With OSHA,no job can be dangerious.What happens when all these immigrants become citizens and they go on welfare?I see this everyday.Did we learn nothing from New Orleans?I live in the biggest welfare state part of the country and I am amazed how everything,every service,every goods are subsidezed.Where I am struggleing to pay for comunity college for my 2 kids,others here get enough extra money they can buy a car and operate it with the overage of financial aid.Welfare here does not have a time limit,hence it goes on for generations.And the last clothing plant down the road from my business closed because they could not get enough workers to operate it.The big industry boom here is medical because the Federal government pays for all illegal and "poor"peoples medical needs.The average "poor" family here gets about 35,000$ in welfare products overall annually.Forever.And everyone drives a new car or truck.And the population is 95% Mexican.Being the 5% white,I see the reverse discrimanation everywhere and what my kids have to endure with racial slurs and violence constantly.And I am second generation national born citizen,my grandparents were smuggled out of Finland when the Communists took over. Good thing NBC doesnt come to my for racial simpathys,I would tell them in America you work for things you need or want and everybody else can KMA!!!!!!!

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